"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bykog Toglip Ciernzefng | U.S.A. War of Independence | 美國獨力戰爭
Bøo su putjip sampøftien | I need to see you; I have a favor to ask of you. (Lit.- Don't enter the emperor's office unless you have official business.) | 無事無登三寶殿
Cibcip | a city in Nantou County | 集集
Hipeklaai Sw | Epistle to the Hebrews | 希伯來書
Hipeklaai | Hebrew | 希伯來
Hipeklaai-buun | Hebrew written language | 希伯來文
Hipeklaai-guo | Hebrew spoken language | 希伯來語
Julaipudzor | Buddha | 如來佛祖
Liogsip jii nysun | an obedient ear for the reception of truth ─ used to express 60 years of age; (Confucius said; At sixty my ear was an obedient organ for the reception of truth | 耳順; (六十而耳順)
Lulaipudzor | Buddha | 如來佛祖
Pvipof-zok | Taiwanese plains aborigines | 平埔族
Pvipohoafn | Pingpu Aboriginal people | 平埔番
Serng'exngcip | Psalms (Catholic) | 聖詠集
Sintaipex | New Taiwan Dollar (NT$); the currency of the Republic of China since 1949 | 新台幣
Siphiefn | Psalms | 詩篇
Suhoad zhaiphvoarsor | Court of Justice | 司法裁判所
Taipag | Taipei | 台北
Taipag-koan | Taipei County | 台北縣
Taipakchi | Taipei city | 台北市
Taipakkoan | Taipei county | 台北縣
Taipaksviaa | Taipei city | 台北城
Taipex | Taiwan currency | 台幣; 臺幣
Taiphiøx | Taiwan currency | 台幣; 臺票; 臺幣
Thvipe | Heavenly Father | 天爸; 天父
Tipurn | a hot spring tourist town in eastern Taiwan | 知本
Zhud Aikipkix | Exodus (Protestant) | 出埃及記
aipexkiørbuo | screaming and shouting | 哀爸叫母
aipiet | depart sadly | 哀別
armsip | attack in the dark | 偷襲
arnlip | ordain | 暗定; 任命(聖職)
bacip | collect | 覓集
bagbaipid | eyebrow pencil | 目眉筆
befjip | buy | 買入
bextaxng siusip | pandemonium; wild disorder or confusion; hopeless situation; out of control | 未當收拾; 無可收拾
bidcip | to cluster together | 密集
bidsujip | secret input | 密輸入
biefncvipng | free lunch - in jail | 免錢飯
biphøf | microwave | 微波
biphøloo | microwave oven | 微波爐
bipok | meager; slight; slender | 微薄
bipøh | very small amount, slight | 微薄
bixlaiphaix | futurists; futurism | 未來派
boxcip | gather; collect; levy; invite; enlist; enroll; raise; invite; collect; to appeal for subscriptions | 募集; 招募
buncip | collection of prose works | 文集
burnjip | crawl in | 瀵入; 湓入
bwkipvoaa | Chinese chess board | 武棋盤
bøcip'ix | didn't make a decision | 無執意; 沒有下定決心
bøefjip | buying | 買入
bøkhvii bøkhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗無吸; 無著力處; 無可依據; 無牽連
bøo khvikhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗吸; 無可依據; 無牽連
chienjip | move in from another place | 遷入
chienlip | moved in | 遷入
chimjip | invade; irruption; trespass; research; study; delve deeply or thoroughly into something; reach or penetrate deep into enemy territory | 侵入
chimlip | go deep | 深入
chimsip | invasion; attack; attack stealthily; invade; to plagiarize | 侵襲
chinlip | establish something in person | 親立
chiofnglip | jut up; lift; spire | 聳立
chiongjip | to bump into, to burst into | 衝入
chip | sip with lips | 緝
chip'ao | stubborn, pigheaded, wilful | 緝拗
chip'axn | case issued for arrest | 緝案
chip'hee | catch shrimp with a bamboo frame | 緝蝦; 撈蝦
chip'heg | to arrest | 緝獲
chipafng | lay down boards so as to make a level surface | 持板; 舖木板
chipeeng | flat | 持平
chiphiørjiin | bearer of a check or bill | 持票人
chipid | hold the pen to write | 持筆
chipkhiim | to keep guard | 緝擒
chipnar | arrest; catch | 緝拿
chippo | arrest | 緝逮; 緝捕
chippor | to seize; to arrest | 緝捕
chipsu | confiscate smuggled good | 緝事
chipsw | anti-smuggling activities | 緝私
chixlip haghau | Schools established by City; municipal schools | 市立學校
chixlip | established by city government; established with city government funds; operated by or under the jurisdiction of a city government | 市立
chvihiphvix | sashimi | 生魚片
chvipeh | pale; wan | 青白; 蒼白
chviphiøo | an aquatic herb; duckweed | 青萍; 青浮萍
chvipof | wilderness | 青埔; 草地; 野地; 無毛之地; 荒地; 荒野
ciamjip | steal on; enter secretly; slip in; dive into water | 潛入
ciaucip | invite to an assembly; call to military service; to get together; to call (people) together; summon; gather together | 招集; 召集
ciaxmjip kakerng | to be better gradually | 漸入佳境
ciefncip | clip | 剪輯
cierntox iefnsip | war games; military maneuvers | 戰鬥演習
cinkhofng khiptinkhix | vacuum cleaner | 真空吸塵器
cip iuphiøx | stamp collection | 集郵票
cip | sip; lonesome; to gather; assemble; gather together; compile; edit; collection of works by one or more authors | 啜; 嚐; 集; 寂
cip'ao | stubborn | 執拗
cip'heeng piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書
cip'heeng syheeng | execute a convict | 執行死刑
cip'heeng uyoaan | administrative officers; persons appointed by a ruling party or an assembly to carry out their decisions; members of an executive committee | 執行委員
cip'heeng | to carry out; to execute; execute an order; carry into effect | 執行
cip'heeng-piesw | executive secretary | 執行秘書; 執行祕書
cip'heeng-uy'oaan | executive committee member | 執行委員
cip'hengkvoaf | executioner | 執行秘; 執行官
cip'hoad juu safn | uphold the law strictly; to adhere to legal principles without letup or fear usually referring to law enforcing officials or judges | 執法如山
cip'hoad | to enforce the law; uphold the law | 執法
cip'iaux | outline; a summary; bring together the important items | 輯要
cip'id | stick up; stand to; persist in | 執一
cip'iuo | honorific; bosom friend | 執右; 執友
cip'ix | to be determined to; stick to one's own view; hold on stubbornly to one's own ideas | 執意; 固執
cip`cide | sip; to take a sip | 啜一下; 啜飲
cipbee putgvo | adhere stubbornly to errors; hold on to wrong beliefs obstinately | 執迷無悟
cipbee | to refuse to come to one's senses | 執迷
cipciarng | have authority; to manage; to superintend; to be in charge of; to control | 執掌
cipciaux | a licence; a permit; a charter; certificate; a pass; a license | 執照
cipciorng | have authority; to manage; to superintend; to be in charge of; take full charge of; superintend | 執掌
cipciøx | a licence, a permit, a charter | 執照
cipgiap | practise; open; engage in a profession or trade; a vocation or trade | 執業
