"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: iaxng

chiaxng | to sing | 唱; 宣佈
chiaxngchiaxng'kurn | turn white hot; boiling; ebullition; boil noisily (water); be in a hullabaloo; be in tumult (as a crowd in a market) | 熱滾滾; 喧騰; 沸騰; 翻騰
chiaxngchiaxngkurn | boil noisily (water), be in a hullabaloo, be in tumult (as a crowd in a market) | 沸騰, 嘈雜
chiaxngkhakef | hop | 獨腳跳; 跳房子(兒童遊戲)
chiaxngtiøh phoarpve | hindered by sickness | 湊巧生病
chiaxngtwchiang | by chance; by coincidence | 䢢拄䢢; 湊巧
ciaxng | a general; accounts | 將; 賬
giarnggiaxng | uneven; irregular; prominent; give prominence to | 齴齴; 參差突出的樣子; 參差無齊
giaxng | protrude, stick out (teeth, etc.) | 齴; 稀疏; 參差無齊; 突出; 翹翹
gvexpiarngpiaxng | hard and firm; rigid and inflexible; stiff | 硬幫幫
gvi-piarngpiaxng | stark | 硬爆爆
hiaxng | turn; to face; direction; trend; until now | 向
iaxngkwn | baby sling | 偝巾
iaxngkyn | cloth for carrying child | 偝巾
joaqpiarngpiaxng | very hot (weather) | 熱烘烘; 熱極了
khiaxng | staving; be good (clever) at | 棒; 勥; 強; 能幹; 能力強; 精明; 善於
khiaxngg | turn yellow, wither (plants) | 徛黃
khørciaxng | offer sacrifice to ghost (spirit) | 犒將; 拜鬼
ko'khut-siaxng | unneighborly, unsociable | 孤僻樣
kwnchiaxngchiang | boiling violently | 沸騰騰
liaxngkngf | light, enlightenment | 亮光; 啟示
liaxngterng | enlightenment level | 亮頂
peqlaixciaxng | eye cataract | 白內障
piaxng | collapse; fall into ruins; burst (e.g.; a tire); explode | 繃; 崩; 破裂
piaxng`løqlaai | explosion | 爆落來
piaxng`phoax | explore and break through | 爆破
pirnpiaxng | burst | 砰裂
siaxng | throw down sith force, fall suddenly to the ground | 扔; 摔; 摔下
siaxng'uun | same generation | 𫝛勻
siaxng'viu | same style; similar; identically; sameness | 同樣
siaxngboea | the last one | 上尾
siaxngbuo | same mother | 同母
siaxngbøo | at least | 上無
siaxngchiuo | same hand | 同手
siaxnghør | samesame | 同好
siaxngjit | the same day | 同日; 𫝛日
siaxngkaix | most; the best | 上蓋; 最
siaxngkef | at most | 上加
siaxngkex | same price | 同價
siaxngkhafng | same hole | 同孔
siaxngkhoarn | same; same style; of the same sort or kind | 同款; 𫝛款; 同樣; 相款; 相同
siaxngkongzhef | work ruler | 上工尺
siaxngkuo | the longest time | 上久
siaxnglaang | same person | 同人
siaxnglui | men or things of the same sort | 同類
siaxngløqboea | the last | 上落尾
siaxngnii | same year | 𫝛年
siaxngpafn | same class | 同班
siaxngpe | same father | 同父
siaxngpoex | same generation | 同輩
siaxngsii | same time | 同時
siaxngsvix | same last name | 同姓
siaxngsym | with one heart | 同心
siaxngthauar | in the beginning | 上頭仔
siaxngtin | same | 同陣
siaxngtoo | same | 同圖
siaxngtorng | belonging to the same party | 同黨
siaxngzerng | samerace | 同種
siaxngzerngthaau | same symptom | 相症頭; 同症頭
siaxngzhekofng | work ruler | 上尺工
siaxngzngf | same village | 同庄
siaxngzok | same race | 同族
tuiesiaxng | opposite | 對相
twchiaxngtwchiang | coincidence | 拄䢢拄䢢
urnciaxng | chauffeur; driver | 運將; 司機; 源自日語うんちゃん(unchan); 日語漢字為「運ちゃん」
zawchiaxng | walking sing | 走唱
zhvepiarngpiaxng | greenish | 青迸迸

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