"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: jixn

bexjixntid | cannot recognize; cannot be recognized, do not recognize | 未認得
boexjixntid | cannot recognize, cannot be recognized, do not recognize | 未認得
itsek-jixniao | kill two birds with one stone | 一石二鳥
jixn'iorng | adopt | 認養
jixn'uii | take for; regard as; consider to be | 認為
jixnbad | cognition | 認識; 認捌
jixnbeeng | see clearly; recognize | 認明
jixnchyn | acknowledge relationship | 認親
jixncid | cognition | 認職
jixncyn | diligent in one's duty; painstaking | 認真
jixnhok | acknowledge defeat | 認服; 認輸
jixnhun | attend to one's duty; keep one's place | 認份; 守本份
jixnhøex | confirm goods | 認貨
jixnhøo | any; whatever | 任何
jixnii | the second year | 二年
jixnji | recognize (remember) Chinese characters | 認字
jixnkefng | make confession to a criminal act | 認供
jixnkhvoax | recognize | 認看
jixnkhør | approve; authorize; sanction | 認可
jixnlaang | to recognize someone | 認人
jixnlo | to identify the way to somewhere; recognize the road | 認路; 識路
jixnmia | to resign oneself to destiny; to accept one's fate; take one's lot in life philosophically | 認命
jixnngg | layer of fat under skin | 皮下脂肪層; 膩瓤
jixnniar | adopt; go to claim one has lost and found by others | 認領
jixnseg | know a person, understand | 認識
jixnsiaux | acknowledge a debt; admit a mistake; accept responsibility for failure | 認數
jixnsw | to admit defeat; give up; concede defeat; throw in the towel | 認輸
jixnsy | identify (dead) bodies | 認屍
jixnteng | affirm; to believe firmly; to set one's mind on; conclude or decide (with or without adequate proof) | 認定
jixntid | recognize | 認知; 認得
jixntoong | recognize; agree | 認同
jixntva | misidentify; mistaken recognition | 認錯
jixntvia | authorize, recognize, acknowledge | 認定
jixnty | cognition | 認知
jixnzexng | certification | 認證
jixnzhefng | see or know clearly (which is which); identify clearly | 認清
jixnzhøx | misidentify; mistaken recognition | 認錯
jixnzoe | confess one's sin; acknowledge one's fault | 認罪
jixnzuo | (Christian) confess Jesus Christ is the Lord | 認主
jixnzøex | regard as, take to be | 認罪; 認做
jixnzøx | take one thing for another; regard someone as someone else (like in the case of adoption; or mistaken identity) | 認做; 認為,以為,看做
pøfjixnlaang | guarantor | 保證人
zuxjixn'uii | I think | 自認為

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