Bintiofngkie | Judges (Catholic) | 民長紀
Bwchiofng khygi | Wuchang Uprising on October 10; 1911; which led to the downfall of the Ching Dynasty and the birth of the Republic of China | 武昌起義
Bwchiofng | Wuchang | 武昌
Bysiofng | American businessman | 美商
Ciofng | surname Zhong; Chung | 鍾
Engsiofng | sane | 英商
Gvofsiofng laqzeg | Paschal candle | 五傷蠟燭
Gvofsiofng | Five Wounds of Jesus Christ | 五傷
Hoatiofng | central China | 華中
Jidsiofng | Japanese business | 日商
Khiofng | surname Jiang; Chiang | 姜
Kiofng | surname Jiang; Chiang | 姜
Korkiofng | a museum in Taipei | 故宮
Korkiofng-phokbudvi | National Palace Museum (housing China's art treasures) | 故宮博物院
Lamchiofng | a city's name | 南昌
Lidsiofng | Japanese business | 日商
Lienhabkog hiernciofng | U.N. Charter | 聯合國憲章
Liie Hongciofng | Li Hung-Chang | 李鴻章
Limciofng Serngthea | Sacrament of Holy Eucharist administered to dying or those in danger of death; Viaticum | 臨終聖體
Limciofng taixsiax | plenary indulgence received at the hour of death | 臨終大赦
Liongkiofng | the Dragon Palace | 龍宮
Liongzvefhiofng | a village in Taiwan | 龍井鄉
Pauciofngtee | Pouchong tea | 包種茶
Pegkiofng | White House | 白宮
Peqkiofng | White House | 白宮
Pilamhiofng | aboriginal village in eastern Taiwan | 卑南鄉
Potiofng | a place in Taiwan | 褒忠
Pøtiofng | a city in Yunlin County | 褒忠
Sinkiofng | Sinkiang; Chinese Turkestan | 新疆
Taisiofng | Taiwanese businessperson | 臺商
Taitiofng | Taichung | 台中
Taitiofng-koan | Taichung County | 台中縣
Tientiofng | a city in Changhua County | 田中
Tiofnglør kaohoe | Presbyterian church | 長老教會
Tiofnglør-hoe | Presbyterian Church | 長老會
Tiong'iofng Giefnkiuovi | Academia Sinica | 中央研究院
Tiong'iofng Ginhaang | Central Bank of China | 中央銀行
Tiong'iofng Jidpøx | Central Daily News | 中央日報
Tiong'iofng Uyoaan | member of the Central Executive Committee of the Kuomintang | 中央委員
Tiong'iofng Zernghuo | the Central Government; the National Government | 中央政府
Tiong'iofng sirnthokkiok | Central Trust of China | 中央信託局
Tiong'iofng svoameh | Central mountain range (in Taiwan) | 中央山脈
Tiong'iofng thongsirnsia | Central News Agency (CNA) | 中央通信社
Tongsanhiofng | a village in the east coast of Taiwan | 東山鄉
aehiofng | love toward one's native place | 愛鄉
aisiofng | mourning; sorrow; feel sorrow or grief; grieve; mourn; be sad | 哀傷
an'iofng'vi | home for destitute old people | 安養院
angciofnglaang | native born American; American Indian | 紅種人
apsiofng | wound by pressure | 壓傷
armsiofng | internal; invisible injury; damage | 暗傷; 內傷
armtiofng mosøq | grope in the dark | 暗中摸索
armtiofng thezhvea | quietly or secretly alert someone like with a tug on the sleeve or a wink of the eye | 暗中提醒
armtiofng | in the dark; in secret; secretly; stealthily; clandestinely; privately; do something in the dark or without light | 暗中
auxkiofng | seraglio; harem | 後宮
awsiofng | beat and injure | 毆傷; 折傷
baxnghiofng | dreamland; asleep; dreamland; slumber | 夢鄉
baxngtiofng | in the dream; in a dream | 夢中
bekiofng | labyrinth; labyrinth; maze | 迷宮
bengbengtiofng | imperceptible but inexorably (said of divine influence) | 冥冥中
bengkiofng Serngthea | exposition of Blessed Sacrament (Catholic) | 明供聖體
bengkiofng | heavenly mansion | 明宮
bintiofngsitai | time of Judges (OT) | 民長時代
bisiofng | tiny wound | 微傷
boafnciofng | evening bells | 晚鐘
bogtiofng bujiin | so arrogant that no one is important in his eyes | 目中無人
boxeg-siofng | an importer or exporter, a trader | 貿易商
boxegsiofng | business of trade or exchange; trader; import export business | 貿易商
boxnghiofng | asleep; dreamland; sleep; slumber | 夢鄉
bu'ietiofng | accidentally; unintentionally; unexpectedly | 無意中
bu'ix-tiofng | in unintentional; in unintentionally | 無意中
buciofng | endless | 無終
bucit jii ciofng | die without any apparent ailment or disease | 無疾而終
buhengtiofng | imperceptibly; insidiously; unbeknown | 無形中
bukiofng | boundless; limitless | 無疆
bunciofng | armory; blazon; heraldry; sentence; article; essay; composition; writing; composition; an essay | 紋章; 文章
busie buciofng | without beginning without end; eternal | 無始無終
butiofng seng'iuo | make something out of nothing; fabricate; invent; to frame up | 無中生有
butiofng | none of; make something out of nothing, fabricate, invent, to frame up | 無中
butiofng-seng'iuo | purely fictitious; fabricated; to make something out of nothing | 無中生有
buu tong ii thiofng | unmoved; hardhearted; callous; remain firm; stand pat | 無動於衷
bysiofng | rice trade; rice business | 米商
bytiofng putciog | flaw that mars perfection | 美中無足
bø'ar-siofng | a hatter | 帽仔商
bø'ietiofng | thoughtlessly; inadvertently | 無意中
bøietiofng | unexpectedly; unintentionally; by accident | 無意中
bøxciofng | logo or trademark on hat or cap or bonnet; hat badge; badge for a cap | 帽章
chiafngsiofng | manufacturing business firm | 廠商
chiapgiok thauhiofng | indulge in secret relations with women | 竊玉偷香
chiasiofng | dealer | 車商
chietsiofng | cut | 切傷; 割傷
chimkiofng | inner court of palace | 深宮
chiofng kwnzuie | pour boiling water on; pour hot water to make tea or coffee | 沖滾水
chiofng tefphvix | develop film | 沖底片
chiofng | to fill; to flush; prosperous; to advocate; a prostitute; to follow; mad; a spear; to aspire; to thrust; to indulge; rifles; a pomfret; a calamus; fill; be full of; to fake; pretend | 充; 沖; 昌; 倡; 娼; 猖; 憧; 衝; 縱; 鎗; 鯧; 菖
chiofngkiab | plunder, rob, robbery | 搶劫
chiofnglip | jut up; lift; spire | 聳立
chiofngsiefn | to steal a march on, to struggle for precedence | 搶先
chiofngsiw | [[chviwsiw]]; do rush repairs | 搶修
chiofngtoat | take away forcibly | 搶奪
chitlyhiofng | rutaceae | 七里香
chiwtiofng | inside the hand | 手中
chiwtiofng-zw | beloved daughter or child | 手中書; 掌上明珠
chiøx piin bøo chiøx chiofng | look down on the poor and look up to the rich no matter where their money come from | 笑貧無笑娼
chviwsiofng | manufacturer | 廠商
ciafngtiofng | in hand; in one's hand | 掌中
ciaociofng paxnlie | carry on; operate; or manage according to rules; regulations | 照章辦理
ciaociofng | according to regulations | 照章
ciauciofng | manifested, plainly shown | 招章
ciaukiofng | to make a confession of one's crime; confess to a crime; confession by a criminal | 招供
cibtiofng | concentrate; to concentrate; to center; centralize; gather together | 集中
cidnii-tiofng | during the year | 一年中; 整年
ciettiofng | to compromise | 折衷
ciettiofng-zwgi | eclecticism | 折衷主義
cinhiofng | real culprit | 真凶
ciofng kex ciu kex | adapt one's scheme to that of the opponent; deal with an opponent by taking advantage of his plan | 將計就計
ciofng kofng por zoe | make up for faults by one's merits | 將功補罪
ciofng kofng siok zoe | atone for mistakes by meritorious service | 將功贖罪
