"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Taibunhe | Taiwanese literary dept. | 台文系
Taibunkaix | Taiwanese literary circles | 台文界
Taibuun | Taiwanese | 台文
bagciw buibuy | eyes half-opened (closed) | 目睭微微; 眼睛半開
baibut jinzaai | bury one's talent; don't use a subordinate's ability to good advantage | 埋沒人才
baibut | bury; unrecognized (talent); conceal from recognition; bury one's talents | 埋沒
buibuy | a little bit | 微微; 眼睛半開
buiie'buibuy | half-closed and not possible to be woken | 微微微
bukibut | inorganic matter | 無機物
gibun taixbengsuu | interrogative pronouns | 疑問代名詞
gibun | a question; a matter in doubt; There is no room for doubt about it. | 疑問
gibun-hø | question mark | 疑問號
gibuun | liturgy, formal congratulatory message | 疑問; 儀文
gibuxnhø | question mark | 疑問號
gibuxnsuu | interrogatives | 疑問詞
hibuu | hope; wish; expectations; to hope; to desire; look forward to | 虛無
hibuun | false news, false report | 虛文; 虛聞
huibuo | wield; brandish; wave | 揮舞
ibu | medical affair, medical service | 醫務
ibu-seg | infirmary | 醫務室
ibu-sor | infirmary | 醫務所
ibu-zwjim | medical director | 醫務主任
ibudlun | materialism | 唯物論
ibudluxnciar | materialist | 唯物論者
ibudphaix | materialists | 唯物派
ibudzwgi | materialism | 唯物主義
ibuo | (maternal) aunt | 姨母
ibut | clothing | 唯物; 衣物
ibut-lun | materialism | 唯物論; 唯物論,唯物主義
ibut-piexnzernghoad | dialectic materialism | 唯物辯證法
ibut-swkoafn | materialistic conception of history | 唯物史觀
ibut-zwgi | materialism | 唯物主義
ibut-zwgixciar | materialist | 唯物主義者
ibuxseg | infirmary; clinic; dispensary; medical room | 醫務室
iwkibut | organic substance; organic matter; organism | 有機物
khaibuun-kiernsafn | talk or write right to the point | 開門見山
khibuo | to insult; to oppress; to bully | 欺侮
kibuun | to hear unique news; to learn strange news | 奇聞
kuibuun | women's apartment; women's court; inner-house | 閨門; 閨中
losibuo | nut | 螺絲母
nibuo | wet nurse | 奶母; 奶媽
paibun | to kill time | 排悶
pibuun | inscription on a stone tablet; the inscription on a monument; epitaph; inscriptional writing | 碑文
saibuo | lioness | 獅母; 母獅
sibu | timely affair, timely topics | 時務
svibuo | one's own real mother | 生母
taibunlo | Taiwanese literary career | 台文路
taibunsor | Taiwanese literary | 台文所
tham'aix zaibut | covet and love wealth | 貪愛財物
thoat'ibuo | strip tease (dance) | 脫衣舞
thoatnibuo | strip dance | 脫奶舞
tibuo | sow | 母豬; 豬母
tvibutbud | very sweet | 甜極了
uibudlun | materialism | 唯物論
uibuo | majestic, brave-looking | 威武
uibut | things left behind by a dead person; personal belongings of a dead person; effects | 遺物
uibut-lun | materialism | 唯物論
uibuun | wrote the article | 為文
zaibu | financial affair | 財務
zaibut | belongings; money; property; personal belongings | 財物
zhaibuun | wooden door | 柴門
zhaochvibuo | Taiwan stink snake; Stinking Goddess; Stinking Green Snake; keeled Snake | 臭腥母
zuycvibut'ar | crystal | 水晶魩仔

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