"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: iekhix

bøciekhix | lacking self-respect, spiritless | 沒志氣
bøo ciekhix | lacking self-respect, spiritless | 無志氣
ciekhix | determination; intention; purpose; ambition will; will; determination and courage to get ahead | 志氣
huiekhix | troublesome; troublesome; difficult to do or solve | 費氣; 費事; 麻煩
huiekhix-huietag | troublesome | 費氣費觸
hvielaai-hviekhix | swing back and forth or from side to side; throw back and forth | 擲來擲去; 擺來擺去; 盪來盪去
iekhix iong'ioong | in high spirits; triumphantly | 意氣揚揚
iekhix ioxngsu | be influenced by sentiment or emotion (rather than the mind) in handling things; to act on the impulse of the moment | 意氣用事
iekhix | spirit; emotion; heart | 意氣
iekhix-cy-zefng | quarrel over a matter of emotion (rather than reason) | 意氣之爭
iekhix-siautiim | in the dumps | 意氣消沉
khiekhix | angrily | 氣氣
khipkhiekhix | aspirator | 吸氣器
kuiekhix | noble character; costly; highly valued; honorable; precious | 貴氣; 貴重
lailaai-khiekhix | coming and going constantly | 來來往往
lailaikhiekhix | come and go | 來來去去
u-ciekhix | honorable, self-respecting, spirited | 有志氣
zhengzhengkhiekhix | clean | 清清氣氣

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