ciofng sym pie sym | judge another's feelings by your own; compare your feelings with his; empathize | 將心比心
ciofng | to use; the end; a chapter; a camphor tree; thick liquid; a jade tablet; a roach; a cup without handle; a clock; ; end; come to the end; conclusion; death; die; finally; at last; in the end; after all; in the long run; whole; all | 將; 終; 章; 樟; 漿; 璋; 蟑; 鍾; 鐘
ciofng'ag | in one's grasp; within one's power; at the mercy of | 掌握
ciofng'ixn | have charge of the official seal the man in charge | 掌印
ciofng-citzun | just this time | 正這陣
ciofng-putjieen | otherwise | 將無然
ciofngciofng | medal | 獎章
ciofngciorng | different kinds; many kinds; variedness; sundry; diverseness; various kinds; all sorts of; etcetera | 種種
ciofnghagkym | scholarship; a fellowship | 獎學金
ciofnghak | education encouragement | 獎學
ciofnghak-kym | scholarship, fellowship | 獎學金
ciofnghang | awards | 獎項
ciofngkhoaan | take power | 掌權
ciofngkngrhaang | lottery store | 獎券行
ciofngkngx | lottery | 獎券
ciofngkoaan | be in power or authority | 掌權
ciofngkoarn | take charge of; supervise; manage | 掌管
ciofngkoaxn | lottery; lottery or raffle ticket | 獎券
ciofngkud | metacarpal bones | 掌骨
ciofngkui`ee | manager; shopkeeper (respectful term of address) | 掌櫃的
ciofngkym | bonus; prize; premium; prize money; bounty; bonus | 獎金
ciofngle | put a premium on; encouragement; hortation; encourage by rewards | 獎勵
ciofnglie | supervise; take charge of | 掌理
ciofnglui | kind; class; category; variety; variety; class; kinds | 種類
ciofngpaai | medal | 獎牌
ciofngphirn | prize; award; spoil; trophy; prizes or rewards | 獎品
ciofngpiet | classify; classification | 種別
ciofngpoef | a plate, a prize cup | 獎杯
ciofngsefng juu luii | thunderous applause | 掌聲如雷
ciofngsiong bengzw | beloved daughter | 掌上明珠
ciofngsiorng | to reward | 獎賞
ciofngsviaf | applause | 掌聲
ciofngsviuo | to reward | 獎賞
ciofngtø | steer a ship; the man in charge | 掌舵
ciofngzng | certificate of merit; citation for meritorious service | 獎狀
ciofngzo | awards | 獎助
ciofngzok kehli | racial segregation; apartheid | 種族隔離
ciofngzok kekbeng | racial revolution | 種族革命
ciofngzok khinsi | racial discrimination | 種族歧視
ciofngzok pengterng | racial equality | 種族平等
ciofngzok | tribe; strips; race; phyle; race or tribe of people | 種族
ciofngzoxkym | scholarship | 獎助金
ciong'id jii ciofng | be faithful to one husband all her life even after she is divorced or in widowhood | 從一而終
ciongciofng | evident, obvious | 將將; 彰彰
ciongtiofng zhwli | make capital of | 從中取理
ciongtiofng | in the process of doing something; from the inside of something; in the middle | 從中
ciorngbok ciauciofng | stare or watchful eyes of the public | 眾目昭彰
cirnhengtiofng | progress; in operation; in action; be under way | 進行中
cirnkhao-siofng | importers | 進口商
cirnthex liofnglaan | be in a dilemma (to have difficulty going either forward of backward) | 進退兩難
cirnzhutkhawsiofng | import export business | 進出口商
citiofng | among | 之中
cixn-thøex liofnglaan | dilemma | 進退兩難
cixntiofng pørkog | be loyal and patriotic | 盡忠報國
cixntiofng | to be loyal to the ruler; to be faithful to; do one's duty as a subject | 盡忠
ciøsefng kafnciofng | brochure sent on request listing the essential points a student needs to know before taking the entrance examination of a school | 招生簡章
cviaftiofng | midst, right in the middle | 正中
cviarchiofng | one person's lot collides right with the other one; bad luck | 正沖
cviarkiofng | the queen | 正宮; 正王后
cviartiofng | right in the middle; right in the center | 正中
cviesiofng | injure from arrow | 箭傷
cviwtiofng | in the palm of the hand; in control | 掌中
efnghiofnglek | power of affect, power of influence | 影響力
eng'iofnghak | dietetics | 營養學
eng'iofngphirn | nutriment; nutritious food | 營養品
eng'iofngsox | nutrients (a collective term for protein; carbohydrates; fat; vitamins; and minerals) | 營養素
eng'iofngsw | dietician | 營養師
engzøxsiofng | construction firm; building contractor | 營造廠; 營造商
gafntiofng-bujiin | supercilious; take no notice of others; arrogant | 眼中無人
gagciofng | movement | 樂章
geglaihiofng | tuberose | 玉來香; 夜來香
geqlaihiofng | tuberose | 月來香
geqtiofng | middle of the month | 月中
giabciofng | burden of sin which is obstacle to one's life (Buddhism) | 業障
giam siofng | eaternal confinement room | 驗傷
giaxmsiofng | to examine wounds; examine an injury for legal purposes | 驗傷
gihiofng | suspected murderer or assailant | 疑兇
ginhoex liofngzhefng | completion of a business transaction with goods delivered and payment made | 銀貨兩清
giofng'erng | backstroke (swim) | 仰臥; 仰泳
giofngbo | admire; look forward hopefully; look | 仰慕
giofngbong | look forward expectantly; adore | 仰望
giofngchiuo | cupping one hand in the other in front of one's chest to express respect | 拱手
giofnggo | lie on one's back | 仰臥
giofnggvo | lie on one's back | 仰臥
giofngkiuu | to implore | 仰求
giofngnai | look to (somebody for help); rely upon | 仰賴
giofngsiuo | to reaise the head | 仰首
giofngthiefn tiongthaxn | sigh deeply | 仰天長歎
giofngthiefn | look up to Heaven | 仰天
gixiofngkwn | volunteer army; militia | 義勇軍
gixiofngtui | fire fighter | 義勇隊
goadkiofng | the palace of the moon; the moon Lunar Palace; palace in the moon | 月宮
goanhiofng | chief culprit; ringleader (of a gang) | 元兇
goaxhiofng | from another part of the country; foreign country | 外鄉
goaxsiofng | trauma; foreign business person | 外傷; 外商
goeqlaihiofng | tuberose | 月來香
goeqtiofng | middle of month | 月中
goxsiofng | to wound accidentally; harm by mistake | 誤傷
gutiofng-guhaux | blind devotion to one's lord and parents | 愚忠愚孝
gvofhiofng | the five spices--cloves, cumin, fennel, aniseed, zanthoxylum seed | 五香
gvofsex kii chiofng | May you prosper for five generations! | 五世其昌
gøeqciofng | end of the month | 月終
gøeqtiofng | middle of the month | 月中
hangsiofng | store | 行商
hauxtiofng | to be loyal to; to pledge allegiance; homage | 效忠
haxhiofng | go to work in rural area; go to countryside; to go to the country; go to the country | 下鄉
haytiofng | in the ocean | 海中
hegzwkhiofnghad | nuclear threat | 核子恐嚇
henghiofng | to commit killing or murder; commit murder | 行兇
hengkiofng | the abode of an emperor on tour | 行宮
hengsiofng | go into business; be a traveling businessman | 行商
hexpid-sengciofng | write quickly and skillfully | 下筆成章
hiabsiofng | palaver; conference | 洽商; 協商; 協商(磋商)
hie'iofng | lung abscess | 肺膿; 肺癰
hie-chiofng-hie | to save patient's life by giving him a wedding to counteract bad luck | 喜沖喜
hiernciofng | charter; orders issued by the authorities | 憲章
hietciofng | blood plasma | 血漿
hiofng | chest; the breast; the bosom; the bust; the thorax; the mind like narrow minded | 胸; 兇; 匈; 香; 急; 凶; 鄉