cipgvi | stubborn | 執硬
ciphaix | to order; to send; to dispatch; subdivision; branch of a school of thought; division of a clan | 支派
ciphex | dominate | 支配
ciphiørpho | check book | 支票簿
ciphiøx | a check; check | 支票
ciphiøx-pho | cheque book | 支票簿
ciphoeajiin | manager, director | 支配人
ciphoex | control; superintend; direct; control; dominate; manage; administer | 支配
ciphøeajiin | manager, director | 支配人
ciphøex | to control, to manipulate, to dominate, to superintend, direct | 支配
cipkaux | be a teacher | 執教
cipkhiin | to keep guard | 執勤
cipkhuun | on duty | 執勤
cipkoaan | assume authority, take a position as authority | 執權; 執行職權
cipkoad | to make a firm decision; obstinate; stubborn | 執決; 固執; 堅持己見
cipo | a branch of an organization; branch headquarters of a political party | 支部
cipphiaq | obstinate; stubborn; headstrong; die-hard | 執癖; 頑固
cippid | write professionally; write | 執筆
cippiefn | teaching | 執鞭
cipsiuo | observe steadfastly; keep steadfastly to; to carry on | 執守; 遵守不逾
cipsu | deacon; church officer; a deacon | 執事
cipsykoad | very obstinate | 執死決; 頑固; 固執
cipzerngciar | administrator | 執政者
cipzerngtorng | the administration party; party in power | 執政黨
cipzexng | to manage the government; in power; be in power; hold the reins of government | 執政
cipzexng-torng | the ruling party, the party in power | 執政黨
cirnjip | pass into; go into; make admission to; enter | 進入
cirnlip | enter | 進入
ciukipiør | periodic table (physics; chemistry); statistical entry made on a weekly basis | 週期表
ciulip | established by the state, state-college etc | 州立
ciøcip | to call for (military) service; gather together | 招集
ciøhjip | to borrow | 借入
ciøjip | recruit | 招入
cviejip | pile in | 爭入; 爭擠而入
cvipaw | purse; wallet | 錢包
cvipex | a coin | 錢幣
cvipør | treasure | 錢寶
enggiap cipciaux | business license | 營業執照
gaipun | heavy and stupid | 礙笨; 呆笨
giamsiuo tionglip | observe strict neutrality | 嚴守中立
giaqgoa siujip | extra income | 額外收入
giefnsip | study; research and study | 研習
ginhaang ciphiøx | bank draft | 銀行支票
gipee | Japanese medlar, loquat | 枇杷
gipefng | a feint to mislead enemy | 疑兵
gipekøf | condensed loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷膏
gipelo | diluted loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷露
gipex | Japanese medlar, loquat | 枇杷
gipiao | manners; meters; appearance and deportment a rule | 儀表
gipiør | instrument and meters | 儀表
goadtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
goeqtaiphiøx | platform ticket | 月台票
goghiphøee | alligator leather | 鱷魚皮
goxjip kitoo | go astray (morally) | 誤入歧途
goxngjip bøo goxngzhud | careful and detailed calculation of how to make money but doesn't like to spend it | 精打細算; 只收入無支出; 憨入無憨出
guikip | connoting risk and danger; urgent; pressing; hazardous; in a state of emergency | 危及
guipeg | critical, urgent, pressing | 危逼; 急迫
gunipviar | milk biscuit | 牛奶餅
gvafcip | hold meeting of scholars or poets | 雅集
gøeqtaiphiøx | a platform ticket | 月臺票
habcip | compilation | 合輯
hagsip | to learn; learn and practice | 學習
haxcip | second volume | 下集
haxmjip zoadkerng | get into extreme difficulty; be drawn into a hopeless situation | 陷入絕境
haxmjip | to sink into; to fall into | 陷入
haxnsiphøef | special delivery (in Chinese postal service) | 限時信
hengchiaf cipciaux | car license | 行車執照
hengsu zhaiphvoax | criminal trial | 刑事裁判
hip'aw | tea cup; mug | 翕甌; 茶杯
hip'hib | sultry | 翕翕; 悶熱; 空氣無流通
hipcioxng | fainthearted; shy on public | 怯場; 翕眾
hipciøh | magnet | 翕石; 磁鐵
hiphiaw | swimming bladder | 魚鰾
hiphvix | fillets, slices of fish meat | 魚片
hipiq | marine life | 魚鱉; 魚類
hipiø | fish air bladder | 魚鰾
hipjoah | swelter; sultriness; sultry | 翕熱; 悶熱
hipkhuix | choke; stifle; suffocate | 翕氣; 窒息
hipkoax | cover to retain heat | 翕掛; 蓋蓋; 悶掛
hipkvoa | to sweat; cover up warmly so as to perspire | 翕汗; 發汗; 悶汗
hiploah | hot and humid | 翕熱
hipnng | to hatch in human labor | 翕蛋; 人工孵蛋
hipok | thin and diluted | 稀薄
hipor | dried fish; small dried salty fish | 魚乾; 魚脯; 小魚乾; 小魚干
hipsid | extinguish by covering | 悶死; 撲滅
hipsie | choke; suffocate; suffocation; be choked | 悶死; 翕死; 窒息
hipsiong | photo; photograph | 照相
hipsiong-koarn | place for portrait taken | 照像館
hipsiorngkoarn | photo studio | 照相館
hipsiorngky | camera | 照相機
hipsiorngsut | photography | 照相術
hipsioxng khiezaihaang | photographic equipment shop | 照相器材行
hipsioxng | take a photograph | 照相
hipsiøf | cover and simmer | 悶燒; 翕燒
hiptee | cover the hot tea | 悶茶; 蒸茶; 翕茶
hipøx | false report; to report falsely | 虛報
hoaiphau | bosom; to embrace; to hold in the arms; nurse in the arms | 懷抱
hoexcip | to assemble | 會集
hoexjip | money transfer in | 匯入
hoexlip | money transfer | 匯入
hoglip | distinguished; outstanding one stands like a crane | 鶴立
hogsip | review; to practice repeatedly; review one's lessons | 複習
hokhipkhix | a respirator | 呼吸器
hokhiptax | respirator | 呼吸罩
hongkhofng iefnsip | air raid drill | 防空演習
honglip | appoint to office, ordain a minister, invest | 豐立; 封
hongsip | culture | 風習
hongsipjiet | rheumatic fever | 風濕熱
hongsipthviax | rheumatic pains | 風濕痛
hongsipzexng | rheumatism | 風濕症
hoxhoea bogkip | too late to regret something (useless crying over spilled milk) | 後悔莫及
huikipheeng | hangar | 飛機棚
huikiphiøx | airplane ticket | 飛機票
huipang logkhofng | swing a stick or a baseball bat | 揮棒落空
huipang | swing a bat or club | 揮棒
huiphaux | to run quickly | 飛砲; 飛跑
huipvoaa | china plate | 瓷盤
huncip | swarm over; flock to; flock together; gathering like clouds; congregate | 雲集
hunlip | branch establishment; set up independently | 分立
hux-piencip | associate editor | 副編輯
huxnjip | mingle in a body of people; an organization; get into an organization or restricted area without undergoing the proper procedures | 混入
hvoaiparpax | overbearing | 橫霸霸
hvoaipax | perverse and tyrannical | 橫霸
hvoaipiern | horizontal tablet over door | 匾額; 橫扁
hvoaipø | high-handed | 橫暴
