"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bahjioong | grind meat | 肉絨; 絞肉
hayjioong | sponge | 海茸; 海棉
hoejioong | patterned velvet; flannel | 花絨; (布)
jiongjioong | flossy | 絨絨
jioong | the soft and hairy horn of a young deer; velvety; velvet; find wool; woolen; velvety; velvet; any kind of woolen goods or fabric with a felt-like surface; fine; furry; flossy | 茸; 絨
kejioong | chicken down | 雞絨
køejioong | chicken steamed tender | 雞茸; 雞絨; 雞蒸嫩; 燜雞
logjioong | young antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿茸
logkakjioong | oung antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿角茸
mijioong | woolens; flannels | 綿絨
moajioong | hemp | 麻絨
nijioong | stuff; wool; woolen textile; woolen cloth | 呢絨
ojioong | black velvet | 黑絨
osijioong | black velvet | 烏絲絨
sijioong | velvet; velours; plush | 絲絨
simjioong | ginseng | 參茸
siongjioong | a kind of mushroom; one kind of straw mushroom | 松茸; 洋菇
soarnjioong | crushed garlic; mashed garlic; garlic pounded soft | 蒜泥; 蒜茸; 蒜頭菜
somjioong | ginseng | 參茸
taupid ciongjioong | throw away the pen and follow the battle ─ give up literature for a military career | 投筆從戎
thiengøjioong | velvet; velvety | 天鵝絨
viujioong | mushroom | 洋茸
zefngkahjioong | the quick of the nail | 指甲茸; 指甲下的嫩肉

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