hiofng'exng | in answer to; response; acknowledgement; echo in support; respond favorably; rise in support | 響應
hiofng'iuo | enjoy in possessing or having | 享有
hiofng-kongsor | government office for rural administration | 鄉公所
hiofng`ee | fellow citizen of the same district | 鄉的; 鄉親
hiofngcin | enjoy all of; enjoy fully | 享盡
hiofnghog | (v) live in comfort; enjoy bliss | 享福
hiofngkoafn | tax office, toll-gate | 薪關
hiofnglaai | hitherto | 享年
hiofnglieen | life-span | 享年
hiofnglok | feast | 享樂
hiofngnii | live to an old age | 享年
hiofngsimlek | centripetal force | 向心力
hiofngsiu | bask; feast; enjoyment; enjoy | 享受; 享壽
hiofngtø | guide | 嚮導
hiongciofng | medal of honor in ranking | 胸章; 慌張
hionghiofng | hurriedly | 兇兇; 醜醜; 慌忙間
hiongkhiofng | chest cavity | 胸腔
hoafnhiofng | return hometown | 返鄉
hoanhiofng | return to one's hometown | 還鄉
hoarnsiofngkheg | fantasia or fantasy | 幻想曲
hoeasiu kay ciofng | fated time of life having come to an end; one must die | 壽數該盡
hoeflek cibtiofng | concentration of fire | 火力集中
hoefsiofng | burn; a blister caused by burning | 火傷
hoehiofng | to return home; go back to one's native place | 回鄉
hoexciofng | the charter of an association; by laws or rules of a society | 會章
hoexsiofng | to consult; consult together | 會商
honghiofng hoarkied | turn every piece of bad luck into good | 逢凶化吉
honghiofng | redolence; fragrant; sweetness | 芳香
honghiofng-zok | aromatic (chemistry) | 芳香族
hongkiofng | palace; imperial palace | 皇宮
hongtiofng | alarmed, nervous, startled, frightened, agitated, excited | 風中; 慌張,慌慌張張
hoxchiofng | to collide, collision | 互沖; 互衝
hoxkiofng | the concubines of a monarch; imperial harem | 後宮
hoxsiofng | mutually, reciprocally, each other, one another | 互相
hu'iofngciar | supporter; sustainer | 扶養者
hu'iofnghuix | family supporting expenses | 扶養費
huiciofng | badge; insignia; an emblem; medal; insight | 徽章
hunciofng | honor; medal; insignia; decoration or order conferred on a meritorious person | 勳章
hunhiofng | fragrancy; deliciousness | 芬香
huntiofng | in the clouds | 雲中
huolimciofng | anoint extreme unction (Catholic) | 傅臨終
huosiofng | wealthy merchant; wealthy businessman | 富商
huxsiofng | bruise; be wounded; sustain injuries | 負傷
huysiofng | destroy; injure the body; to wound | 毀傷; 受傷
hwchiofng | swoop; nose down; plunge down | 俯衝
hwtiofng | in your family | 府中
høefsiofng | a burn | 火傷
høehiofng | return to one's native place | 回鄉
høsiofng | wealthy businessman | 豪商
iamsiofng | salt merchant | 鹽商
iaxlaihiofng | Cestrum nocturnum; tuberose | 夜來香
ietiofng | expected; anticipated | 意中; 意料中
igirm hoanhiofng | return home in glory | 衣錦還鄉
iofng | center; central; middle; to request; entreat | 央; 央求
iofng'iog'vi | orphan asylum; almshouse; orphanage; work house | 養育院
iofng'ioghuix | expenses for bringing up a child | 養育費
iofng'iok kviafjii | bring up children | 養育囝兒; 養育兒女
iofng'iok | to bring up; jump about for joy; enthusiastic; enthusiastically | 養育; 踴躍
iofng'iok-huix | cost of raising a child | 養育費
iofng'iorng | healthy | 勇勇; 養養
iofng'oah | feed to live | 養活
iofng'orng | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往
iofng'orng-tidcieen | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往直前
iofng'orng-tidzeeng | march fearlessly onward; go straight ahead | 勇往直前
iofngbea | brave fighter; strong horse | 勇馬
iofngberng | brave and fierce; fearless; intrepid | 勇猛
iofngbiør | foster mother | 養母
iofngbuo | foster; adopted mother | 養母
iofngbør | foster mother | 養母
iofngchi | nurture; raise | 養飼
iofngchyn | to support and serve parents | 養親
iofngciab | chyle | 養汁; 乳糜
iofngciar putkhu | Bravery admits no fear | 勇者無懼
iofngciar | braver | 勇者
iofngcioxng | a fearless general; fearless general | 勇將
iofngge | brave and firm (church) | 勇毅
iofngho | to support; to endorse; to back; rear and educate children | 擁護; 養護
iofnghoax | to oxidize | 氧化
iofnghor siongsyn | keep a bad subordinate who will one day bring ruin to his protector (Lit. raise a tiger which will injure its feeder later on) | 養虎傷身
iofnghu | foster father | 養父
iofnghun | nutrition | 養分; 養份
iofnghwn | a nutrient; nutritious elements; amount of nutritious substance in a given food item | 養分
iofngjii | bring up children | 養兒
iofngjii-honglør | raise sons as insurance against the insecurity of old age | 養兒防老
iofngjii-thaixlør | bring up a son in preparation for old age | 養兒待老
iofngkaf | to support a family | 勇家
iofngkahuix | family support allowance given to an employee sent away for an assignment which calls for his long absence from home | 養家費
iofngkarm tidgieen | courageously give straight talk | 勇敢直言
iofngkarm | valiant; prowess; be brave; bravery | 勇敢
iofngkarm`ee | gallant; valiant | 勇敢的
iofngkef | raise chickens | 養雞
iofngketviuu | poultry farm | 養雞場
iofngkhaf | strong feet - strong and powerful | 勇跤
iofngkhix | courage; courage; boldness | 勇氣; 氧氣; 養氣
iofngkvia | healthy and strong; healthy | 勇健; 強健; 健康
iofngkwn | raise the army | 養軍
iofngkøef-tviuu | poultry-farm, chicken farm | 養雞場
iofngliau | nourishment | 養料
iofnglie | adopted daughter | 養女
iofnglip | hail | 擁立
iofnglo | highway or railroad maintenance | 養路
iofngloxtui | track force | 養路隊
iofngluo | adopted daughter; girl adopted as future daughter-in-law; foster or adopted daughter | 養女
iofngløfhuix | money saved up for old age | 養老費
iofngløfvi | nursing home | 養老院
iofnglør | take care of one's remaining years; retire and enjoy the fruit of one's past work | 養老
iofnglør-kym | pension, annuity for the aged | 養老金
iofnglør-nikym | old age pension | 養老年金
iofnglør-vi | nursing home | 養老院
iofngnofvi | old folks home | 養老院
iofngnor | take care of one's remaining years; retire and enjoy the fruit of one's past work | 養老
iofngpe | foster father | 養父
iofngpefng | maintain and train soldiers (in preparation for war) | 養兵; 擁兵
iofngphau | embrace | 擁抱
iofngpve | seek a cure for an illness; recuperate; recuperation | 養病
iofngpvi | to convalesce; to recuperate from illness | 養病
iofngseeng | to cultivate; to train; to develop a habit; training; educate; develop | 養成
iofngsefng | to keep in good health | 養生
iofngsefng-cy-tø | regimen; formula for healthy living | 養生之道
iofngsexng | cultivate one's character; discipline one's temperament | 養性
iofngsid | cultivation | 養實
iofngsiin | rest to restore energy; to repose; rest to refresh one's spirit; relax mentally; give one's mind a rest; mental relaxation | 養神
iofngsinmia | in good health | 勇身命; 強壯
iofngsiofng | to recover from injury; nurse one's injures or wounds | 養傷
iofngsit | breed; cultivate | 養殖
iofngsu | brave fighter; warrior; one who knows no fear; brave man; a hero | 勇士