hvoaizhaa giajip zaux | argue irrationally; do things the way they won't work (to put sticks of wood into the stove sideways; contrary to the way they fit) | 強詞奪理; 橫柴抬入灶
hvuiparpax | overbearing | 橫霸霸
høxniphvix | greeting card for New Year | 賀年片
iaucip | invite to a gathering | 邀集
iaxsip | a night raid, a night attack | 夜襲
iefnsip | maneuvers; drill; military exercise; maneuver; war game | 演習
iensip | follow along | 沿習
insip | to follow the conventional | 因習
iofnglip | hail | 擁立
ipboxkea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
ipboxngkoea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
iphølaf pvixtok | ebola virus | 伊波拉病毒
ipiao | relatives on mother's side | 姨表
ipiao-cymoe | female maternal cousins | 姨表姊妹
ipiao-hviati | male maternal cousins | 姨表兄弟
ipoad | skill or teaching handed down from a master; teaching; skill handed down from master to pupil | 衣缽
ipoaq | skill or teaching handed down from a master; teaching; skill handed down from master to pupil | 衣缽
ipve | cure disease | 醫病
ipvi | cure disease | 醫病
ipøo | grandaunt; grandmother's sister | 姨婆; 姨奶奶; 姨婆,姨祖母
itgvor-itsip | to tell something exactly as it happened; systematically and in full detail | 一五一十
iuliphiøx | swing votes | 游離票
iuu chiern jip chym | from shallow to profound--of progressive studies | 由淺入深
iwkhao-kaipy | Where there are mouths (to praise him); there are his memorial tablets.--praised by all | 有口皆碑
jilip | stand firm; 30 years of age (from Sam-sip ji-lip; 三十而立 written by Confucius meaning; When I was thirty years of age I stood firm.) | 而立
jip kokzek | acquire citizenship | 入國籍
jip put'hw zhud | expenditure exceeding income; cannot make both ends meet | 入無敷出
jip | enter; put in; income | 入
jip`khix | get in | 入去
jip`laai | come on in; come in | 入來; 進來
jip`løqkhix | put into; pack into | 入落去; 裝進去
jipcvii | rush about on business to secure funds or to raise money | 追錢; 奔走籌錢
jipkaux | catch up | 追到
jiptiøh | catch up | 追到
joaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
joaqthvipox | summer cloth | 熱天布
jujip bujiin-cy-kerng | like walking into a no man's land; encounter little resistance (usually said of a victorious army) | 如入無人之境
kaejip | intervene; get involved | 介入
kaelip | intervention | 介入
kafcip'heeng | false execution (in law); sequestrate | 假執行
kafngsip | training; short-term training or instruction course (class) | 講習
kajip | joined; adding; accede to; come in with; enter (a party) | 加入
kalip | join | 加入
kapiphøq | coffee grounds. | 咖啡粕
kapipoef | coffee cup | 咖啡杯
karsuo cipciaux | driver's license | 駕駛執照; 駕照
keasipiør | chronometer | 計時表
kefcip'heeng | false execution (in law); sequestrate | 假執行
keg-phiphii | feign tiredness | 裝疲疲
kekphiphii | pretend not to pay attention to | 裝疲疲; 裝無理會
keksipsib | pretend not to pay attention to; purposely not pay attention to | 激濕濕; 無理不睬
khaipan | setup; establish; start; put into operation (as an office; store etc.) | 開辦
khaipenghofng | extraction of the square root | 開平方
khaiphoax | break | 開破
khaipit | open up; develop; open up or develop (a new market; farm plot); build (a road) | 開闢
khaipox | broadcast | 開播
khaklip | entrench | 確立
khangkhakciphiøx | bounced check | 空殼支票
khangthaau-ciphiøx | rubber check; worthless check | 空頭支票
khip | grip; hold; cling (hold on) to; hang on; depend on | 及; 抓住; 握住; 攀住
khip'hied-kuie | a bloodsucker, a vampire | 吸血鬼
khip'hietkuie | vampire | 吸血鬼
khip'hux | adsorption; sorb | 吸附
khip'iefn | exhaust smoke; fumes | 吸煙
khip'imparn | soundproofing board | 吸音板
khip'irm | to sip | 吸引; 吸飲
khip'irn | attract | 吸引
khip'irn-lat | power of attraction | 吸引力
khip'iu'ienky | exhaust fan | 吸油煙機
khip'ym | sound-absorbent | 吸音
khip'ynlek | power of attraction; gravitation | 吸引力
khipbagzoar | blotting-paper | 吸墨紙; 吸水紙
khipbak-zoar | blotting paper | 吸墨紙
khipciøh | magnet; lodestone | 吸石; 磁石; 磁鐵
khipeeng | incline; lean; slant; slope; tilt | 敧爿; 傾斜
khipefng | cavalry | 騎兵
khiphiexn | deceit; deception; fraud; deceive; to swindle | 欺騙
khiphiin | not straight | 敧蹁; 壁肩等傾斜
khipiin tioxnghux | cheat the poor and respect the rich | 欺貧重富
khipjibkhix | inhaler | 吸入器
khipjiet | endotherm; decalescence | 吸熱
khipjip | inhalation; inhale | 吸入
khipkhiekhix | aspirator | 吸氣器
khipkhix | breath in; inspire; inhale; draw in the breath | 吸氣
khipkorng | a sucker, a siphon | 吸管
khiplat | attractive force, magnetic force, suction | 吸力
khiplek | magnetic force; magnetic force; force of attraction | 吸力
khippvoaa | sucker (as in octopus) | 吸盤
khipsit | suck | 吸食
khipsiw | absorb; assimilate; absorption; suction; suck in | 吸收
khipsuq | suck | 吸吮; 吸飲
khiptaf | to suck dry | 吸乾; 吸焦
khipthiq | magnet | 吸鐵; 磁石; 磁鐵
khiptiin-khix | a vacuum-cleaner | 吸塵器
khiptinkhix | vacuum cleaner | 吸塵器
khiptogciar | drug addict | 吸毒者
khiptok | smoke opium | 吸毒
khipzhuo | seek (knowledge); suck (liquids) | 吸取
khipzu | to grip, to attract | 吸住
khipzuie | sop | 吸水
khipzuyzoar | blotting-paper | 吸水紙
khiøhsip | economize; scrape and screw | 節儉; 拾拾
khongsip | an air-raid; air attack | 空襲
khuipenghofng | extraction of the square root | 開平方
khuiphaang | to start sail; set out; start on sailing (boat; ship; junk); start journey | 開帆
khuiphaux | open fire | 開砲
khuiphiørsor | place for counting ballots | 開票所
khuiphiøx | to count ballots or votes; count ballots or votes; write a check | 開票
khuiphoax | clarify; explain clearly; explain why and how | 開破; 啟發; 開導; 解說; 說明; 誘發; 誘導; 點化; 勸導; 闡明
khuipi'iøh | appetizer | 開胃藥; 開脾藥
khuipiaw | to announce the result of bidding in an open tender | 開標
khuipii | appetizing; to stimulate appetite; stir the appetite | 開胃; 開脾; 開脾胃
khuipiøf | to announce the result of bidding in an open tender | 開標
khuipo | start to execute; start | 開步; 起步
khuipurn | lose money in business | 貼本; 虧本
khuipvoaa | (said of a market) the opening price; opening quotation | 開盤
khuy ciphiøx | draw a check | 開支票
khvikhip | no handhold | 纏及; 依靠; 可抓之物
khylip | to stand up; Stand up! To stand up | 起立; 豎立建立
kiernlip kongløo | achievement of great meritorious acts | 建立功勞
