"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bexsirnjixmtid | unreliable, untrustworthy, incredible | 不能信任的
ciernjixmkvoaf | official of recommended appointment rank | 薦任官
jixm'eng | employ | 任用
jixm'iong | to appoint; to assign; appointment; appoint a person to a post; employ | 任用
jixm'ix | as one pleases; according to one's wish; at will | 任意
jixm'uii | be of the opinion that...; think that...; consider that.. | 認為
jixmar | code | 字碼
jixmbad | know a person; understand; recognition; recognize; understanding; realize | 認識
jixmbeeng | identify | 認明
jixmbeng | to appoint; to designate; to commission; appointment; appoint (nominate) a person to a post | 任命
jixmbu | duties; a mission; a task; official duty; function | 任務
jixmcid | hold an office or post; take charge of matters | 任職
jixmhøo | any; whatever | 任何
jixmjiin | open to inspection | 任人; (觀覽)
jixmkaux | have a teaching position | 任教
jixmkhor | authorization, to give sanction | 認可
jixmkhuix | to bear one's breath | 認氣
jixmkhør | approve; authorize; sanction; authorization | 認可
jixmkii | term of office; term of office (service; membership) | 任期
jixmkor | to become a shareholder; to subscribe to corporate shares | 認股
jixmkvoaf | be appointed to be government official | 任官
jixmlai | during one's tenure of office; during the term of office | 任內
jixmlerng | identify and claim (a lost article; a child); (of a man) adopt a child born out of wedlock | 認領
jixmløo | to bear fatigue | 任勞
jixmmia | accept one's lot, submit to fate | 任命; 認命
jixmmoar | end of one's tenure | 任滿
jixmniar | identify and claim (a lost article; a child); (of a man) adopt a child born out of wedlock | 認領
jixmoe | second younger sister | 二妹
jixmpiin | despite; in spite of; regardless of | 任憑
jixmr | wife of the second elder brother of father | 二姆
jixmseg putciog | recognize insufficiently; lack of knowledge | 認識無足
jixmseg | recognition; understanding; realize | 認識
jixmsexng | headstrong, willful | 任性
jixmsor | office | 任所
jixmteng | to establish somebody's identity; to suppose; conclude or decide (with or without adequate proof) | 認定
jixmtoong | self-identity; identification | 認同
jixmtvia | authorize, recognize, acknowledge, authorization, recognition | 認定
jixmty | acknowledgement; recognize | 認知
jixmtøe | location of one's post | 任地; 任所
pøehjixmia | eight words of a man's horoscope: year; month; day | 八字命
sirnjixmzng | credentials | 信任狀
tegjixmkvoaf | official holding a post of the special appointment rank | 特任官
uyjixmciar | to appoint an official to a task | 委任者
uyjixmkvoaf | appointed officials | 委任官
uyjixmzng | letter (warrant); power of attorney; procuration; proxy | 委任狀
zekjixmkarm | sense of responsibility | 責任感
zoankoaan-uyjixmzng | commission with full powers | 全權委任狀

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