iofngsyn | care for one's health | 養身
iofngthøex | withdraw or retire courageously | 勇退
iofngtøea | strong | 勇底
iofngzeng | private time | 養靜
iofngzex | crowded | 擁擠
iofngzhaam | silkworm breeding, sericulture | 養蠶
iofngzoxng | brave and strong; stout; strong | 勇壯
iofngzuo | foster or adopted son; adopted son; bring up a son | 養子
iokciofng | charter | 約章
irnciofng | seal; a stamp; a chop | 圖章; 印章
itkie-liofngteg | kill two birds with one stone; serve two ends | 一舉兩得
itkuo-liofngteg | kills two birds with one stone | 一舉兩得
itmar taix liofng'voaf | horse with two saddles; said of man filling two offices; doing two things at the same time | 一馬帶兩鞍
ittøf liofngtoan | sever it with one blow (of the knife)--to take a decisive measure; sever relations by one stroke | 一刀兩斷
ittøliofngtoan | cut into two pieces with one knife - sever ties | 一刀兩斷
iusiofng | grief; sorrowful; worried and grieved | 憂傷
iuthiofng | from the depth of one's heart; heartfelt | 由衷
iuthiofng-cy-gieen | words uttered in sincerity | 由衷之言
iwlioong-uichiofng | lead innocent girls into prostitution | 誘良為娼
iwsie iwciofng | carry out an undertaking from start to finish; not give up halfway | 有始有終
iwsie-iwciofng | to carry out an undertaking from start to finish | 有始有終
ixhiofng | strange community; strange land; away from home | 異鄉
jiaosiofng | to injure by scratching | 抓傷
jibkiofng | enter the palace | 入宮
jidthaau-tiofng | high noon | 日頭中
jidtiofng | midday; high noon | 日中
jiedtiofng | to be eager to | 熱衷
jiin zaai liofngkhofng | both the person and the money are lost; be deserted by the person on whom you spent all you had | 人財兩空
jinciofnghak | ethnology | 人種學
jintiofng | upper-lip depression; the philtrum; vertical depression in the middle of the upper lip | 人中
jiofngnau | clamor | 嚷鬧
jixiofnghoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jwhiofng | frankincense | 乳香
kaeciofng | seal; to stamp (a document) | 蓋章
kafmjiarm-siofng | infected wound | 感染傷; 染毒傷
kafmsiofng | sorrowful, to feel sad | 感傷
kafnciofng | brief and concise statement of regulations; procedures; abridged regulations | 簡章
kahiofng | hometown; one's native place | 家鄉
kanghiofng | a fellow countryman | 同鄉
kangsiofng | industry and trade | 工商
kangsiofng-giap | industry and commerce | 工商業
kansiofng | profiteer; unethical merchant; dishonest traders | 奸商
karmsiofngkaf | connoisseur | 鑑賞家
katiofng | in the family | 家中
kauhiofnggak | symphony | 交響樂
kauhiofngkheg | symphony | 交響曲
kaxnghiofng | a fellow countryman | 仝鄉
kaxsiofng | injury by biting; be injured by a bite (as by a dog) | 咬傷
kea'egtiofng | under consideration; in the works | 計劃中
kefchiofng | to pretend | 假昌; 假充
kefsiofng | wound one's self; in order to accuse another falsely; feign injury; exaggerate one's pain or wound | 裝傷; 假傷
kengsiofng | to be in business; do commerce; do business; to trade | 經商
khaitiofng | open for business; start up; first transaction of a business day; opening of a shop; start doing business | 開張
khaitiofng-taixkied | auspicious beginning of a new enterprise (an expression used when opening a new shop or factory) | 開張大吉
khawkiofng | verbal evidence or confession; deposition | 口供
khehsiofng | traveling merchant, foreign businessman | 客商
khiamkiofng | respectful; unassuming | 謙恭
khinbuxtiofng | business (office) hours; on duty | 勤務中
khinsiofng | lightly wounded; minor injuries; minor; slight injury | 輕傷
khiofng | Name of a tribe in West Szechuan; surname; boundary; dead but not yet putrefied | 羌; 姜; 疆; 殭
khiofng'uix | fearful | 恐畏
khiofnghad | racketeering; blackmail; threaten; terrorize | 恐嚇
khiofnghatzoe | blackmailing (offense of); intimidation; extortion | 恐嚇罪
khiofngheg | blackmail, intimidate, threaten, intimidation | 恐嚇
khiofnghoong | fear; suspicion | 惶恐; 恐惶
khiofnghoong-put'afn | suspicious and uneasy | 恐慌無安; 恐惶不安
khiofngkhao-bupiin | word of mouth is no evidence or proof (of a transaction); word of mouth cannot be trusted ─ a written document is necessary | 恐口無憑
khiofngkhu | fear; dread; fright; scare | 恐懼
khiofngkviaf | I fear that; I am afraid of that. Probably; perhaps | 恐驚; 恐怕
khiofnglioong | inosaur; dinosau | 恐龍
khiofngphvax | I fear that; I am afraid of that. Probably; perhaps | 恐怕
khiofngpox | fearful; frightful; fear; fright; terror | 恐怖
khiofngpox-hunzuo | terrorist | 恐怖份子; 恐怖分子
khiofngpox-huxnzuo | terrorists | 恐怖份子
khiofngpox-sitai | age of terror; reign of terror | 恐怖時代
khiofngpox-zwgi | terrorism | 恐怖主義
khoatai-boxngsiofngkoong | delusions of grandeur | 誇大妄想狂
khoatiofng | stretch the truth; overstatement; exaggeration; overdraw | 誇張
khofthiofng | reason or motive not easily understood by others | 苦衷
khoftiofng | reason or motive not easily understood by others | 苦衷
khokchiofng | enrich; expand (equipment or facilities) | 擴充
khoktiofng | overspread; expand; expansion; extension; enlarge | 擴張
khongtiofng | in the sky; in the air | 空中
khongtiofng-haghau | school-of-the air; academic instruction by radio | 空中學校
khongtiofng-haxmzvea | air pocket (in aviation) | 空中陷阱
khongtiofng-huijiin | trapeze show | 空中飛人
khongtiofng-kaiuu | refueling in the air | 空中加油
khongtiofng-laxmchiaf | cable car; funicular | 空中纜車
khongtiofng-lokøq | illusion; castles in the sky | 空中樓閤
khongtiofng-siøfciar | stewardess | 空中小姐
khorngchiofng | expand, extend | 擴張; 擴充
khorngtiofng | to stretch; to extend; to spread; to expand; expand; enlarge; dilate; dilation | 擴張; 擴大
khuihoextiofng | be in session | 開會中
khurnbaxngtiofng | in a dream sleep | 睡夢中
khurnsiofng | to consult sincerely | 懇商; 諮詢
khwnsiofng | to consult sincerely | 懇商; 悃謪
khøflixtiofng | be under consideration | 考慮中
kiausiofng | overseas businessman | 僑商
kienciofng | epaulets | 肩章
kierngi-iofng'uii | have the courage to do what is right; regardless of the consequences | 見義勇為
kiernsiofng | developer | 建商
kierntioktiofng | be under construction | 建築中
kiet'hiofng | fate; good luck or bad; lucky and unlucky | 吉凶; 吉兇
kinnafjidtiofng | in the course of today | 今天之內
kiofng | archery bow; a catapult | 弓; 宮
kiofng'exng | provide, supply, provision, furnish | 供應
kiofng'iorng | nourish, support | 供養
kiofng'oe | to guard on all sides | 拱衛
kiofngchiuo | to hold one's hands in a bow (usually in greeting or saying farewell) | 拱手
kiofngheeng | arched | 拱形
kiofngkhog | a cloister | 拱擴
kiofngkib | supply | 供給
kiofngkipciar | supplier | 供給者
kiofngkiøo | an arched bridge | 拱橋
kiofngkox | consolidate; confirmation; solidify | 鞏固
kiofngmngg | an arched door | 拱門
kiofngpax | an arched dam | 拱壩
kiofngphirn | offering | 供品
kiofngthiau | a buttress | 供柱; 拱柱; 支持
kiofngzhud | confess; confession; affidavit; make a deposition | 供出
