Chienjixbuun | book formerly used as a primer, It has 1,000 characters, not one of which is repeated | 千字文; 千字經
Cidnii voa jixsie'ee thaukef | be fickle; undependable; be unable to stick at one job (Lit. Within one year to change4 bosses.) | 一年換二四個頭家
Enghaxn jixtiern | English-Chinese dictionary | 英漢字典
Harn'efng jixtiern | Chinese-English dictionary | 漢英字典
Haxn-Efng jixtiern | Chinese-English dictionary | 漢英字典
Khonghy-jixtiern | Kang Hsi Tzu Tien (a 42-volume dictionary compiled during the reign of Kang Hsi in the Qing Dynasty) | 康熙字典
Pakjixkøf | The Second Freeway in Northern Taiwan | 北二高
Sexng Sibjixkex Hoe | CSC: Sisters of the Holy Cross (Catholic) | 聖十字架會
Texjixzhux Seakaix taixciexn | the Second World War; World War II | 第二次世界大戰
angsibjixhoe | The Red Cross | 紅十字會
bexjixn`tid | cannot recognize; cannot be recognized, do not recognize | 未認得
bexsirnjixmtid | unreliable, untrustworthy, incredible | 不能信任的
boefjixzvae | ring finger | 尾二指
boexjixntid | cannot recognize, cannot be recognized, do not recognize | 未認得
bøefjixzvae | last two fingers | 尾二指
chiamjixpid | signature pen | 簽字筆
chienjixbuun | book formerly used as a primer; It has 1,000 characters; not one of which is repeated | 千字文
cidee cvii phaq jixsix kad | cheapskate; tight fisted; has to untie knots before he will spend a dollar. (Lit. One dollar is tied up by twenty-four knots.) | 一個錢打二四結; 吝嗇鬼
ciernjixmkvoaf | official of recommended appointment rank | 薦任官
hør-jixun | good fortune | 好字運; 幸運
irnjixky | printer | 印字機
itgo-jixkngrchid | When you are dealing with money you have to be very clear and detailed. (Lit. one is one; five is five etc.) | 一清二楚
itsek-jixniao | kill two birds with one stone | 一石二鳥
itzhefng-jixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
itzhengjixzhør | very clear | 一清二楚
jixbin | wording; literal(ly) | 字面
jixbin-siong | according to the written statement | 字面上
jixbo | TV or motion picture captions; subtitle; subtitle (in a motion picture); libretto of singing lines in Peking opera projected on the screen for the benefit of the audience | 字幕
jixboea | end of the word | 字尾
jixboo | printing type matrix | 字模
jixbuo | letter of the alphabet | 字母
jixbøea | suffix | 字尾
jixbør | letter of the alphabet | 字母
jixchiuo | secondhand; assistant | 二手; 助手; 副手
jixchiwhoex | second-hand | 二手貨
jixchiwhøex | second-hand | 二手貨
jixchviar | also, in addition, moreover, but also | 而且
jixciar | both, both sides | 二者
jixcie | second elder sister | 二姊
jixcirm | wife of the second elder brother of father | 二嬸
jixgarn | (n) wording; choice of words; literary phrase; a word; a character | 字眼
jixgeh | February | 二月
jixgi | meaning of a word; definition; definition; connotation or meaning of a word | 字義
jixgoaan | etymology of a word | 字源; 二元
jixgoaan-hoarhabbut | binary compounds | 二元化合物
jixgoanlun | dualism | 二元論
jixgoanzuo-lixzuo | diatomic ion | 二原子離子
jixgoeh | February | 二月
jixhaang | word line | 字行
jixheeng | font; type-face; style of letters or characters; form of a written or printed character | 字形; 字型
jixho | since, hence, afterwards | 然後
jixhviaf | second oldest brother | 二兄; 二哥
jixhø | mark (a word); trade mark (words); designation of a firm or shop | 字號
jixii | second sister of mother | 二姨
jixiofnghoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jixioong-hoarthvoax | carbon dioxide | 二氧化碳
jixix | meaning of a word | 字意
jixji | twenty-one (twenty-two?) | 廿二; 字字
jixkao-exhngf | last evening of the lunar year (even though it be the 30th) | 二九下昏; 除夕夜
jixkawaxm | Lunar New Year's Eve | 二九暗; 除夕
jixkawmii | Lunar New Year's Eve | 二九暝; 除夕
jixkeq | word pattern | 字格
jixkib | (2-kib) the second class, secondary | 二級