kiernlip | to establish; to found; to build up; found (an organization); set up (a monument); render (a service) | 建立
kiernsip | apprenticeship; internship; in-service training; follow a person's example; learn by watching; practical experience | 見習
kimcvipax | spotted leopard | 金錢豹
kiongzex-cip'heeng | compulsory action (legal); forcible execution | 強制執行
kip | reach to, come up to, amount to | 急; 及; 到達
kip'eng | (for) urgent use or need | 急用
kip'heeng | to walk hurriedly; to start doing something immediately | 急行
kip'heeng-chiaf | express train | 急行車; 快車
kip'heeng-kwn | rapid march, forced march | 急行軍
kip'hengchiaf | express train | 急行車
kip'hengkwn | forced march | 急行軍
kip'hoe | class meeting (at school) | 級會; 班會
kip'hux | give; pay | 給付
kip'iaux | to need urgently; urgent | 急要
kip'iong | for urgent use or need | 急用
kip'sienhofng | an eager champion | 急先鋒
kipaang | a storage for textile machinery; engine room; engine room | 機房
kipboong | in a great hurry, in haste | 急朦; 急忙
kipbu | pressing and urgent business | 急務
kipchied | urgent; anxiously (awaiting; etc.) | 急切; 迫切
kipchiog | hurried, in hurry | 急促
kipcirn | emergency | 急診
kipcirn-seg | emergency ward | 急診室
kipcirnphaix | radical; extremist faction | 急進派
kipcirntofng'goaan | extremist | 急進黨員
kipcirntorng | radical political party | 急進黨
kipcixn | to forge ahead vigorously; rapid advance | 急進
kipcixn-hunzuo | radical element | 急進份子
kipcixn-susiorng | radical ideas | 急進思想
kipcixn-zwgi | radicalism; extremism | 急進主義
kipcynseg | hospital emergency room; emergency ward | 急診室
kipefng | (in military) to attack by surprise; troops used for such purpose; a surprise attack | 奇兵
kiphaux | cheongsam; all-purpose long gown with a high stiff collar worn by modern Chinese women | 旗袍
kiphiøx | air ticket; passenger ticket | 機票
kiphor | a manual on chess; a collection of records of famous chess-plays between experts; contemporary and ancient | 棋譜
kipjim | class teacher | 級任
kipjim-tøxsw | home-room teacher; the teacher in charge of a class | 級任導師
kipkeg | rapid and drastic (cf. [[kipkek]] 急劇) | 急激
kipkek | rapid and drastic | 急極
kipkib | hastily, urgently | 急急
kipkiuo'iøh | first-aid medicine | 急救藥
kipkiuohoad | first-aid methods | 急救法
kipkiuosviw | first-aid kit | 急救箱
kipkiux | first-aid; emergency-treatment | 急救
kipkiux-paw | a first-aid packet | 急救包
kipkiux-zam | a first-aid station | 急救站
kiplaan | time of trouble; a crisis; an emergency; a disaster | 急難
kiplan | misfortune; grave danger; help in crisis | 急難
kipliuu | swift currents; a torrent | 急流
kippeg | urgent; pressing | 急迫
kipphwn | to walk hurriedly | 急奔
kippiexn | a quick turn of events; an emergency; a crisis | 急變
kippvi | acute disease; sudden illness | 急病
kippøx | a urgent report | 急報
kipsexng | hasty; always in a hurry; acute (disease); impetuous temper; impatient | 急性; 性急
kipsienhofng | an eager champion, a zealous vanguard | 急性風
kipsii | urgent time | 急時
kipsixn | an urgent letter | 急信
kipsiøar | porcelain medicine pot; small thin flat-bottomed earthen pan for warming things quickly | 急燒仔
kipsog | quick, rapid | 急束; 急速
kipsox | mathematical progressions | 級數
kipsu | urgent business | 急事
kipsw | an urgent need | 急信; 急需
kipsøx | impatient, impetuous, passionate | 急燥
kipthviax | sharp pain, sudden pain | 急信; 銳痛
kiptien | an urgent cable | 急電
kiptix | quick-wittedness; calm and quickly responsive mind | 急智
kiptoxng | the emergency brake | 急擋
kiptviuo | class leader; monitor | 級長; 班長
kipuii | main periodic fertilization; fertilizers applied to soil before planting | 機肥
kipurn | root; foundation or base; fundamental | 基本
kipurn-goanlie | a basic principle, a fundamental principle | 基本原理
kipurn-kaoiok | fundamental education | 基本教育
kipurn-kiernsied | capital construction | 基本建設
kipurn-tieseg | basic knowledge | 基本知識
kipvoaa | chequer; chessboard; chess or draughts board | 棋盤
kipwnkym | fund; foundation | 基本金; 基金
kipzexng | acute case (disease); an emergency; sudden illness | 急症
kisip | a surprise attack | 奇襲
kngfjip | to be involved in | 捲入
koacip | collection of songs; song-book | 歌集
koarnjip | to pour something into | 灌入
koaxnlip | under prefecture management; prefecture | 縣立
koaxnlip-haghau | Schools established by Hsien; Prefecture Schools | 縣立學校
koaxnlip-pvexvi | prefecture hospital; county hospital | 縣立醫院
koklip haghau | National (state) School | 國立學校
koklip | (of an institution) nationally supported or operated; national; instituted or founded by the country; national | 國立
kolip | isoated; unaided; isolation; be isolated; stand alone; be helpless; be friendless | 孤立
kongjip | to attak into (a city or a territories) | 攻入
konglip haghau | established by the government; Government schools | 官立學校; 公立學校
konglip | public; established by the public; publicly established | 公立
korkip | in consideration of; in view of; to care about; to take something into consideration | 顧及
kudjip | to dig in | 掘入
kuipaai | a whole raw, a whole rank | 整排
kuipaang | the private quarters of a house where women live; a boudoir; women's apartments | 閨房
kuipafn | the whole class | 整班
kuipafng | whole country | 整邦
kuipak'hea | full of rage | 規腹火
kuipak'hoea | full of rage | 規腹火
kuipakhoea | belly full of anger/fire | 閤腹火; 暴怒
kuipaw | the whole bag | 整包
kuipeeng | the whole half | 規爿
kuipexng | to merge with; to unite with; to put together | 歸併
kuipha | the whole (blister) | 整皰
kuiphaang | the whole set; whole | 整組; 全部
kuiphiaq | to evade (obligations or duties); to shun or avoid | 規避
kuiphid | the whole (piece of cloth) | 整匹
kuiphviar | the whole thick slice; over a considerable surface (e.g.; a skin disease) | 整片
kuiphvix | the whole piece | 整片
kuiphvy | whole chapter | 整篇
kuipii | whole | 整脾
kuipo | whole portion | 整部
kuipof | whole noon | 整埔
kuipvoaa | whole | 整盤
kuipvoarpof | for a long time | 規半晡
kuncip | to swarm; to crowd; to gather in great numbers | 群集
kunhoad-zhaiphvoax | court martial | 軍法裁判; 軍法庭
kunsu-iefnsip | military exercise; war game | 軍事演習