kiokkiofng | make a bow; curtsey; bow; a bow (as a gesture of respect) | 鞠躬
kiongkiofng-kerngkexng | very reverently | 恭恭敬敬
kiongtiofng | inside the imperial palace | 宮中
kiongtiofng-cy-niao | Lit. a bird before the hunter's bow; I.e.; extremely fearful | 弓中之鳥
kirmkiofng | the forbidden palace | 禁宮
kitiofng | among in; among them; among which | 其中
kitiofng-khøfchix | mid-term examination | 期中考試
kixnjidtiofng | shortly; in a few days; one of these days | 近日中
kixtiofng | the period of death anniversary of one's parents or grandparents; anniversary of death of an esteemed person | 忌中
koahsiofng | wound by cutting | 割傷
koarnsiofng | brokerage firm | 券商
koarnthied syciofng | remain consistent from the start to the very end | 貫徹始終
kofbudsiofng | antiquities dealer | 古物商
kofbut-siofng | the business-man deals with antiques | 古物商; 舊貨商; 收破銅爛鐵
kofciofng | be out of order, go wrong, hindrance, hitch, breakdown | 故障
kofng'oe-tiofng | the line is busy | 講話中
kokseg-thienhiofng | beauty of a woman or a peony | 國色天香
koksiofng | a martyr to the national cause | 國殤
koktiofng | junior high school | 國中
kongchiofng | licensed prostitute; licensed prostitution | 公娼
kopud-jiciofng | to have to; must | 孤無而終; 不得已
koputciofng | cannot but; have no choice but; cannot help but; having no alternative but to do it; unavoidably; be compelled to do | 姑不將; 不得已; 無得不
korciofng | a bug or breakdown (of a machine); malfunction; failure | 故障
korhiofng | native place; land; or province; hometown or village; homeland; birthplace | 故鄉
korkiofng | former palace; The Imperial Palace | 故宮
kuiciofng | rules and regulations | 規章
kuihiofng | to return to one's hometown; return to one's native place | 歸鄉
kuitiofng | inside the private quarters of a house where women live | 閨中
kuntiofng hogbu | service in the armed forces; troop-cheering activities | 軍中服務
kuntiofng | in the army; in the armed forces | 軍中
kuosiofng | cauterize, brand | 鋸灸; 灸傷; 灸傷口
kutiofng-tiautheeng | mediate (between two quarrelling parties) | 居中調停
kuxsiofng | scar | 舊傷
kyliam-ciofng | memorial badge, memorial pina | 紀念章
kyliaxmciofng | commemorative badge; medal | 紀念章
køetiofng | in the middle of street | 街中
kørlør-hoehiofng | retire to one's native place | 告老還鄉
kørnor-hoanhiofng | retire to one's native place | 告老還鄉
køsiofng | senior commercial school | 高商
køtiofng | senior high school | 高中; 高中,高級中學; 高級中學
laixsiofng | internal injury | 內傷
laixtiofng | inside; interior | 內中; 其中; 個中
laxmsiofng | origin; originate | 濫觴
lefngkiofng | palace where a queen or an imperial concubine fallen into disgrace lived; palace to confine the emperor's concubines after they lost his favors | 冷宮
lengkiofng | kristal palace of Dragon King | 龍宮
lianghongtiofng | in a breeze | 涼風中
liau'iofng'vi | convalescent home; sanatorium; sanitarium; rest home | 療養院
liau'iofngsor | rest home; a sanatorium; convalescent home | 療養所
liausiofng | to heal the wound | 療傷
liauxsiofngbexkaux | unexpectedly | 料想袂到
liauxsiofngboexkaux | unexpectedly | 料想袂到
liauxtiofng | to guess correctly | 料中
lidsiofng | Japanese businessmen | 日商
liedsiofng | lacerated wound, laceration | 裂傷
lienciofng ciofngkym | annual bonus | 年終獎金
lienciofng khøfzeg | grading of an employee's performance at the end of the year; year end evaluation | 年終考績
lienciofng koatsoaxn | settlement of accounts at the year end | 年終決算
lienciofng | close of the year; end of the year | 年終
lienhiofng | lotus incense | 蓮香
liensiofnglek | to make associative connection | 聯想力
limciofng | one's last moments; extreme unction; be on the point of dying; just before dying; about to breathe one's last; at deathbed; in articulo mortis | 臨終
linhiofng-siøhgiok | fond of women; have a tender heart for the fair sex | 憐香惜玉
lintiofng | philtrum | 人中
liofng'ek | two flanks or wings (a military) | 兩翼
liofng'iong | dual-use | 兩用
liofng'ix | insincere; equivocal | 兩意
liofng'vi-zex | the two-chamber system | 兩院制
liofng'viu | different | 兩樣
liofngbin siuxtek | between two fires | 兩面受敵
liofngbin thøfhør | trimming; fluctuate between two parties so as to appear to favor each | 兩面討好
liofngbin zokciexn | fight on two fronts | 兩面作戰
liofngbin | both sides; two sides; double faced | 兩面
liofngbin-sexng | dual character | 兩面姓; 兩面性
liofngchyn | father and mother | 兩親
liofngciar | both sides, both parties, both parsons | 兩者
liofnggan | both sides | 兩岸
liofnggarn sitbeeng | blind in both eyes | 兩眼失明
liofnggarn | two eyes; both eyes | 兩眼
liofnggii | the yin and the yang; the two polarities | 兩儀; 陰陽
liofnggoan | both hope; both wish; both willing | 兩願
liofnghioong putleeng pexnglip | Two heroes cannot stand side by side | 兩雄無能並立
liofnghofng | both sides | 兩方
liofnghvoa | both sides | 兩岸
liofnghwn | to dissect | 兩分
liofngkef | two families; both parties | 兩家
liofngkek | the earth's poles; both ends; electric poles; poles; the two (north and south; positive and negative) poles; two extremes | 兩極
liofngkhaf | both legs | 兩腳; 兩跤
liofngkhaf-khiaa | ride two horses with both legs | 兩腳騎; 兩跤騎; 騎牆
liofngkhao | the two of them | 兩口
liofngkhør | ambiguous; both are ok | 兩可
liofngkoaan hunlip | political system under which the legislative and executive branches are independent of each other | 兩權分立
liofngkofng | slack | 兩光
liofngkongliofngkofng | slack | 兩光兩光
liofnglaan | difficult on both fronts; literally; between two difficulties ─ indecisive; dilemma | 兩難
liofnglip | be compatible be consistent; stand together | 兩立
liofngpai kuxsiofng | both are wounded and defeated; both are hurt; nobody wins | 兩敗俱傷
liofngpeeng | both sides | 兩爿; 兩邊
liofngpien | convenient for both parties; both sides gaining advantage | 兩便
liofngsexng buxntee | sex questions | 兩性問題
liofngsexng | two sexes; the sexes | 兩性
liofngsiux zhenghofng | honest public servants attain high official rank without money in the bank | 兩袖清風
liofngteg | double gain | 兩得
liofngtoafn | both ends; the two extremities; from end to end; from the beginning to the end; two ends or extremities | 兩端
liofngtoan | cut in two | 兩斷
liofngzhad | Please understand, please considerate | 諒察
liofngzhef poxtui | amphibious force; amphibious troops | 兩棲部隊
liofngzhef toxngbut | amphibian animal | 兩棲動物
liofngzhef | amphibious | 兩棲
liofngzhef-lui | amphibious animals | 兩棲類
liofngzheg | two sides | 兩側
liofngzhux | twice; on two occasions | 兩次
liofngzoaan kii bie | profit both parties or attain two objectives by a single act; arrange a matter so that both sides profit | 兩全其美
liofngzoaan | satisfy both parties; have it both ways; complete in both respects | 兩全
