"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ajiedtaix | sub-tropical zone | 亞熱帶
ajiedtaix | subtropical zone; subtropical zone | 亞熱帶
goxhunzefng jiedto | short-lived enthusiasm | 五分鐘熱度
horngjiedkhix | radiator | 放熱器
jiedaau | hot throat | 熱喉
jiedaix | love fervently; ardent love; deep attachment; adore | 熱愛
jiedbak | inflamed eyes | 熱目; 眼睛紅腫
jiedbang | crave | 熱望
jiedbong | ardent wish or hope; to hope earnestly | 熱望
jiedbuo | impassioned dance | 熱舞
jiedchied | sincerely; enthusiastically | 熱切; 誠摯
jiedciexn | hot war; shooting war (as distinct from cold war) | 熱戰
jiedcix | zeal | 熱志; 熱心
jiedhied toxngbut | warm-blooded animal | 熱血動物
jiedhied | hot-blooded; fiery spirited; fervent; zealous | 熱血
jiedhoea | heat | 熱火
jiediuu | hot oil | 熱油
jiedix | enthusiasm | 熱意; 熱情
jiediøh | hot medicine | 熱藥
jiedjiet | passionately | 熱熱
jiedkat'ar | small boils | 熱結仔; 小瘡疔
jiedkhix | (summer) heat; hot air; heat; hot gas; hot vapor | 熱氣; 暑氣
jiedkiet'ar | small boils | 熱結仔; 小瘡疔
jiedkoong | fanatical; enthusiastic; feverish; wild excitement; grow excited; feverish delirium; frantic | 熱狂; 狂熱
jiedleeng | thermal energy | 熱能
jiedleghak | thermodynamics | 熱力學
jiedleghak-hegjienlut | thermodynamic probability | 熱力學或然率
jiedlek | heat energy; thermal energy | 熱力
jiedliet | ardent; fervent; with open arms; fervent(ly); ardent(ly); passionate(ly) | 熱烈
jiedliong | Kinetic heat energy; calories; heat capacity; calorie | 熱量
jiedloaan | madly in love | 熱戀
jiedlong | heat wave | 熱浪
jiedmngg | popular; in great demand; in vogue; something very much in vogue or fashion; something everyone is after or interested in | 熱門
jiedmngg-imgak | rock music; rock and roll | 熱門音樂
jiedmnghøex | commodity which is enjoying brisk sale | 熱門貨
jiednau | lively | 熱鬧
jiedoesiong ee kawhia | ant on a hot pan--one in extreme anxiety; restless or fidgeting due to deep worry | 熱鍋上的螞蟻
jiedphauh | fever blister | 熱泡
jiedpve | fever | 熱病
jiedpvi | tropical fever; any disease causing a fever | 熱病
jiedsaux | hot cough | 熱嗽
jiedseeng | warm and sincere; cordial; eager devotion; earnestness; enthusiasm; zeal; eager devotion; sincerity | 熱誠
jiedseeng`ee | zealous | 熱誠的
jiedsexng | (n) impulse | 熱性; 熱心; 衝動
jiedsvoax | heat rays | 熱線
jiedsym | eager; enthusiastic; eagerness; enthusiasm; zeal; earnestly; devoted | 熱心
jiedtaehii | tropical fish | 熱帶魚
jiedtaepve | tropical diseases | 熱帶病
jiedtaete | tropics | 熱帶地; 熱帶地方
jiedtaix | the tropical zone; the tropics; Torrid Zone; tropical | 熱帶
jiedtaix-sidbut | tropical plant | 熱帶植物
jiedtaix-texhngf | tropics | 熱帶地方; 熱帶
jiedtiaau | upsurge | 熱潮
jiedtien | thermoelectricity | 熱電
jiedtiofng | to be eager to | 熱衷
jiedto | heat; temperature (of weather or invalid); zeal; earnestness | 熱度
jiedtok | hot poison | 熱毒
jiedtviar | hot pan; tripod; heated frying-pan | 熱鼎; 熱鍋
jiedtviuu | brilliant; splendid; bustling; crowded; hustle and bustle | 熱場; 場面熱鬧; 精彩
jiedtøe | hot land | 熱地
jiedzeeng | ardent; passionate; ardor; zeal; zealous; ardent love; passion | 熱情
jiedzexng | fever | 熱症; 熱病
jiedzuyloo | hot water heater | 熱水爐
jiedzuypaan | thermos bottle | 熱水瓶
kayjiedzef | febrifuge, anti-pyretic | 解熱劑
kehjiedparn | insulation board | 隔熱板
kvoajiedar | malaria | 寒熱仔; 瘧疾
lauxjiedchihchiq | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱𩑾𩑾
lauxjiedkhoarn | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱款
lauxjiedkwnkurn | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱滾滾
lauxjiedsii | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱時
lauxjiedtin | noisy- full of people | 鬧熱陣
lauxlauxjiedjiet | noisy- full of people | 鬧鬧熱熱
løjiedzexng | hectic | 癆熱症
ojiedpve | kalaazar; dumdum fever (a chronic; usually fatal disease occurring in tropical areas of Asia | 黑熱病
peqjiedhoax | reach the white-hot point (of a contest; movement); reach the climax | 白熱化
sarnjiedkhix | radiator | 散熱器
theajiedzef | anti-fever medication, an antiferile | 退熱劑, 退燒的藥
tiexnjiedkhix | electric heater or radiator | 電熱器
tiuxjiedpve | rice blast; rice plant mold | 稻熱病
tiøh kvoajiedar | got malaria | 著寒熱仔
zoeakøf jiedto | maximum heat | 最高熱度

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