jixkim | wife of the second brother of mother | 二妗
jixkix | written proof | 字據
jixkof | second aunt | 二姑; 二姑媽
jixku | second brother of mother | 二舅
jixkud | handwritten style | 字骨; 筆勢
jixkuie | how many above twenty? Which day of the last decade of the month? | 二幾; 二十幾
jixkux | words and phrases; a written proof; a receipt; phrase | 字句; 字據; 句子
jixkvy | 2:00 am | 二更
jixkym | now, at the present times | 如今
jixkyn | etymon | 字根
jixkøf | second elder brother | 二哥
jixkør | script | 字稿
jixlaai | secondly | 二來
jixlaau | first floor (Eng), second floor (Am) | 二樓
jixlui | a glossary, vocabulary | 字類; 字彙
jixluie | (baseball) second base | 二壘
jixluii | second base | 二壘
jixluychiuo | second baseman | 二壘手
jixm'eng | employ | 任用
jixm'iong | to appoint; to assign; appointment; appoint a person to a post; employ | 任用
jixm'ix | as one pleases; according to one's wish; at will | 任意
jixm'uii | be of the opinion that...; think that...; consider that.. | 認為
jixmar | code | 字碼
jixmbad | know a person; understand; recognition; recognize; understanding; realize | 認識
jixmbeeng | identify | 認明
jixmbeng | to appoint; to designate; to commission; appointment; appoint (nominate) a person to a post | 任命
jixmbu | duties; a mission; a task; official duty; function | 任務
jixmcid | hold an office or post; take charge of matters | 任職
jixmhøo | any; whatever | 任何
jixmjiin | open to inspection | 任人; (觀覽)
jixmkaux | have a teaching position | 任教
jixmkhor | authorization, to give sanction | 認可
jixmkhuix | to bear one's breath | 認氣
jixmkhør | approve; authorize; sanction; authorization | 認可
jixmkii | term of office; term of office (service; membership) | 任期
jixmkor | to become a shareholder; to subscribe to corporate shares | 認股
jixmkvoaf | be appointed to be government official | 任官
jixmlai | during one's tenure of office; during the term of office | 任內
jixmlerng | identify and claim (a lost article; a child); (of a man) adopt a child born out of wedlock | 認領
jixmløo | to bear fatigue | 任勞
jixmmia | accept one's lot, submit to fate | 任命; 認命
jixmmoar | end of one's tenure | 任滿
jixmniar | identify and claim (a lost article; a child); (of a man) adopt a child born out of wedlock | 認領
jixmoe | second younger sister | 二妹
jixmpiin | despite; in spite of; regardless of | 任憑
jixmr | wife of the second elder brother of father | 二姆
jixmseg putciog | recognize insufficiently; lack of knowledge | 認識無足
jixmseg | recognition; understanding; realize | 認識
jixmsexng | headstrong, willful | 任性
jixmsor | office | 任所
jixmteng | to establish somebody's identity; to suppose; conclude or decide (with or without adequate proof) | 認定
jixmtoong | self-identity; identification | 認同
jixmtvia | authorize, recognize, acknowledge, authorization, recognition | 認定
jixmty | acknowledgement; recognize | 認知
jixmtøe | location of one's post | 任地; 任所
jixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
jixn'uii | take for; regard as; consider to be | 認為
jixnbad | cognition | 認識; 認捌
jixnbeeng | see clearly; recognize | 認明
jixnchyn | acknowledge relationship | 認親
jixncid | cognition | 認職
jixncyn | diligent in one's duty; painstaking | 認真
jixnhok | acknowledge defeat | 認服; 認輸
jixnhun | attend to one's duty; keep one's place | 認份; 守本份
jixnhøex | confirm goods | 認貨
jixnhøo | any; whatever | 任何
jixnii | the second year | 二年
jixnji | recognize (remember) Chinese characters | 認字
jixnkefng | make confession to a criminal act | 認供
jixnkhvoax | recognize | 認看
jixnkhør | approve; authorize; sanction | 認可
jixnlaang | to recognize someone | 認人
jixnlo | to identify the way to somewhere; recognize the road | 認路; 識路