liogkiofng | palace where the queen and other wives of an emperor lived; the imperial harems | 六宮
liongkiofng | palace of the sea god | 龍宮
liuosiofng | to sprain, a sprain | 扭傷
liwsiofng | to sprain | 扭傷
lixhiofng poexzvea | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
lixhiofng | to leave one's native place | 離鄉
lixhiofng-poexcvie | to travel to a distant land | 離鄉背井
lixkiofng | temporary imperial headquarters away from the capital; temporary abode for an emperor on tour | 離宮
loexkiofng | inner palace | 內宮
loexsiofng | internal injury | 內傷
loextiofng | the inside | 內中; 內情
longgiap thofjiofnghak | agrology | 農業土壤學
longtiofng | a pop. term for a doctor; physician; card shark | 郎中
lorngsiofng | to injure by bumping | 撞傷
loxchiofng | building face the end of road | 路沖
loxngciofng | play with jade; birth of a boy | 弄璋
loxnghoetiofng | in the waves | 浪花中
loxtiofng | in the road | 路中
loxtotiofng | on the roa | 路途中
luosiofng | abrasion; scrape | 擦傷; 擦破皮
lw'iofng | woman servant | 女傭
lwtiofng | girls middle high school; maid, servant, waitress | 女中; 下女
lyiutiofng | travelling | 旅遊中
lysiofnghoax | idealize | 理想化
lysiofngkaf | idealists | 理想家
lysiofngkog | an ideal state; a Utopia | 理想國
lysiofngzwgi | idealism | 理想主義
lytiofng | girls middle school | 女中
løsiofng | tuberculosis; TB; consumption; tuberculosis; weakened by over exertion | 癆傷; 肺結核
miaxsiofng | mortal wound, weak point, the major cause that makes failure inevitable | 命傷
miaxtiofng | fate; destiny; in one's fate | 命中
moxchiofng | imitating; imitation; to assume the identity of; to pretend; pretend to be; assume | 冒充
nawhaytiofng | in the mind or memory | 腦海中
ngkimzuyhiofng | golden water town | 黃金水鄉
niafciofng | insignia on the collar of military uniforms | 領章
niao tiofng cy hong | phoenix among birds ─ preeminent | 鳥中之鳳
niar limciofng Serngsu | receive Extreme Unction (the new Catholic term for this Sacrament is Anointing of the Sick; but you may still hear the term; Extreme Unction) | 領臨終聖事
niciofng | close of the year; end of the year | 年終
nitiofng | middle of the year | 年中
oankiofngmngg | round doors, mostly without door panels | 圓栱門
oarmtiofng | in the dark | 烏暗中
oaxnchiofng | to buffer; to cushion; to absorb the shock; serve as a buffer; to buff | 緩衝
oaxnchiofng-textaix | buffer zone; neutral zone; DMZ | 緩衝地帶
oextiofng | talking | 話中
ong'iongtiofng | in the ocean | 汪洋中
ongkiofng | palace; residence of the king | 王府; 王宮
osaihiofng | | 湖西鄉
pang'iofng | helper, assistant, helpmate | 幫傭
panghiofng | accomplice in a crime or a condemnable act | 幫兇; 幫凶
pangtiofng | inside the room | 房中
pauciofngtee | half fermented tea | 包種茶
pausiofng | contractor | 包商
pausiofng-pox | bandage | 包傷布; 繃帶
pekkiofng | to extort a confession or evidence; extort evidence; exact confession by means of torture | 逼供; 逼宮
peklioong uichiofng | force good women to be a prostitute | 逼良為娼
peqkiofng | the White House | 白宮
phahsiofng | bruise; injure; wound; to hurt; injured by a blow | 打傷
phanghiofng | accomplice, accessory of criminal | 幫凶
phaocierntiofng | in the artillery battle | 炮戰中
phaosiofng | hurt by bomb | 炮傷
phehoatsiofng | wholesale dealer; wholesaler | 批發商
phiauchiofng | visit prostitutes | 嫖娼
phiauciofng | badge | 標章
phienciofng | chapter | 篇章
phienhiofng | rural | 偏鄉
phiernsiofng | movie producer | 片商; 電影商人
phierntheflinsiofng | injuries that all over the body | 遍體麟傷
phoarnkiofng | outermost courts of Congucian temple | 破宮; 泮宮; 孔古寺
phoetiofng | in the letter | 信中
photiofng | make an elaborate display; elaborate; extravagant; exaggerate | 舖張; 鋪張
phut'siofng | wound | 刜傷
phutsiofng | wound | 刜傷
phviesiofng | movie distributor | 片商
phørsiofng | injury, wound | 破傷
phøtiofng | in the wave | 波中
piawciofng | award; give a commendation; commendation; show forth clearly; reward (a person in recognition of his service); to honor | 表彰
piebok iofngsiin | close the eyes and give the mind a brief rest | 閉目養神
pienkiofng | borderland; frontier; borderland; frontier | 邊疆
pierntheflinsiofng | bruised all over | 遍體鱗傷
pinciofng | barrier | 屏障
pisiofng | lament; sad; sorrowful | 悲傷
pitkiofng pitkexng | extremely deferential | 必恭必敬; 恭恭敬敬
pixhai boxngsiofngkoong | persecution mania | 被害妄想狂
pixhai boxngsiofngzexng | persecution complex (psychology); paranoia | 被害妄想症
piøfciofng | rubber stamp | 表章
poarnkhongtiofng | in mid-heaven | 半空中
poeiofngseklai | training room | 培養室內
poeiofngzhud | trained | 培養出
poekiofng sia'erng | he sees the reflection of a bow as a snake's shadow in the cup ─ said of a very suspicious person (from a famous story); false alarm | 杯弓蛇影
poexzvea lixhiofng | turn one's back on one's native place | 背井離鄉
pofchiofng | complement; supplement; supplement; to recruit; replenish | 補充
pong tiøqsiofng | be injured or damaged after being hit by something | 碰傷; 撞傷
porsiofng | piece good merchants; dry goods dealers | 布商
put'ietiofng | accidentally | 無意中
putliofnglip | incompatible | 無兩立
putsiofng sioxngha | about the same (in strength; quality); equal | 無相上下
puttiofng | treachery; disloyal; unfaithful | 無忠; 不忠
puttiofng-putgi | disloyal and unfaithful | 無忠不義
puttiofngcixn | not make progress | 無長進
puttiputkaktiofng | unconsciously | 無知不覺中
puttong uthiofng | unmoved; flinty hearted; callous | 無動於衷
pvoarkantiofng | of very doubtful fidelity | 騎牆派; 兩面討好
pvoarkhongtiofng | open air; sky; aerial; overhead | 半空中
pvoasiofng | dealer | 盤商
pwnhiofng | our village | 本鄉
pøfankiofng | | 保安宮
pøfciofng | guarantee; security; to safeguard; protect; for the preservation of | 保障
pøfiofngphirn | are products | 保養品
pøfiofngtviuu | maintenance yard | 保養場
pørciofng | newspaper | 報章
samhoafn liofngzhux | time and again; repeatedly | 三番兩次
samkiokkiofng | three bowls of modern ceremony | 三鞠躬
samsimliofng'ix | undecided; hesitate | 三心兩意
samsuliofng'ix | 2nd thought | 三思兩意
samsym liofng'ix | irresolute; vacillating; changeable; waver | 三心兩意
sarngciofng | be present at the deathbed of.. | 送終
sarnhiofng | poor; needy | 貧窮; 散凶; 窮苦
satsiofng | kill or wound | 殺傷
seakafn-tiofng | in the world | 世間中
seaputliofnglip | enemy; swear not to stand side by side with the enemy between heaven and earth | 誓不兩立
sefngtiofng | provincial high school | 省中
sehtiofng sarngthvoax | give timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
sekiofng | sexual palace | 色宮
seng'oaqtiofng | way of life | 生活中
sengtiofng | announce | 聲張
sengtiofngkii | growth period | 生長期
sengtiofnglut | growth rate | 成長率
serng'ankiofng | | 聖安宮
sex pud liofnglip | to vow to fight till oneself or the other party falls | 誓無兩立
siaxm'iofnghuix | alimony | 贍養費
sienhiofng | land of the divine; place of exquisite natural beauty; paradise | 仙鄉; 仙界; 仙境
