"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bichiaux | give a smile; give a wee smile | 微笑
bichiøx | give a wee smile | 微笑
bongthvichirnchixn | not to know any obstacles, not to be intimidated | 不知天高地厚
chichiaux | to scoff at; to laugh at; a sneer; silly smile | 痴笑
chichii | moist; damp | 溡溡; 濕濕
chichiøx | grin or make a silly smile | 癡笑
chiuxcichiafm | shredded tapioca | 樹薯籤
chvichiuo | an inexperienced hand | 生手
chvichixn | chilling, creepy | 青凊; 生凊
chvichiøq | fresh | 新鮮
cichii bextiaau | unable to keep up the effort; unable to hold down; not able to support or manage | 支持無住
cichii | support; assist; sponsor; support; sustain; support; backing | 支持
cichii-ciar | a supporter; an adherent, an upholder | 支持者
cvichie | type of rat which lives on vegetation | 鼴鼠
hancichiafm | grated sweet potato | 甘薯簽
hichi | fish market | 魚市
hichiaux | mischievous smile | 嬉笑
hichix | shark's fins (food); shark fin prepared to eat | 背鰭; 魚刺; 魚骨; 魚翅
hichixtviuu | fish market | 魚市場
hoaichiu | a pagoda tree | 槐樹
huichiaf | roller coaster | 飛車
huichiuo | to wave the hand | 揮手
ichihuix | maintenance charges; maintenance cost | 維持費
ichii hiexnzong | maintain the status quo | 維持現狀
ichii kateeng | support a family | 維持家庭
ichii seakaix høpeeng | maintain or preserve world peace | 維持世界和平
ichii tiedsu | maintain order; keep order | 維持秩序
ichii | to maintain; maintain; to keep; to guard and support; sustain; preserve | 維持
it'iap-tichiw | any sign foretelling things to come; harbinger of the future (Lit. A single falling leaf tells of the oncoming autumn.) | 一葉知秋
iwlioong-uichiofng | lead innocent girls into prostitution | 誘良為娼
iøcvichiu | money tree; anyone one depends on as a steady dollar-earner; Pagoda-tree--a prostitute | 搖錢樹
khalaichiwlaai | a clumsy person often has accidents because they do not behave in a careful, controlled way. | 跤來手來
khichiaa | to slant to one side | 傾斜; 欹斜
khuichi | to start trading; to open the market; start trading; open the market | 開市
khuichiaf | drive; drive a car; drive a car; start a vehicle | 開車
khuichiuo | open hands | 開手
kichiaf | motorcycle; locomotive; motorcycle | 機車
kichiaux | to laugh at; to make fun of; to deride; to ridicule | 譏笑
kichiuo | standard-bearer | 旗手
kichix | to taunt | 譏刺; 譏諷
kimsichiog | canary bird | 金絲雀
kuichiuo | take care of entire job | 整手; 一手包辦
limsichiaf | extra bus or train | 臨時車; 加班車
liuhichiw | catfish whiskers | 鰇魚鬚
michi | night market | 暝市; 夜市
michiaf | night car | 暝車
naixcichiuxkhaf | lychee tree bottom | 荔枝樹跤
naixcichiuxterng | lychee tree top | 荔枝樹頂
nichiw | the loach | 泥鰍
paichiaang | cut quite a figure | 表裝; 排場; 出風頭
peklioong uichiofng | force good women to be a prostitute | 逼良為娼
pichiuu | melancholy; sad; grievous; pensive | 悲愁
pokuichiu | palmetto tree | 蒲葵樹
pvichiuo | tie | 平手
sngsuichiu | mulberry tree | 桑垂樹
soahichix | shark's fins | 鯊魚刺
suichiuo khøfteg | easy to get; be within easy reach | 垂手可得
suichiuo kvoaimngg | Close the door with the same hand (Lit. Close the door behind you.) | 隨手關門
suichiuo | Pmod: as you go; as you do (sthg else); [[suxnchiuo]]; as you wish; as you pass by; easily (obtain); as one pass by; at once; without hesitation; freely | 隨手
svakichiuo | 3 hands | 三肢手
sviusichiu | acacia tree | 相思樹
taichiaf | stretcher cart | 台車; 檯車; 擔架
thichiøx busioong | hysteria | 啼笑無常
thichiøx kaihuy | between tears and laughter; unable to cry or laugh | 啼笑皆非
thuichiuo | to push the hand | 推手
tuichiog | chase | 追捉
tvikhaf-tvichiuo | be a hindrance; encumbrance or impediment; (a family) holds one back from work | 纏手纏腳; 礙手礙腳
tvikhatvichiuo | got in a way | 纏跤纏手
uichii | support; resist; maintain; maintenance | 維持
vichiøq | compasses | 圓尺; 圓規
zaichiu | plant trees | 植樹
zhaichiøq | tailor's measure | 裁尺
zhuichiaau | adjust a difference in money matters; discuss a bargain till the price is fixed; change something into | 調整; 改換
zhuichiog | hasten; press; urge; press; expedite; to urge; to push; demand for payment | 催促
zuypuichiaf | sewerage removal tank truck | 水肥車

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