jixnmia | to resign oneself to destiny; to accept one's fate; take one's lot in life philosophically | 認命
jixnngg | layer of fat under skin | 膩瓤; 皮下脂肪層
jixnniar | adopt; go to claim one has lost and found by others | 認領
jixnseg | know a person, understand | 認識
jixnsiaux | acknowledge a debt; admit a mistake; accept responsibility for failure | 認數
jixnsw | to admit defeat; give up; concede defeat; throw in the towel | 認輸
jixnsy | identify (dead) bodies | 認屍
jixnteng | affirm; to believe firmly; to set one's mind on; conclude or decide (with or without adequate proof) | 認定
jixntid | recognize | 認知; 認得
jixntoong | recognize; agree | 認同
jixntva | misidentify; mistaken recognition | 認錯
jixntvia | authorize, recognize, acknowledge | 認定
jixnty | cognition | 認知
jixnzexng | certification | 認證
jixnzhefng | see or know clearly (which is which); identify clearly | 認清
jixnzhøx | misidentify; mistaken recognition | 認錯
jixnzoe | confess one's sin; acknowledge one's fault | 認罪
jixnzuo | (Christian) confess Jesus Christ is the Lord | 認主
jixnzøex | regard as, take to be | 認罪; 認做
jixnzøx | take one thing for another; regard someone as someone else (like in the case of adoption; or mistaken identity) | 認做; 認為,以為,看做
jixoe | art of calligraphy | 字畫
jixoeh | strokes of a Chinese character; stroke of a character | 字劃; 筆畫
jixpaang | second branch of a family; concubine; household of the second oldest brother | 二房
jixpad-kajiin | sixteen-year-old beauty | 二八佳人
jixpeeng | right or left part of a Chinese character; components of a Chinese character; radical of a character | 字爿; 部首
jixpeq | second eldest senior brother of father; second eldest brother of husband | 二伯
jixphirn | order of lector (Catholic) | 二品
jixpho | note-book for practicing the writing of letters | 字簿; 習字簿
jixpo | radical of Chinese characters | 二部; 部首
jixpoxchid | exceptional skill | 二步七; 有一手
jixpoxchid`ar | exceptional skill | 二步七仔; 有一手者
jixsirm | second trial | 二審
jixsix haux | twenty-four examples of filial piety | 二四孝
jixsox | total number of characters; number of words | 字數
jixsuun | twenties | 二旬
jixsvex | surname; family name | 字姓
jixsvix | surname; family name | 字姓
jixsym | double-minded; insincere | 二心
jixsør | wife of second oldest brother | 二嫂
jixte | second younger brother | 二弟
jixtefngpefng | a private; the lowest rank soldier | 二等兵
jixterng | the second order, second class | 二等
jixthaau | a radical of Chinese character | 字頭
jixthaau-jixbøea | nothing for me in a contract; none of my business (Lit. from the first character to the last) | 字頭字尾
jixthea | style of calligraphy; form of a character; handwriting; type; type-style | 字體
jixthiab | copybook (for calligraphy); writing book | 字帖
jixtiaau | memorandum; note; note or slip attached to a document | 字條
jixtiern | dictionary of characters; dictionary | 字典
jixtoxboee | married for the second time (said of women) | 二度梅
jixtuy | word pile | 字堆
jixui | art of calligraphy | 二位; 字畫
jixun | fate; destiny; luck (good or bad); predestination; one's fortune; good or bad; esp. in relation to one's horoscope | 字運; 命運; 運氣
jixuun | special characters used in the name of the family for indicating their generation (There are; for instance; four persons whose names are Ko Tek-jin 高德仁 Ko Tek-gi 高德義 Ko Tek-le 高德禮 Ko Tek-ti 高德智。 Once we look at their names | 字輩; 字勻
jixviu | handwriting or typeface style | 字樣; 書法
jixym | pronunciation of written letter or word | 字音
jixzab'id | 21 (22, 23, ...29) very often chap is skipped as the following: ji-it, ji-ji, ji-sa*, ...ji-kau | 二十一 (二, 三, ...二十九)
jixzabkuie | How many above twenty? Which day of the last decade of the month? | 二十幾
jixzabsix-haux | twenty four filial piety | 二十四孝
