"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: ikoafn

afn kikoafn | set a trap | 安機關; 設機關
bikoafn | microscopy | 微觀
bin'ix kikoafn | people's representative body | 民意機關
chied khaikoafn | switch on or off | 切開關; 開開關
cvikoafn | money supply; short of money | 錢關
hengzerngkikoafn | administrative organizations | 行政機關
hengzexng-kikoafn | administrative organization | 行政機關
ikoafn | clothes and hat; the gentry; gentlemanly appearance | 衣冠
ikoafn-khimsiux | gentleman in appearance but beast in conduct; wolf in a sheep's skin | 衣冠禽獸
kauthofng-kikoafn | means of communication; traffic facilities | 交通機關
khaikoafn | switch; a switch (Lit. open-shut) | 開關
khaikoafn-giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein; exhumation | 開棺驗屍
khuikoafn giaxmsy | open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khuikoafn-giaxmsy | to open the coffin and examine the corpse therein | 開棺驗屍
khvikoafn | mourning family with coffin | 纏棺; 出殯時孝男孝女捉緊棺木
kikoafn | am prgamozatopm; a machine; a secret; organization; a mechanism; structure | 機關; 奇觀
kikoafn-chiaf | a locomotive; an engine | 機關車
kikoafn-chiuo | locomotive engineer | 機關犛; 機長
kim'ioong-kikoafn | banking organ; financial organization | 金融機關
libhoad kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
libhoad-kikoafn | legislative organ | 立法機關
nikoafn | the end of the year (when all accounts have to be settled); so called because it is like a mountain pass; not easy to cross | 年關
pikoafn zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義; 厭世主義
pikoafn | disappointed; pessimistic; pessimism; to look on the dark side of; in despair | 悲觀
pikoafn-ciar | a pessimist | 悲觀者
pikoafn-zwgi | pessimism | 悲觀主義
soeabu kikoafn | tax offices | 稅務機關
suhoad kikoafn | judicial organizations | 司法機關
texzexng kikoafn | land administration office | 地政機關
tixafn kikoafn | public security organization | 治安機關
toglip kikoafn | independent organ or institution (political or social) | 獨立機關
uikoafn | onlookers | 圍觀
zernghuo kikoafn | government organ | 政府機關
zerngti-kikoafn | political machinery; organ of government | 政治機關
zoeakøf kikoafn | the highest level of organization | 最高機關
zorng-kikoafn | general office | 總機關
zusien kikoafn | charitable institution | 慈善機關
zwkoarn-kikoafn | the authorities concerned; the agency which is in charge of (a program) | 主管機關

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