kviaa`jipkhix | walk in | 行入去
kvoalip haghau | established by the government; Government schools | 官立學校; 公立學校
kvoalip | to establish by government; bureaucratic manner | 官立; 公立
kvoaxsip'ar | light perspiration | 汗濕仔
køkipchiaf | car de luxe | 高級車
køkipphirn | first-class article | 高級品
laai-putkip | too late; unable to make it in time; not enough time left to do it | 來無及
labjip | to bring into | 納入
lablip | include | 納入
laipinsek | seats allotted to visitors; visitors section | 來賓席
laiputkip | to be too late to | 來無急; 來不及
laipyn | guest; honored guest; visitor | 來賓
laujip | inflow | 流入
laulip | inflow | 流入
lauxnipor | old grandmom | 老奶脯
lefngsu-zhaiphvoax-koaan | consular jurisdiction | 領事裁判權
liaqhofng-jip'viar | catch at shadows; make accusations on hearsay | 捕風捉影
liedjip serngphirn | canonize (Catholic) | 列入聖品
liedjip | enter; embody in proper order; be included in; be incorporated in | 列入
lienlip hongthengseg | simultaneous equation | 聯立方程式
lienlip-hongthengseg | simultaneous equations | 聯立方程式
liernjip | run into | 輾入
liexnsip thefzhaw | physical training | 練習體操
liexnsip | to practice; exercises; training; practice; exercise; rehearse (a show) | 練習
limlip | to stand up like a forest; stand close together; stand together in large numbers; a great many; (men or things) assembling in great numbers | 林立
limsii cipzexng | provisional chief executive; govern (the nation) provisionally; provisional government | 臨時執政
limsii-cipciaux | provisional charter; provisional license | 臨時執照
lincip | congregate (like school of fish) | 鱗集
liofnghioong putleeng pexnglip | Two heroes cannot stand side by side | 兩雄無能並立
liofngkoaan hunlip | political system under which the legislative and executive branches are independent of each other | 兩權分立
liofnglip | be compatible be consistent; stand together | 兩立
lip Serngsu | institute the Sacraments (Catholic) | 立聖事
lip ciongtheeng | draw up rules and regulation | 立章程
lip habtoong | draw up an agreement or trust deed; conclude a contract | 立合同
lip høiog | make a (peace) treaty | 立和約
lip thaezuo | investiture of the Crown Prince | 立太子
lip uiciog | make a will | 立遺囑
lip zerngkix | establish proof | 立證據
lip | enter; put in; income | 入; 立; 裝入; 公升
lipaf | fence; hedge; bamboo fence | 籬笆
loadsip | evil custom | 劣習; 惡習
loaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
loaxnchipazaw | messy | 亂七八糟
loaxnsip | evil custom | 亂飲; 亂習
loxsip | bad customs | 陋習
lui kip bukof | involve the innocent | 累及無辜
lui kip thajiin | involve or implicate others | 累及他人
luie ciphiøx | give a check in exchange for money | 調支票
luiphuun | a mortar | 擂盆; 研缽
luipiet | category | 類別
luipoaq | beating bowl for tea | 擂缽
luixcip | gather | 累積; 收集
luixkip | involve (others) in trouble | 累及
lulaipudzor | Tathagata | 如來佛祖
lunjip hongtiin | women fall into professions not socially respectable (prostitution) | 淪入風塵
luxnkip | talk about; as regards; with reference to; touch upon (in an exposition or argumentation) | 論及
lwheeng-ciphiøx | a traveler's check | 旅行支票
lyheeng ciphiøx | traveler's check | 旅行支票
løcip | logic | 邏輯
løqjip | fell into | 落入
løqlip | fell into | 落入
maixjip | enter; step in | 邁入
miphahjit | day and night | 暝打日; 夜以繼日
miphang | to patch up, to make good | 暝縫; 彌縫
miphaux | long quilted dress | 棉袍
miphexlai | inside the quilt | 棉被內
miphoe | cotton padded quilt | 棉被
miphoextea | inside the quilt | 棉被底
miphøe | cotton padded quilt | 棉被
mipor | (v) make complete; make up for a deficiency; repair; make up for; offset (a loss; shortcoming); stop; fill up (a gap); to supplement | 彌補
mipox | to extend, to spread | 彌補
muipng | cooked rice | 糜飯
muipøo | a female marriage broker; a female go-between of marriage; female matchmaker | 媒婆
nipaang | breast, nipple, udder | 乳房
nipeh | milk-white | 乳白
niphax | | 奶帕
niphea'ar | bra | 奶帕仔
niphor | year by year chronicle of a person's history from birth to death; biography arranged according to chronological order | 年譜
nipiør | chronicle | 年表
nipoex | seniority according to age | 年輩
nipviar | cheese cheesecake | 乳餅; 奶餅
nipøx | annual report | 年報
niuu jip uii zhud | regulate expenses according to income | 量入為出
nngrjip | go into | 穿入
oaiphiefn | crooked, unfair | 歪偏
oaiphvi | crooked ears | 歪耳
oancip | to die (Buddhist monk or nun) | 完寂
oanzoaan toglip | complete autonomy | 完全獨立
ohipiø | mullet swim bladder | 烏魚鰾
oksexng pofsip | unhealthy cram sessions (at school) | 惡性補習
oksip | bad habit, teaching outside the school | 惡習
pahhuncipaq | 100% | 百分之百
paipaai | lineup | 排排
paipafn | arrange working shift; arrange team of work | 排班
paiparn | typesetting; set (printing) type | 排版
paipefng | a team in a army | 排兵
paipeh | be bound to; be sure to | 排白; 必定
paiphiøx | a registration plate | 牌票; 牌照單
paipi | arrange in beforehand, prepare, put in order | 排排; 排備; 安排
paipie | arrange in beforehand; prepare; put in order; to equip; to configure | 排比; 安排; 配置
paipiern | shop signboard; lintel; plaque; signboard | 牌匾; 招牌
paipiet | to arrange separately for | 排別
paipngr | bulletin board | 排榜; 牌榜
paipox | to handle, to manipulate, to arrange | 排佈; 排布
paipuxn | evacuate the bowels | 排糞; 解大便
pefnglaipefngkhix | back and forth | 反來反去
peglaiphirn | imported goods; foreign goods | 舶來品
pejip | clim in | 扒入
pekkarm kaucip | hundred emotions crowd into the heart | 百感交集
pelip | craw in | 扒入
pernglip | to stand side by side | 併立
pexnglip | exist side by side; exist simultaneously | 並立
phahjip | put in | 打入
phahmiphøe | make a cotton quilt; beat or flock cotton in order to make a coverlet or mattress | 打棉被; 製造棉被
pheklip | stand up perpendicularly | 壁立
phiaujip | drift in | 飄入
phienchip | edit | 編輯
phienchip-po | editorial department | 編輯部
phienchip-seg | editorial room | 編輯室
phienchipciar | editor | 編輯者; 人
phienchippo | editorial department | 編輯部
phiencip | pertinacious | 編輯; 偏執
phiencippo | editorial department | 編輯部
phienjip | include (in a budget); enlist; to recruit | 編入
phiphak | expose | 披曝
