"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bijiok | weak or feeble voice; strength or electric wave | 微弱
bunjiok susefng | an ineffectual scholar; pusillanimous bookworm | 文弱書生
bwjiok | insult; abuse; slight; insult | 侮辱
chinkutjiok | relationship between parents and children (Lit. one's own flesh and blood) | 親骨肉
chyn kutjiok | one's blood-relation | 親骨肉
engjiok | honor and disgrace | 榮辱
hijiok | weakness; infirmity; impotence; sickly | 虛弱
hujiok | weak; feeble | 虛弱
iuojiok | young and delicate | 幼弱
jiogjiok-kiongsit | stronger preying upon the weaker; weak falling victim to the strong; the law of the jungle; law of club and fang; big fish eat little fish | 弱肉強食
jiok buu kisu | as if nothing had happened; remain calm; with perfect composure | 若無其事
jiok | flesh; fleshy; physical; carnal; meat of animals; meat or pulp of fruits; flesh and blood; dearest (as one's children); insult | 肉; 搙; 揉; 辱; 弱
jiokcvii | raise money | 籌錢
jiokkaux | caught | 逐到
jioklaang | chase; pursue | 追人
jiujiok | weak; frail; weak (physique); soft and meek; low and gentle (voice); feminine | 柔弱
jymjiok | to endure disgrace; insults and humiliations; bear disgrace and insult while discharging one's duties conscientiously | 忍辱
jymjiok-huxtiong | suffer disgrace and insults in order to accomplish a task | 忍辱負重
kamsiu-khutjiok | willing to submit to humiliation | 甘受屈辱
khiapjiok | timid and week | 怯弱
khofjiok-kex | trick of securing another's faith by intentionally injuring oneself; acting the underdog to win sympathy | 苦肉計
khutjiok | humiliation; disgrace; to suffer an insult; receive insults and be forced to submit to them; disgrace | 屈辱
kiafmjiok | weaken | 減弱
kijiok uysiog | muscular dystrophy | 肌肉萎縮
kijiok | muscle | 肌肉
kinjiok | muscle | 肌肉
kiongjiok | strong and weak | 強弱
kioong khy jiok | strong oppress the weak; big fish eat little fish | 強欺弱
kutjiok ciechyn | blood relations; near of kin | 骨肉至親
kutjiok cy zeeng | ties of blood; family feeling | 骨肉之情
kutjiok | one's own blood relations (not adopted) | 骨肉; 親骨肉
lafmjiok | delicate; feeble | 虛弱
leeng suo putjiok | prefer death to disgrace | 寧死無辱
lefngjiok | cold and weak | 冷弱
lengjiok | to insult; to put to shame; insult; maltreat; disgrace; assault | 凌辱
lienjiok | edible lotus seed (its “meat”) | 蓮肉
loafnjiok | weak; feeble; weak; feeble; languid | 軟弱
løfjiok | aged and weak | 老弱
nngfjiok | weak, feeble, cowardly | 軟弱
noxjiok | week in character | 懦弱
oafnjiok | as if; as though; like; apparently; seemingly | 宛若
pogjiok | weak; frail; weak; fragile; slight (influence); unstable (business); weak in health | 薄弱
pojiok | insult by abusive language | 駁辱; 辱罵
poong jiok buu jiin | act audaciously or uninhibitedly; as if there were no other persons around | 旁若無人
putkafm sixjiok | unwilling to let the other fellow hold the center stage | 無甘示弱
pvixjiok | weak, delicate, infirm | 病弱; 體弱
pøqjiok | weak; fragile | 薄弱
pøxjiok | insult | 暴辱; 羞辱
safnjiok | puerperium; the state of a women during and just after childbirth | 產褥
simzong jiok | timid; shy; fainthearted | 膽小; 怯懦
simzong soejiok | heart weak | 心臟衰弱
sinkefng soejiok | neurasthenia; nervous breakdown | 神經衰弱
siuxjiok | be humiliated; be insulted | 受辱
soejiok | weak; feeble; slack off; emaciation; grow weak | 衰弱
thefjiok | weak | 體法; 體弱
thyjiok | shame; disgrace; humiliation | 恥辱
tix jiok bofngbuun | to treat with indifference; act as if one had not heard; turn a deaf ear to | 置若罔聞
uixjiok | indigestion, dyspepsia | 胃弱
uojiok | insult | 污辱
zhanjiok | weak | 孱弱
zheajiok | weak; fragile; delicate | 脆弱
zhuiejiok | weak; delicate; fragile; weakness | 脆弱
zuxjiok | disgrace oneself | 自辱
zuzhuo kijiok | ask for an insult; invite humiliation | 自取其辱

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