"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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baikud pud baibeeng | intern the bones but not his name | 埋骨無埋名
baikud | bury the remains | 埋骨
bøefzuikud | tailbone | 尾椎骨
cikud | bones of one's limbs | 肢骨
cvikui | money chest; cash box | 錢櫃
cvikuie | a person who is very tricky in making money; greedy person | 錢鬼; 愛錢如命
gisiin gikuie | have unnecessary suspicions | 疑神疑鬼
gisiin-gikuie | imagine all sorts of things; distrustful | 疑神疑鬼
gisin'gikuie | suspicious | 疑神疑鬼
haikud | skeleton | 骸骨
hikud | fish bones | 魚骨
hikuun | a shoal of fish | 魚群
hoaiku | nostalgia | 懷舊
huikud | fibula | 腓骨
huikuun | to wave one's fist | 揮拳
hør-kikud | good gesture; lissome figure | 好肌骨; 體態優美
ikux | according to, to be cased on | 依據
ikuy | rely on | 依歸
khaikuo | recommend; recommendation | 開舉; 推薦
kikud | framework; figure of human body; bone structure | 肌骨; 骨架
kuiku | track-gauge | 規瓢
kuikuikykie | gentleman-like; polite; orderly | 規規矩矩
kuikuo | order; discipline; regularity | 規矩
kuikuun | a whole group, a whole mob, a whole flock | 整群
kuikux | a whole word, a whole sentence spoken | 整句; 規句
kuikuy-kykie | well behaved | 規矩規矩
lafnsikud | lazy bone | 懶屍骨
lauxkuikuo | old rules; old practice | 老規矩
muikuiehoef | rose blossom | 玫瑰花
muikuix | rose | 玫瑰; 玫瑰(花)
nikuo gøeqchym | for many years; as years go by | 年久月深; 經年累月
paikud | ribs | 肋骨; 排骨
paikut'aftui | skinny team | 排骨仔隊
paikutpng | ribs with rice | 排骨飯
paikutsof | crispy spare rib | 排骨酥; 炸過的小排
paikux | haiku | 俳句
pak-kikud | to setup the frame | 綁肢骨
phviafkikud | throw bone away | 拋筋骨
phviakikud | rib cage | 骿支骨
pngxsikud | shoulder blade | 肩胛骨; 飯匙骨
pvikut | level and smooth | 平滑
sikud | bones of a dead person | 屍骨
sikux | stanza or line in a poem | 詩句
søeakikud | slender | 細筋骨; 小筋骨
thaikuo | extol, exalt, say too good or someone | 提舉; 抬舉
thuikud | malleus | 鎚骨
thuikuo | recommend for promotion | 推舉
uikun'ar | apron | 圍裙仔
uikuun | apron | 圍裙
uikuy | against regulations | 違規
uisuikuun | apron | 圍錘裙
vikuo'ar | a circular saw; [[vikiear]] | 圓鋸仔
vikurnkuxn | round | 圓棍棍
vikut | accommodating; tactful; sleek | 圓滑
vikuy | compasses (instrument for making circles) | 圓規
zhaikuun | morra; mora; guess at fingers | 猜拳
zhuikuo | elect to an office; recommend for a post | 推舉
zuikud | vertebra | 椎骨

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