phiphii | un-concern; naughty; mean and despicable; be shameless; thick skinned | 皮皮; 厚臉皮
phiphy | spread out | 披披
phipog | to refute, to rebut, to turn down | 反駁; 批駁
phoeakipbie | rationed rice | 配給米
phoeakipphirn | rationed goods | 配給品
phoeakipzexng | ration cards; ration coupons | 配給證
phofkip kaoiok | universal education; compulsory; mandatory education | 普及教育
phofkip | widespread; universal; available to all; widespread | 普及
phøkip | extend over | 波及
phørhai tionglip | violation of neutrality | 破壞中立
phøxjip | hold in | 抱入
pi'hie kaucip | grief and joy intermingled; intermingling of sorrow and joy | 悲喜交集
piedphau pipee | carrying her guitar to another boat ─ said of a widow or a concubine who remarries | 別抱琵琶
piekip | secret | 祕笈
piencip | to compile; edit; editor | 編輯
pienjip | include (in a budget); enlist; recruit | 編入
pientioong bogkip | beyond one's influence; beyond one's reach; out of range | 鞭長莫及
pipaa | the loquat tree or its fruit | 枇杷; 琵琶
pipee piedphau | carrying her guitar to another boat ─ said of a widow or a concubine who remarries | 琵琶別抱
pipee | loquat | 枇杷
pipehii | anglerfish | 琵琶魚
pipekøf | condensed loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷膏
pipelo | diluted loquat extract (used as a medicine) | 枇杷露
piphie | beastly; grubby; low; baseness; mean; vulgar; humble; base; depraved; inferior | 卑鄙
poejip | fly into | 飛入
poelaipoekhix | flying around | 飛來飛去
pofkipphirn | supplies | 補給品
pofkipsvoax | line of logistic support; supply line | 補給線
pofkipzam | supply depot | 補給站
pofsip haghau | extension schools; preparatory school | 補習學校
pofsip | to take lessons after school or work; private tutoring to supplement regular schooling; review one's studies in preparation for an exam; give; receive supplementary lessons | 補習
poxjip | step into | 步入
poxlip | step into | 步入
pud senglip | failure; miscarriage; fail; fall through | 無成立
puiie'puipuii | so fat | 肥肥肥
puipeh | chubby and white; fat and fair (infants or women) | 肥白; 白胖
puiphaxng | fat | 肥胖
puipuii | chubby | 肥肥
puipuxn | rich manure | 肥糞
punpipi'ar | whistle | 歕觱觱仔
put'hap-løcip | illogical | 無合邏輯; 不合邏輯
putkhør siusip | pandemonium; wild disorder or confusion; hopeless (situation); out of control | 無可收拾
putkip | be inferior to; unequal to | 無及; 不及
putliofnglip | incompatible | 無兩立
puttiputkag | unconsciously | 不知不覺
puttiputkaktiofng | unconsciously | 無知不覺中
puun pipi'ar | blow a whistle | 吹哨仔
pve cioong khiør jip | diseases enter by the mouth (Therefore; one should be careful in his diet or eating habits) | 病從口入
pve jip køboong | disease has entered the vital region ─ there is little hope for recovery | 病入膏盲
pviarjip | to burst into; to intrude | 倒入; 闖入
pviie'pvipvi | very flat | 平平平
pvipaang | ranch (house) | 平房
pvipafng | shed wood | 棚板
pvipang | equally divided | 平棒
pviparn | flat panel | 平板
pviphaq | scourge | 鞭打
pviphøf | side slope | 邊坡
pvipoex | same generation | 平輩
pvipof | a plain | 平埔; 平原
pvipof-lo | smooth road | 平埔路
pvipohoafn | Taiwanese plains aborigines | 平埔番
pvipozok | plains aboriginal tribes | 平埔族
pvipviar | flat | 平平仔
pvipvii tør`teq | prostration | 平平倒著; 平臥
pvipvii | flat | 平平
pvipwn | equally divided | 平分
pvoajip | move in | 搬入; 越過牆而進入
safnpipaf | skinny | 瘦卑巴
sag`jip | push in | 推入
saipag | northwest; north-west | 西北
saipag-ho | afternoon shower | 西北雨; 午後陣雨
saipak'ho | heavy shower; sudden rain shower | 西北雨; 陣雨
saipak'hofng | northwestern wind | 西北風
saipakpeeng | northwestern side | 西北爿
saipakphaix | northwestern group | 西北派
saipakpo | northwestern | 西北部
saipe | teacher's father | 師爸
saipeeng | west-side; west (Lit. west side) | 西旁; 西爿; 西邊; 西方
saipengbin | west side | 西爿面
saipenghvoa | west coast | 西爿岸
saipeq | teacher's uncle | 師伯
saipvoarkiuu | western hemisphere | 西半球
saipør | western treasure | 西寶
samkoaan hunlip | separation of the legislative; executive and judicial functions of a government | 三權分立
samsip jii lip | thirty years of age; when a man should stand on his own two feet | 三十而立
sapmuipheh | soap bubbles | 雪文沫
sapmuiphøf | soap bubbles | 雪文波
sarn-pipaf | very lean (thin) | 瘦卑巴; 皮包骨
sarngjip | send in | 送入
seaputliofnglip | enemy; swear not to stand side by side with the enemy between heaven and earth | 誓不兩立
seasip | hereditary; heredity | 世襲
sefipo | laundry department | 洗衣部
sefnglip haghau | school chartered by the provincial government | 省立學校
sefnglip | provincial; established by the provincial government | 省立
segsip | familiar | 熟習
sehjip | wedged | 楔入
senghy jii jip | gain an advantage over somebody through his inattention; to catch someone napping | 乘虛而入
senglip taixhoe | inaugural meeting (of an organization) | 成立大會
senglip | establish; found; establish; found; come into existence (e.g.; an organization or society) | 成立
sex pud liofnglip | to vow to fight till oneself or the other party falls | 誓無兩立
siabkip | extend over; concern; deal with; refer to; touch on | 涉及
siafcincip | photo album | 寫真集
siafjip | wrote in | 寫入
siafmjip | flash in | 閃入
siawjip | makes money but very slow to spend it | 小入; 只收入無支出
sicip | poetry; collection of poems | 詩集
sidsip isefng | an intern | 實習醫生
sidsip | practice; practice what one has been taught (said of students or trainees shortly before or immediately after graduation) | 實習
sidsip-isefng | medical intern | 實習醫生
sienjip-zuo | preconception, prejudice | 先入厝; 先入主
siesiar goxjip | even odd numbers in arithmetic: if the decimal is less than 05; disregard it; if 05 or more; even off to the next integer | 四捨五入
sietlip | to establish; erect; establish (a school; society); to set up | 設立
sintaipex | NT | 新台幣
sintaiphiøx | NT | 新台票
siogcip | continuation; second part of a long movie; second volume (of a book) | 續集
sioklip | come to attention; stand upright in respectful attention | 肅立
sioxngcip | last episode | 上集
sip | ten; the tenth; complete; perfect | 十
sip`cide | to sip | 拭一下; 小飲一下
sipcirn | eczema; tette | 濕疹; 溼疹
siphiefn | psalm; psalter; psalm book; Book of Psalms (Protestant) | 詩篇