siexnciofng | peaceful death | 善終
siezap siøfsii bengkiofng Serngthea | forty hours devotion (Catholic) | 四十小時明供聖體
sikangtiofng | under construction; building | 施工中
simbak-tiofng | in one's mind, in one's eyes | 心目中
simbogtiofng | in one's heart or mind | 心目中
simtiofng | in one's heart or mind | 心中
sintiofng | elongation | 伸張
siofng kafmzeeng | hurt the feelings | 傷感情
siofng nawkyn | beat one's brain; a tough nut to crack; troublesome | 傷腦筋
siofng | commerce; trade; business; merchant; trader; discuss; exchange views; confer; the quotient (in arithmetic) | 商; 傷
siofng-nawkyn | make headache, give one a worry | 傷腦筋
siofng`tiøh | hurt | 傷到
siofnggoarn | enjoy oneself | 賞月; 賞玩
siofnggoat | admire the moon | 賞月
siofnghoat | reward and punish; reward and punishment | 賞罰
siofngkib | give a promised reward | 賞級; 賞給
siofngkofng | present to show support | 賞光
siofngphirn | prizes | 賞品; 獎品
siofngpngf | maple appreciation | 賞楓
siofngseg | appreciate; appreciation | 賞識
siofngsiong | imagine; visualize; to fancy | 想像
siofngsiong-lek | power of imagination | 想像力
siofngsioxnglek | imagination; imaginative power | 想像力
siofngsviaf | (phonetics) rising tone (one of the four tones in Middle Chinese) | 上聲
siong tiofng ha | top; middle; bottom; best; medium; inferior; first; second; third | 上中下
sioxngkhørtiofng | He is now in class. | 他現在正在上課。
sisiofng | mournful, worrowful | 失傷; 悲哀
siuhexngtiofng | practicing | 修行中
siux tiofng cy oong | king of the beasts ─ lion | 獸中之王
siuxciofng | die in old age | 壽終
siuxsiofng | bruise; be injured; get hurt; be wounded | 受傷
siuxsiofng`aq | injured | 受傷矣
siwkiofng | a lizard of the gekko family, Gekko japonicus | 守宮
siøchiofng | purposes or wishes of two persons directly opposed; directly opposite; so as to injure the good fortune of a house or grave; coming in collision with the horoscope | 相沖
siøfsiofng | minor injury; retailer | 小傷; 小商
siøsiofng | burn | 燒傷; 灼傷
soattiofng soxng thaxn | send fuel in cold weather ─ timely assistance; send things which are in urgent need | 雪中送炭
songciofng | a symbol of mourning | 喪終; 孝布
songtiofng | during the period of mourning; in mourning | 喪中
sornghiofng | destitute, poor | 喪鄉; 貧窮
su-loong-kafng-siofng | scholars; farmers; workers and merchants ─ the social castes of old China; in that order | 士農工商
suchiofng | unlicensed prostitutes or brothel | 私娼
suciofng | personal seal; private chop | 私章
suhiofng bunte | literary family | 書香門第
suhiofng | think of one's home; homesick | 思鄉
sui'ietiofng | at will | 隨意中
susiofngciexn | ideological warfare; the battle for people's minds | 思想戰
susiofnghoan | political offense; political prisoner | 思想犯
susiofngkaf | thinker; man of (profound) thought; philosopher | 思想家
susiofngkaix | realm (world) of thought | 思想界
susiofngkhie | think of | 思想起
suxkviaxtiofng | in the event | 事件中
svachiofng | rush together, dash against one another | 相沖; 互衝
sviatiofng | inside the city | 城中
svoatiofng | in the mountain | 山中
swnsiofng | injure; injury; casualty | 損傷
syciofng ju'id | same from beginning to end ─ consistent | 始終如一
syciofng | always; consistent; from the beginning to the end | 始終
sysiofng | dead and wounded; casualties | 死傷
sytiofng | buddy | 死忠
taesiofng | get wounded; injured | 帶傷; 負傷
taisiofng | Taiwanese businessperson | 台商
taixhiofng | big village | 大鄉
taixjinkiofng | | 大人宮
taixlysiofng | business agent; agent | 代理商
taixsiausiofng | consignee | 代銷商
taixzhunhiofng | | 大村鄉
tangciøqhiofng | | 東石鄉
tangtiofng | in the middle | 當中
tanhiofng | incense made of sandalwood | 檀香
tankiofng | single room | 單宮; 彈弓
tarngsiofng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of exposure; frostbite | 凍傷
taxngsiofng | serious injury | 重傷
tenghiofng | cloves (seasoning) | 丁香
tengsiofng | wound by a nail | 釘傷
tesiofng | a tea-merchant | 茶商
thaeserngkiofng | | 太聖宮
thahiofng | another countryside; other or strange lands; lands away from home | 他鄉
thaitiøqsiofng | to wound with a knife or sword | 殺受傷; 割傷
thaixji ketiofng | not betrothed yet (said of a young woman) | 待字閨中
thamtiofng | in the pond | 潭中
tharnsiofng | to lament; mawkishness | 嘆傷
thefnghiofng | rage, be rampant | 猖獗; 逞兇; 憤怒
thekiofng | provide | 提供
thiamchiofng | to fill the blank | 添沖; 添充
thienchiofng | fill; form of test: filling the blanks; completion test | 填充
thienhiøxkiofng | a temple in Taipei | 天后宮
thienho-kiofng | | 天護宮
thiofng | compromise; a compromise | 折衷
thiofng'afpof | cemetery | 墳仔埔; 墓地
thiofng'afpvy | cemetery | 塚仔邊
thiofng'aix | pet; favour; fondness | 寵愛
thiofng'iu | actual grace (Catholic) | 寵佑
thiofngbut | pet | 寵物
thiofnghai | spoil (a child) | 寵壞
thiofngjii | favored person; pet; favorite; minion | 寵兒
thiofngseng | to bring up a child indulgently, to spoil | 寵壞; 寵倖
thiofngsiaw | to sell well | 暢銷
thiofngsiin | favorite staff | 寵臣
thiofngsixn | favor and trust (a subordinate) | 寵信
thiofngsvoaf | a hill where graves gather | 塚山
thngrsiofng | burn incurred from a hot liquid | 燙傷
thngsiofng | scald | 燙傷
thoansoattiofng | it's said | 傳說中
thongsiofng tiau'iog | trade pact | 通商條約
thongsiofng | trade; have commercial relations | 通商
thvahiofng | strange place | 他鄉
thvitiofng | in the sky | 天中
thvoarsiofng | coal or charcoal dealer | 炭商
thøgoanhiofng | | 桃源鄉
thøhoahiofng | peach blossom village | 桃花鄉
tiaosiofng | condolence | 吊傷
tiauioktiofng | treaty | 條約中
tiefnciofng | constitution of an organization, regulations | 典章
tieiofngsiangzoaan | wise and brave | 智勇雙全
tiesiofng | IQ: intelligence quotient | 智商
tiexn'oextiofng | on the telephone line | 電話中
tihii cy iofng | disaster brought on by others; calamities suffered by innocent bystanders | 池魚之殃
tiofng uu kokkaf | be faithful to one's fatherland | 忠於國家
tiofng | inside of, within, middle of | 中; 忠
tiofng'aix | to favor, to dote on | 鍾愛
tiofngciar | elder; superior; elderly person; seniors; honorable men | 長者
tiofngcib | the senior generation; seniority; eldership | 長執; 長輩
tiofngcib-hoe | session of elders and deacons | 長進會
tiofngcixn | make progress advancement | 長進
tiofngkvoaf | governor; one's superior in office; a commanding officer | 長官
tiofnglaam | first born son; the eldest son | 長男
tiofnglaang | excessive number of people | 長人; 多出來的人
tiofnglie | eldest daughter | 長女
tiofngluo | first born daughter; the eldest daughter | 長女
tiofnglør | village elders; elder; senior monk | 長老
tiofnglør-niuu | wife of an elder | 長老娘
tiofngpaang | elder's room | 長房
tiofngpoex | the senior generation; seniority; eldership; senior generation; an elder; elder brothers and persons of the same generation with our parents or higher | 長輩