jixzap | twenty; 20th of the month | 二十
jixzea | second oldest sister | 二姐; 二姊
jixzeg | the second young uncle | 二叔; 二則; 字跡
jixzhay | a riddle; the answer to which is a single word or character; riddle standing for one or more characters | 字猜; 字謎
jixzhux | two times, twice, the second time | 二次
jixzoaflarng | wastepaper basket | 字紙簍
jixzoar | paper; wastepaper; paper with words written or printed upon it | 字紙
jixzoar-larng | waste basket; trash basket, wastepaper basket | 字紙簍; 字紙籠
jixzvae | forefinger | 食指; 二指
khiøhjixzoar`ee | scavengers | 抾字紙的
kimjixthaq | pyramid | 金字塔
lawjixhø | brand name | 老字號
oaqjixparn | live word board | 活字板
paijixky | linotype | 排字機
patjixbaai | sloping eyebrows | 八字眉
patjixkhaf | walk inside or outside horoscopes | 八字跤
patjixsafm | Aug. 23, 1966 | 八二三
perng jixtiern | look it up in the dictionary | 查字典
phahjixky | typewriter | 打字機; 拍字機
phahjixoaan | typist | 打字員
phaq-jixhø | typing | 打字號
phiern jixtiern | look up (a word) in a dictionary; consult (refer to) a dictionary | 查字典
phvai sibjixkex | carry the cross | 背十字架
phvayjixun | bad destiny (fate; lot) | 歹字運; 無幸的命運
pixtexng sibjixkex | be crucified | 被釘十字架
poe sibjixkex | carry the cross | 背十字架
poeajixpeeng | the 154th radical at the bottom | 貝; 部首
putjixkex | a uniform price; uniform prices; fixed price; no haggling | 無二價
putjixkøx | however, nevertheless, merely, only | 無二故; 不過
pøehjixmia | eight words of a man's horoscope: year; month; day | 八字命
pøehjixthiab | document containing eight zodiac character times; often exchanged before marriage | 八字帖
pøfjixnlaang | guarantor | 保證人
samjixkefng | trimetrical Classic; formerly the first primer in schools | 三字經
seajixoq | extremely careful | 細膩喔
sibjixcytngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
sibjixheeng | cross character shape | 十字刑
sibjixhox | tied crosswise with string or rope | 十字綁
sibjixkex | cross; the Cross | 十字架
sibjixkii | crusaders flag | 十字期
sibjixkwn | Crusaders | 十字軍
sibjixkøef | cross streets; intersection | 十字街
sibjixlo | cross roads | 十字路
sibjixloxkhao | cross-roads; intersection | 十字路口
sibjixloxterng | intersection | 十字路頂
sibjixloxthaau | intersection | 十字路頭
sirnjixmzng | credentials | 信任狀
siuxtyn jixtiern | pocket dictionary | 袖珍字典
sorjixsør | combination lock | 號碼鎖
tegjixmkvoaf | official holding a post of the special appointment rank | 特任官
tengjixhang | t-shape ally | 丁字巷
tengjixkef | a street which ends in another at right angles to the latter | 丁字街
tengjixkhox | thong | 丁字褲
texjixzhwn | 2nd marriage | 第二春
texng sibjixkex | crucify | 釘十字架
thiaq jixsox | tell fortunes by analyzing written characters | 拆字算命
thiaq-jixsox | explain the meaning of a character, tell fortune from one's name | 拆字數; 占卜
tvafjixky | typewriter | 打字機
u jixpoxchid | have some ability | 有兩下子
uyjixmciar | to appoint an official to a task | 委任者
uyjixmkvoaf | appointed officials | 委任官
uyjixmzng | letter (warrant); power of attorney; procuration; proxy | 委任狀
zabjixcie-tngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
zabjixcytngg huieioong | duodenal ulcer | 十二指腸潰瘍
zabjixcytngg | duodenum | 十二指腸
zabjixgøeh | December | 十二月
zabjixhwn | fully; in full; more than sufficient; thoroughly; satisfactorily | 十二分; 充分
zekjixmkarm | sense of responsibility | 責任感
zhaa jixtiern | look up in a dictionary | 查字典
zhawjixthaau | grass; one of the 17 radicals | 草字頭; 草根; 部首
zheg-jixsox | word count | 測字數
zoanbuun siulie phahjixky | typewriter repair specialist | 專門修理打字機
zoankoaan-uyjixmzng | commission with full powers | 全權委任狀
zuo'ym-jixbuo | phonetic alphabets | 注音字母
zuxjixn'uii | I think | 自認為
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]