siphor | poetry | 詩譜
sipiet | adieu; adios; take leave of; bid farewell | 辭別
sipiøfkhag | watch case | 時錶殼
sipiør | watch (for telling time) | 時錶
sipiørar | watch (for telling time) | 時錶仔
sipkhix | moisture; humidity; humid air; dampness | 濕氣
sipkøo-sipkøo | careless; casual; negligent | 拭黏拭黏; 無關緊要的樣子
sipliamthoo | wet stick coating | 溼黏塗
sipox | cloth with silk and cotton yarns as warp and woof respectively | 絲布
sipsib | moist | 濕濕
sipsiern | moist eczema | 濕疹; 濕癬
sipsip'afkvoa | light sweat | 濕濕仔汗; 一點點汗
sipsip'ar-zuie | small quantity of water | 濕濕仔水; 一點點水
sipsipkiamkiaam | damp and salty | 溼溼鹹鹹
siptaam | moist, wet | 濕濕; 潮濕
sipte | wetlands | 溼地
sipthaux | wet right through | 濕透
sipto | humidity; moisture; degree of humidity | 濕度; 溼度
siptoe | wetlands | 溼地
siptoxpiør | hygrometer | 濕度表
siptøe | swampy land; damp place; marsh; swamp | 濕地
sipuii | apply fertilizer | 施肥
sipøx | Times | 時報
siucip iuphiøx | collect stamps | 收集郵票; 集郵
siucip | to collect (materials for research); to gather; a collectioin; collect; garner; pack; collection; get together | 收集
siucipho | cash book | 收支簿
siujip | income; receipt; revenue; earning; take in; income; earnings; revenue | 收入
siulip | income | 收入
siuo tionglip | observe neutrality; keep away from disputes or conflicts | 守中立
siusip henglie | make preparations for a trip; get the baggage ready | 收拾行李
siusip | trim; pack; settle with; clear away; gather up and put in order; to tidy; kill (a person) | 收拾
soafncip | anthology | 選集
soahiphoee | shark skin | 鯊魚皮
soanpox toglip | declaration of independence | 宣佈獨立
socip | collect or gather; collection; collect (postage stamps); glean | 蒐集; 搜集; 收集
soeajip | revenue | 歲入
sucip | books | 書集
suhoad toglip | independence of the judiciary | 司法獨立
suiphviear | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movi | 隨片仔
suiphvix tengtaai | movie stars appear on stage in person at the premiere of a movie | 隨片登台
suiphøf tiogliuu | follow the current ─ do as others; time-server; speak and behave as others do without views of his own; a yes-man | 隨波逐流
suipid | an essay, sketch | 隨筆
suipien ciah | eat anything at all ─ not choosy | 隨便吃
suipien korng | talk at random; extempore speech | 隨便說
suipien | casual; as you like; as you see fit; as you please; careless | 隨便
sujip chiaukøex | excess importation | 輸入超過
sujip goaxzw | introduce foreign capital | 輸入外資
sujip soealut | import tariff | 輸入稅率
sujip zeahan | import restriction | 輸入限制
sujip | input; import; import | 輸入
sulip haghau | Private School | 私立學校
sulip | private; established by a person; established by a private; private operated or established by private funds (usually said of schools; hospitals) | 私立
sunhoee zhaiphvoarsor | circuit court | 巡迴裁判所
suosiar gvofjip | round off (a number); (in arithmetic) to count one-half and higher fractions as units and disregard the rest | 四捨五入
suosip | forty | 四十
suxlip | erect; implant | 豎立
svakvipvoarmee | midnight | 三更半暝
svakvipvoarmii | midnight | 三更半暝
svesipehji | date and time of birth | 生時八字
svipe | actual father, real father | 生父
sviphuo | grow mold | 生黴
svipurn | originally; it was like that | 生本
svipvi | become sick, become ill | 生病
sviusipvi | lovesickness | 相思病
svoaf-gipee | Taiwan loquat | 山枇杷
svoalip | black-capped kingfisher | 黑頭翡翠
søeajip | revenue | 歲入
søjip | snek in | 趖入
tabjip | step in | 踏入
taiparn | woodenness; primness; stiffness | 呆板
taipaw | Taiwanese | 台胞
tanglaam saipag | east; south; west and north ─ all directions | 東南西北
tangsaipo | westeastern | 東西部
tantøf tidjip | straightforward (action; statement); direct; right to the point | 單刀直入
taqjip | step into; become involved in | 踏入
taqlip | step in | 踏入
taujip | devotion | 投入
taulip | participate | 投入
taxngkhipeeng | unbalance; two sides are different weight | 一邊重; 一邊輕; 無平衡
tegcip | special edition | 特集; 特刊
teklipaf | fence | 竹籬笆
tengcip | collect, gather together | 登集; 徵集
tengjip | login | 登入
tengteeng gioglip | slim and graceful (said of women; especially young women) | 亭亭玉立
texnglip | to fix on; draw up; conclude or sign (a contract; agreement; treaty) | 訂立
thaipvoaa | placenta | 胎盤
thaojip | to penetrate | 透入
thatjip | kick in | 窒入
thausip | make a surprise attack, attack without warning | 偷襲
thefnglip | to stand stiff, to stand straight | 挺立
thekip | to mention, to speak of | 提及
thiamjip | to fill in | 添入
thiørzhud tiaqjip | sell and buy grain | 糶出糴入
thoaan ipoad | hand one's trade on to disciples; teach one's students all one knows (especially about academic endeavors and the fine arts) | 傳衣缽
thoajip | to drag into | 拖入
thoancip | meet together, gather together | 傳集; 團集
thoanjip | enter, come in (from outer culture, etc.) | 傳入
thongchip'hoan | criminal wanted by the law | 通緝犯
thongchipleng | warrant for the arrest of a criminal | 通緝令
thongcip | order the arrest of (a criminal) by circular order; issue a warrant for arrest | 通緝
thopipw | ocarina | 土嗶垺; 陶笛
thosip | sneak attack | 偷襲
thuipaai | arrange (a matter), assign (a person), arrangement, ordering | 推排; 安排
thuiphaix | elect or recommend representatives to.. | 推派; 推銷
thuipurn sokgoaan | investigate origins; ascertain the causes; trace the origins | 推本溯源
thuolip | stand | 佇立
thvipe | Heavenly Father | 天爸
thvipefng | heavenly host, heavenly army | 添兵; 天兵
thvipng | put rice in a bowl; fill the bowl with boiled rice; have another helping (bowl) of rice | 添飯; 盛飯
thvipor | expletive; supply; padded | 填補
thvipvii | fill in | 填平
thvipvy haykag | remote regions | 天崖海角
thvipvy | horizon | 天邊
tiaocip | to convene; to call to arms; muster up; convene (a meeting); summon (a council); to call to arms | 召集
tiaosiaw cipciaux | revoke a license | 吊銷執照
tiaxmtiam'ar jip`khix | in silently; steal into; enter without knocking | 恬恬仔進去; 偷偷地進去
tidjip | go right in | 直入
tiejiputpiao | to not show | 致而無表
tiong'ipo | department of Chinese medicine | 中醫部
tionglip koanboxngciar | neutral onlooker | 中立觀望者
