"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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anhun siwkie | be satisfied with one's lot and control oneself | 安份守己
anhun-siwkie | abide by the law and behave oneself | 安份守己
chiwki'ar | cellular phone; mobile phone | 手機仔
chiwkin'ar | handkerchief | 手巾仔; 手帕
chiwkiuu | hand ball | 手球
chiwkix | short hand saw | 手鋸
chviwkiab | pillage; rob; robbery | 搶劫
chviwkiap'axn | robbery case | 搶劫案
chviwkiux | rush to save | 搶救
hiøxhoe iwkii | We shall meet again | 後會有期
hoxhoe iwkii | See you again. Be seeing you | 後會有期
iwkibut | organic substance; organic matter; organism | 有機物
iwkii | a specified period of time | 有期
iwkii-toheeng | imprisonment for a definite time (as opposed to life imprisonment) | 有期徒刑
iwkisngf | organic acid | 有機酸
iwkithea | organism | 有機體
iwkiuu-pit'exng | unable to say no to petitioners; a soft touch; to respond to every plea; never refuses a request | 有求必應
kiwkiexn | to the literary form of Long time no see; I have not seen you for a long time. Long time no see. | 久見; 久違; 好久無見
kiwkiong'ar | tree that is good for making cane | 九芎仔
kiwkiuo-piør | multiplication table | 九九表
siwkib | human head ─ beheaded | 首級
siwkie anhun | abide by rule | 守己安份
siwkie | exercise self-control | 守紀; 克己
siwkiofng | a lizard of the gekko family, Gekko japonicus | 守宮
siwkiu | conservative, conservation | 守祈; 守舊
siwkiu-phaix | conservative party | 守祈派; 守舊派
sviwkib | give a reward | 賞給

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