tiofngseeng | to grow to manhood; to grow into; grown; development; grow into | 長成; 成長
tiofngsiong | elders; seniors | 長上
tiofngswn | eldlest grandkid | 長孫
tiofngtai sengjiin | be grown up | 長大成人
tiofngtai | to grow up; to mature; vegetate; attain manhood | 長大
tiofngtat | for a long time; long-range; long-term | 長達
tiofngtoa | to grow up; to mature; vegetate | 長大
tiofngzaai | talent; be in a position to; capable | 長才
tiofngzuo keasengkoaan | right of inheritance (of the eldest son); primogeniture | 長子繼承權
tiofngzuo | eldest son | 長子
tiong'iofng cibkoaan | centralized government; centralization of authority | 中央集權
tiong'iofng | center; central | 中央
tiong'iofnghaogi | loyalty and filial piety | 忠勇孝義
tionghaux liofngzoaan | both loyal to one's country and filial to one's parents; be perfect both as a national hero and as a dutiful son | 忠孝兩全
tiongpvoasiofng | mid-market; middle man | 中盤商
tiongtiofng | medium quality; mediocre | 中中; 普通
tiorngsiofng | to hurt somebody insidiously; slander; defamation; hurt somebody insidiously; say damaging things about others before a third party; to slander; malign; speak ill of; injure a person's reputation | 中傷
tioxngsiofng | serious injury | 重傷
tirmsiofng | wound by stoning | 擲傷; 以石擊傷
titciofngjiin | prize winner | 得獎人
tiupixtiofng | in the course of preparation; in hand | 籌備中
tixnthautiofng | in the front | 陣頭中
tixsiofng | healing | 治傷
tiøqsiofng | injured; bruise; wounded; be wounded; injury | 受傷; 著傷
toa-huosiofng | millionaire | 大富商
tociofng | seal; chop (usually personal) | 圖章; 印章; 圖章,印章
tofngciofng | the constitution of a political party | 黨章
tonghiofng | people from the same county; town; etc.; people from the same province; county; town | 同鄉
tongsuxtiofng | among colleagues | 同事中
tongtiofng | right in the middle; among | 當中
torngsiofng | suffer injuries or illness as a result of long exposure to cold weather; frostbite; exposure | 凍傷
totiofng | midway; on one's way of; on the way; en route | 途中
toxngsiofng | omjire by collision | 撞傷
tuiechiofng | directly opposite; so as to injure good fortune of a house or grave; coming in collision with the horoscope | 對沖; 衝突; 正沖
tuietiofng | center; middle; just in the middle | 對中; 對準中心; 正中
tuqsiofng | stab wound | 刺傷
tvafsiofng | to wound or injure by beating; contusion | 打傷
tviof | open; to stretch; lay out; extend; to display; sheet (of paper); leaf (of a book) Chinese family name | 張
tøsiofng | wounds; knife wound | 刀傷
u siofng honghoax | harmful to public morals | 有傷風化
ui khorngtiofng | dilated stomach | 胃擴張
uiciofng kierntiog | buildings erected without a license or against the provisions of the building code; illegal structures | 違章建築; 違建
uiciofng | disobey regulations | 違章
uiqsiofng | damage or injure by scratching | 劃傷
uixkokcixntiofng | be loyal to the country | 為國盡忠
uixsiofng | damage or injure by scratching | 畫傷
unjiuhiofng | lovers nest | 溫柔鄉
unzvoahiofng | hot spring township | 溫泉鄉
ut'siofng | depression; gloomy | 鬱傷
utkimhiofng | tulips | 鬱金香
utsiofng | depression | 鬱傷
viusiofng | foreign merchants; foreign firms | 洋商
vixhiofng | Foreign land | 異鄉
wn ciofng kiuu pøx | return evil for good; ungrateful | 恩將仇報
wn ciofng siuu pøx | return evil for good | 恩將仇報
zabloan-buciofng | untidy | 雜亂無章; 亂七八糟
zablyhiofng | jasmin | 十里香; 月橘
zai'iofng | disaster; calamity; catastrophe | 災殃
zaitix-liofngkiafm | talented and smart | 才智兩兼
zaixhak-tiofng | be in school; while in school | 在學中
zaixhiofng | in the township | 在鄉
zaociofng | memorial to the throne | 奏章
zarsiofng | injured in bombing explosion | 炸傷
zengsiefn khiofnghiø | anxious to be ahead of others; afraid to fall behind | 爭先恐後
zengtiofng pørkog | serve one's fatherland with unreserved loyalty | 精忠報國
zengtiofng | loyalty | 精忠
zerngciofng | badge | 證章
zerngkiofng khongthaix | May you be healthy and strong (a greeting used in addressing a high government official) | 政躬康泰
zexngmeh khioktiofng | varicose veins | 靜脈曲張
zhagsiofng | puncture wound | 刺傷
zhah'iofng | rice transplanting | 插秧
zhantiofng | on the farm | 田中
zhatsiofng | friction burn, scrape wound | 擦傷
zhawbogtiofng | in the vegetation | 草木中
zheasiofng | abrasion; scratch; suffer a scratch | 擦傷
zherngsiofng | gunshot wound; shell or gun wound | 槍傷
zhoankiofng | collusion among witnesses or suspects | 川芎
zhoarnkiofng | collusion among witnesses or suspects | 串供
zhorngsiofng | be wounded; hurt; injury; trauma | 創傷
zhosiofng | junior middle commercial school | 初商
zhotiofng | junior high school; junior middle school | 初中
zhunkiofng | ponograph | 春宮
zhutkhawsengciofng | quick thinking, and excellent eloquence | 出口成章
zhutkhawsiofng | exporters | 出口商
zhutpafnsiofng | publisher | 出版商
zhutparn-siofng | publisher | 出版商
zhwtiofng | here | 此中
zhørgoxtiofng | in error | 錯誤中
zhørsiofng | to damp, to dampen | 挫傷
zhøsiofng | negotiation; consultation | 磋商
zngrsiofng | perforating wound | 裝傷; 穿傷
zngsiofng | wound one's self; in order to accuse another falsely; feign injury; exaggerate one's pain or wound | 裝傷
zngtiofng | inside village | 庄中; 村內
zoafnhengtiofng | in transition | 轉型中
zoarn hiofng uii kied | turn evil into good fortune | 轉凶為吉
zoasiofng | injure caused by snake | 蛇傷
zoeaciofng | last one; the end | 最終
zogtiofng | within the clan | 族中
zornggiok-baihiofng | bury a beauty; untimely death of a beauty | 葬玉埋香
zu suo cix ciofng | from the beginning to end | 自始至終
zu'iofnghwn | nourishment; nutrition | 滋養分
zu'iofngphirn | nourishing food; nutritive food | 滋養品
zu'iofngzef | nutrient | 滋養劑
zu-siofng-mauturn | self contradiction | 自相矛盾
zuhiofng | scholarly | 書香
zuntiofng | in the boat | 船中
zusiofng | consultation | 諮商
zutiofng | in the book | 書中
zuxsiofng mauturn | inconsistent; self contradictory | 自相矛盾
zuxsiofng zansad | engage in an intramural fight | 自相殘殺
zuxsiofng | wound oneself, harm oneself | 自相; 傷害自己
zuycvikiofng | the crystal palace; abode of the legendary Dragon King | 水晶宮
zuyhiofng | a city near by water; place near a lake; sea or river | 水鄉
zuyliok liofng'iong | amphibious | 水陸兩用
zuyliok liofngzhef-toxngbut | amphibian | 水陸兩棲動物
zuysiofng | fruit bruise | 水傷; (水果)
zuytiofng | in the water | 水中
zuytiofng-løgoeh | make obviously futile efforts; (Lit. try to fish the reflected moon out of water) (literally) | 水中撈月
zwkiofng chiettuu | hysterectomy | 子宮切除
zwkiofng hoat'iam | uterine infection | 子宮發炎
zwkiofng | womb; Lit child palace womb; uterus | 子宮
zwkiofng-kefng | cervix | 子宮間; 子宮頸
zwkiofng-thaau | cervix | 子宮頸
zwtiofng | claim | 主張
zøiofng | meet with misfortune or disaster | 遭殃
zøxgvo liofng'iong | reclining chair that can also be used as a bed | 坐臥兩用
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]