tionglip textaix | neutral zone | 中立地帶
tionglip zernghuo | neutral government | 中立政府
tionglip | neutrally; neutrality; neutralism; neutral | 中立
tipaai | pork chop | 豬排
tipatkaix | fictionary pig character | 豬八戒
tiphef | young pig | 豬胚
tiphoear | piglet | 豬胚仔
tiphoef | pig not full grown; piglet; shoat | 幼豬
tiphof | price of live pig | 豬麩; 毛豬的價錢
tiphøef | young pig, 40~80 [[kyn]] | 豬胚
tipve | get rid of a disease or a bad habit; practice | 除病
tipvoaa | delay, hold back | 遲盤
tipvoax | to delay | 纏絆
tipvy | edge of a pool | 池邊
tiujip | to throw in | 丟入
toaxkipaai | big-name (actors or actresses); leading (movie stars or other performing artists); noted person; influential | 大枝牌; 紅人
toglip kaophaix | independent sects; Congregationalists | 獨立教派
toglip kikoafn | independent organ or institution (political or social) | 獨立機關
toglip kyliaxmjit | Independence Day; national day | 獨立紀念日
toglip soangieen | Declaration of Independence of the USA | 獨立宣言
toglip zengsiin | spirit of independence; independent minded | 獨立精神
toglip | independence; independent; self-contained; independence; independent | 獨立
tuielip | to be opposed to each other; opposite; opposition; opposed to each other; in opposition to each other | 對立
tuipefng | soldiers in pursuit | 追兵
tuipeg | pursue hotly | 追逼; 緊追
tuipo | to hunt down | 追步
tuipor | hunt down | 追捕
tuipuii | compost; dunghill; compost ─ an organic fertilizer (manure) | 堆肥
tuipvii | poound flat, pound level | 追平; 搥平
tveasipsib | assume an unconcerned air; be indifferent to | 裝濕濕; 裝蒜
tvipvoaa | hinder someone | 纏盤
tvipvoax | stumbling | 纏絆; 糾纏
tøexsym-khiplat | gravity | 地心吸力
tøjip | escape into | 逃入
u zhutjip | uneven; not uniform (prices) | 有出入
uii lipaf | put a fence around property | 圍籬笆
uipeg | besiege and compel | 圍逼; 圍迫
uipiao | legacy | 遺表
uipiin | use as proof; use as evidence | 為憑; 幃; 為據
uipiøf | sell a bidding; illegal bidding--receiving money from a person to make him a successful bidder | 圍標; 搓圓仔湯
uipoe liongsym | betray one's conscience | 違背良心
uipoe | to disobey; to go against; defy; to disregard | 違背
uipoexciar | violators | 違背者
uipoextiøh | violate | 違背著
uipor | round up | 圍捕
unsip | review a lesson; review (what has been learned) | 溫習
uxnjip | import | 運入
uxsip | prepare lessons before class | 預習
uxzhud-bøjip | having expenses but no income | 有出無入
viafcip | TV serial programs and sit-coms | 影集
vipvoa'ar | round plate | 圓盤仔
vipvoaa | a disk | 圓盤
viuu jip hofkhao | hopeless perilous situation (Lit. sheep in a tiger's mouth) | 羊入虎口
viuu jip longkuun | perilous (Lit. sheep entering a pack of wolves) | 羊入狼群
ykip | and; also; with; in addition; and; as well as; both…and | 以及
yn kuie jip theh | invite ghosts into one's home--employ a person who afterwards proves very injurious | 引狼入室
ynjip | to lead the way for | 引入
ynlip | introduce | 引入
zaejip | loading | 載入
zaelip | loading | 載入
zafzuxsip | early self-study | 早自習
zaipaw | victims | 災胞
zaipid | fortune | 財帛
zaipiexn | disaster; calamity | 災變
zaipoee | tend plants or children; bring up and train; cultivate; care for; culture growth; plantation; planting | 栽培
zaipor | treasure | 財寶
zaipør | treasure; treasures of all sorts | 財寶
zawjip | run into | 走入; 跑進
zecip | come together; aggregate; collect; convene; all assembled; assemble in full number | 齊集
zeksip | accumulated habits | 積習
zexngcip | whist; quieting; peace; silence | 靜寂
zhahjip | to inset, to put into, an insertion | 插入
zhaipefng | reduce the number of troops | 裁兵
zhaiperngtiau | cut and drop | 裁併掉
zhaipexng | cut down and merge | 裁併
zhaiphoax | penetrate the meaning; to guess the meaning | 猜破
zhaiphvoarkoaan | jurisdiction | 裁判權
zhaiphvoarkvoaf | judge | 裁判官
zhaiphvoarsor | court of justice | 裁判所
zhaiphvoaruyoaan | member of a panel of judges or referees | 裁判委員
zhaiphvoax | to judge; a verdict; a judge; a referee; an umpire; verdict or judgment by law | 裁判
zhaiphøx | penetrate the meaning; to guess the meaning | 猜破
zhaixlip | pillar; to set; to place; to plant | 豎立
zhamjip | add in; interpolate | 摻入; 參入
zharngjip | hide in | 藏入
zhatuipvy | firewood side | 柴堆邊
zhausip | crib; plagiarism | 抄襲
zhaycip | collect; gather materials or specimens together | 採集
zhoarnjip | intrude | 竄入
zhoarnlip | become an unlawful ruler | 篡立
zhoejip | blow in | 吹入
zhokippafn | first grade class | 初級班
zhorchiuo putkip | be caught unawares or unprepared; be taken by surprise | 措手無及
zhornglip | foundation; organization; establishment; found; set up; establish | 創立; 創辦
zhornglip-uyoaan | organizing committee | 創立委員
zhuipaai | arrange, assign | 推排; 安排
zhuipeg | hasten; to press | 催迫; 催促
zhuiphaix taixpiao | elect representatives | 推派代表
zhuiphaix | delegate someone (after consultation) | 推派
zhuphøe-hipnoa | bed sore | 褥瘡
zhutjip | to come and go; discrepancy; inconsistency; incoming and outgoing; receipt and expense; difference; come in and go out; inconsistency | 出入
zhutlip | in and out | 出入
zhutzhud-jibjip | constantly going in and out | 進進出出
zhutzhutjibjip | in and out | 出出入入
zhøfbok kaipefng | grass and trees were all troops imaginary fears of a routed army | 草木皆兵
zngrjip | pierce into | 鑽入
zoafnjip | to turn into | 轉入
zoafnlip | transfer in | 轉入
zoancip | entire set of books; complete works of Shakespeare | 全集
zofngcip | the complete works of one or more authors | 總集
zofngcyhuipo | headquarters of a high command | 總指揮部
zolip | establish | 組立; 組織
zongkaux zhaiphvoarsor | The Holy Office or tribunal established during the period of the Inquisition | 宗教裁判所
zongzhutzongjip | in and out | 傱出傱入
zuojip | pour into; inject into | 注入
zuxcip | aggregate; gathering; group; crowd; assemble | 聚集
zuxlip | independent, self supporting | 自立
zuxsip | study by oneself; learn and practice by oneself | 自習
zuytipvy | pool side | 水池邊
zwkiparn | motherboard | 主機板
zøecip | get together; collect | 齊集; 聚集
zørkhongsip | air raid | 做空襲
zøxlip | sitting and standing | 坐立
tabjip | step in | 踏入

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