"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: jiao

auxjiao | rear claws | 後爪
chimjiao | to invade and harass; to trespass and cause disorder or trouble | 侵擾
chiwjiao cien | mischievous; likes to finger anything at all | 手癢的; 手爪賤
chiwjiao | a claw; a talon; a paw; claw or talons of an animal | 手爪
ho laang khurnjiao | pester | 使人困擾
hoanjiao | surround; circle | 環繞; 煩擾
hofjiao | a tiger's claw; weapon | 虎爪
hongjiao | traces that one leave behind | 鴻爪
hunjiao | turmoil | 紛擾
jiao | claw; talon | 爪; 擾
jiaocvii | do everything to (even at the risk of life) to make money | 抓錢; 拼命賺錢
jiaocviu | to scratch an itchy part; scratch an itchy spot | 抓癢; 搔癢
jiaope'ar | a stool pigeon; a person who helps enemy to harm own people; an informer; cat's paw; running dog; dupe; to work for the interest of an opposing group at the expense of one's own | 抓耙仔; 吃裡扒外
jiaopear | cat's paw, running dog, dupe, to work for the interest of an opposing group at the expense of one's own | 抓耙仔
jiaophoarbin | to come to an open break in friendship with each other | 撕破臉; 抓破面
jiaophoax | injure the skin by scratching; damage tissue by scratching | 抓破
jiaosiofng | to injure by scratching | 抓傷
kanjiao | disturb; interfere; harass; (of radio broadcasts) to jam; jamming | 干擾; 干撓
kejiao | chicken claw; chicken nail | 雞爪
kekhajiao | chicken claws | 雞跤爪
khajiao | (animal's) paw; pa | 腳爪
khoanjiao | revolve round; to circle; to move round; surround | 環繞
khurnjiao | difficult and troubled; perplex | 困擾
kiawjiao | to disturb; to stir; to interrupt; disturb; to bother | 攪擾; 打擾
lengjiao | dragon's claws | 龍爪
linjiao | scales and claws of feasts; tidbits; unimportant parts | 鱗爪
mojiao | tentacles or claws of the evil one | 魔爪
phvaychiwjiao | have light fingers | 有盜癖
søjiao | to disturb, to riot, to trouble | 唆擾; 打擾
tvafjiao | to disturb; to bother; to trouble | 打擾
tvijiao | to bother persistently | 纏擾
uijiao | to surround, to enclose, around | 圍了; 圍繞
zengjiao | front claws | 前爪
zhuiejiao | beak claw | 喙爪

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