"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: iuhoe

Khofsiuhoe | Passionists (Catholic) | 苦修會
ciuhoe | weekly meeting | 週會
hiuhoe | recess; adjourn a meeting | 休會
hng'iuhoe | garden party (yuan-you-hui) | 園遊會
hviuhoea | incense | 香火
hviuhoefar | small bag of joss stick ash or written spells carried as a talisman | 香火仔; 隨身符; 香包
iuhoe | trust; secret meeting (between a couple in love) | 幽會
iuhoea | oil fire | 油火
iuhoee | remit by post; postal money order | 郵匯
kviuhoef | ginger flower | 薑花
lengsiuhoe | retreat | 靈修會
liuhoe | adjournment of a meeting; failure to hold a meeting; be adjourned; be called off | 流會
ngkiuhoef | yellow ball-shape flower | 黃毬花
oan'iuhoe | garden party | 園遊會
sankviuhoear | mountain ginger flower | 山薑花仔
sinniuhoef | bride’s flowers | 新娘花
siuhoe sernggoan | religious profession | 修會聖願
siuhoee | to get back, to recover, to restore, to recall | 收回
siuokiuhoef | hydrangea | 繡球花
tenghviuhoef | lilac | 丁香花
thiuhoeq | withdraw blood (from a vein) | 抽血
viuhoef | cement | 洋灰; 合土
viuhoex | foreign goods | 洋貨; 外國貨

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