Pakisutharn | Pakistan | 巴基斯坦
Saisu | a city in Penghu County | 西嶼
Soisu uxnhøo | Suez Canal | 蘇伊士運河
Tuisulea | absolution after Requiem Mass | 追思禮
aisuo | sad history | 哀史
aisuu | sad remarks | 哀詞; 輓聯
cisuo | to order about | 支使
gisu | apparently correct but is not; fallacious. | 疑似
hisuie høhaai | compatible like a fish in water (a happy marriage) | 魚水和諧
hisuu | (n) subterfuge | 虛辭; 空話
isut køeasid | malpractice | 醫術過失
isut | the art of medical healing; medical art | 醫術
isuzoong | private collection; keep something against the law | 衣私藏
jiok buu kisu | as if nothing had happened; remain calm; with perfect composure | 若無其事
khiekngr-chietkhaisut | tracheotomy | 氣管切開術
khisu | horseman | 騎士
khuisurn | deficit; (financial) loss; damage and loss; deficit in business; suffer a loss | 虧損
kiettngg chiettisut | colostomy | 結腸切除術
kijiin-kisu | man and his deeds; biographical sketch | 其人其事
kisu | a retired scholar; an official out ot office; a secular Buddhist devotee; retired scholar | 居士; 奇事
kisudciar | technician | 技術者
kisudkaf | technical expert | 技術家
kisudoaan | technician | 技術員
kisut køchiaw | in possession of superb skill or technique | 技術高超
kisut | techniques; technology; skill; art; technique | 技術; 奇術
kisut-jin'oaan | technical personnel | 技術人員
kisut-oaxnzo | technical aid | 技術援助
kisut-zuyzurn | technological standard | 技術水準
kuisun | to yield; to submit; to surrender; allegiance | 歸順
kuisuun | a whole trace | 整紋; 規巡
kukw-suisuy | hesitating; procrastinating; stealthy; furtive | 鬼鬼祟祟
paisu | an epitaph | 牌序; 墓標上記人事
pisu | an inscription on a stele; an epitaph | 碑文; 碑序
puisuie | pleasingly plump | 肥美
sisisudsut | noise sounds like cricket sound | 窸窸窣窣
sisu phenglun | editorial commentary; news analysis | 時事評論
sisu | current state of affairs; current events | 時事
sisun | a period of time | 時陣
sisuu | line of poetry | 詩辭; 詩詞
suisuii-piexnpien | easy going; casual; sloppy; inattentive | 隨隨便便
suisuy | easy going; casual; sloppy; inattentive | 隨隨
svisu | stir up trouble | 生事
taisuu | lines or script which a player is supposed to memorize | 臺詞
taxngsuisuii | heavy as weight | 重錘錘
thuisu | judge; assessor; magistrate | 推事
thuisuu | to decline; to reject; refuse politely | 推辭
thvisuu | to compose verse | 填辭
tuisuii | to follow after; pursue; follow (a leader; master) | 追隨
uisuikuun | apron | 圍錘裙
uisukin'ar | scarf | 圍軀巾仔
uisukun'ar | apron | 圍軀裙仔
uisukuun | apron | 圍舒裙
visuii | rounded hammer | 圓錘
zhuisu | judge; judge in court | 推事
zhuisuu | decline | 推辭
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