"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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hegjienlut | probability | 或然率
hoarnjien'itsyn | brand new look, renovated from top to bottom, take on an entirely new look, aspect | 煥然一新
hutjienkafn | suddenly; all at once; unexpectedly | 忽然間
ixjienbut | inflammable (article) | 易燃物
ixjiensexng | inflammable | 易燃性
jiedleghak-hegjienlut | thermodynamic probability | 熱力學或然率
jien'au | then; and then; afterwards; after that | 然後
jienbii-cy-kib | matter as urgent as if the eyebrows had caught fire | 燃眉之急
jienliau | fuel | 燃料
jienliauxhuix | fuel fee | 燃料費
jienliauxiuu | oil for fuel | 燃料油
jienliauxsøex | fuel (consumption) tax | 燃料稅
jiensiøf | catch fire; to burn | 燃燒
jiensiøtaan | incendiary bomb | 燃燒彈
kongkofng-jienjieen | openly; in public | 公公然然
pitjienlun | inevitable | 必然論
pitjiensexng | certainty; inevitability | 必然性
thienjienkhix | natural gas | 天然氣
thienjiennaa | natural forest | 天然林
thienjienseg ee nngfphvix | Technicolor film | 天然軟片
thienjienseg | natural color; Technicolor; kodachrome | 天然色
thienjientau | natural acne | 天然痘
thudjienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
tudjienkafn | suddenly | 突然間
zafmjien'ar | brand new | 嶄然仔
zuxjien'ar | nature | 自然仔
zuxjienbie | natural beauty, beauties of nature | 自然美
zuxjienbut | natural objects | 自然物
zuxjienhoad | natural law | 自然法
zuxjienjiin | natural person (as opposed to a legal or juridical person) | 自然人
zuxjienkaix | natural world (animals; plants and minerals) | 自然界
zuxjienkhøx | nature lesson | 自然課
zuxjienlek | forces of nature | 自然力
zuxjienlut | law of nature | 自然律
zuxjienphaix | naturalist | 自然派
zuxjiensuie | natural beauty; beauties of nature | 自然美
zuxzuxjienjieen | naturally | 自自然然

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