"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: itsi

baxnbuitsid | foolproof; not one mistake or fault in a million | 萬無一失
baxnbuu itsid | freedom from all error or defect; infallibility; absolutely safe or sure; certain to succeed | 萬無一失
baxnbuu-itsid | perfect, without a seingle mistake | 萬無一失
budcitsiong ee an'uix | material comforts | 物質上的安慰
budcitsiong | material; physically | 物質上
bøextitsi | perhaps | 無得是; 未得是
bøextitsie | not dead | 未得死
chienlu-itsid | thousands of thought and missed one that led to failure | 千慮一失
chinpitsixn | letter in one's own handwriting | 親筆信
chitsiah | lunar 7/7 night | 七夕
citsiafng | this pair of | 這雙
citsielaang | this life | 這世人
citsii | now; at the time; this time | 這時; 此時
citsiuo | duty; one's official duties; charge | 職守
citsix | this life | 此世; 今生; 這輩子
hitsi'ar | that littles | 那絲仔; 那一點點
hitsii | at the moment; at the time; when | 那時; 彼時
hitsix | that direction | 那方; 那勢
itgvor-itsip | to tell something exactly as it happened; systematically and in full detail | 一五一十
itsia-chienlie | (water) flows a thousand li at one plunge; to write fast and in a fluent style | 一瀉千里
itsid | missed | 一失
itsii | momentary; for a period of time | 一時
itsii-itkheg | immediately; in a short time | 一時一刻
itsii-kafn | momentarily | 一時間
itsiin-lun | monotheism | 一時論; 一神輪
itsim'it'ix | focus | 一心一意
itsinkaux | monotheism; Unitarianism | 一神教
itsirm | first trial; in the local court | 一審
itsitek | momentarily | 一時的
itsiuo | a (song) | 一首
itteg itsid | to gain one thing and lose another (Lit. get one, lose one) | 一得一失
itteg-itsid | gain one thing and lose another (Lit. win one; lose one) | 一得一失
ittid-itsid | gain here; a loss there; win some; lose some | 一得一失
jit heeng itsien | do one good deed a day | 日行一善
peg buu itsid | There is not a single miss in a hundred tries ─ never a failure in many trials | 百無一失
pitsi | look down upon | 鄙視
pitsiaw | stem of a Chinese pen | 筆梢; 筆桿
pitsie | certainly (surely) die | 必死
pitsied | required | 必設
pitsiukhøf | compulsory course (in a curriculum); required course in the college curriculum; requirement | 必修科
pitsiw | compulsory | 必修
pitsiw-khøx | a required course | 必修課
sitsii | lost time | 失時
sitsiin | trance; absent minded; utterly dispirited; stupefied; fall unconscious; fainting spell | 失神; 昏迷狀態
sitsin | absent (mind) | 失神
sitsinsitsiin | absent (mind) | 失神失神
sitsiongsitsioong | abnormal | 失常失常
sitsioong | be abnormal; out of its usual order; perform below one's normal capacity | 失常
sitsiuo | fall | 失守
sitsiw | have a poor harvest | 失收; 欠收
sitsixn | break one's words or promise; break faith | 失信
tan'itsinlun | henotheism; monotheism | 單一神論
tharncitsii | making money for this moment | 賺這時
titsid | get or lose | 得失
tngf-hitsii | at that very day | 轉那時; 當時
zengsiin sitsioong | mental disorder; out of one's mind | 精神失常

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