"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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aoutjoah | hot and humid | 漚鬱熱
bynjoe | sharp; acute; keen; penetrative; shrewd | 敏銳
bøefjoe | horse black fly | 馬黑蠅
bøjoa | not too | 無若; 無太
bøjoax | not too much, not very | 無若
bøjoaxkuo | not for a long time | 無若久; 沒多久
bøjoaxzøe | not too many; little | 無若多; 沒多少
bøo joaxkuo | not too long | 無多久
ciamjoe | sharp; intense; penetrating; pointed | 尖銳
hipjoah | swelter; sultriness; sultry | 翕熱; 悶熱
hiøhjoah | summer vacation | 暑假; 歇熱; 放暑假
hvehjoah | summer vacation | 暑假
iaxmjoah | scorching hot | 炎熱
joa | how | 偌; 多少; 若; 若干
joa'ar | so much | 若仔; 多麼
joafnhoax | soften; to become more amenable; go soft | 軟化
joafnkixm | keep under detention in person's house; restrain someone of his liberty | 軟禁
joah | hot (the weather) | 熱
joah`laang | summer | 夏天; 熱人
joah`tiøh | sunstroke; heatstroke; to suffer heat exhaustion | 中暑; 熱著; 受熱
joaqbø | hot hat | 熱帽
joaqhip'hib | hot and humid | 熱翕翕
joaqjoah | feel warm | 熱熱
joaqkah | too hot to ~ | 熱得
joaqkhix | hot air | 熱氣
joaqkhox | hot pants | 熱褲
joaqpiarngpiaxng | very hot (weather) | 熱烘烘; 熱極了
joaqthvipox | summer cloth | 熱天布
joaqthvisii | summer | 熱天時; 夏天
joaqthvisvaf | summer clothes | 熱天衫; 夏衣
joaqthvy | summer | 夏天; 熱天
joaqtiøh | suffer heat stroke | 中暑
joarn | rub with the fingers of one hand | 揉
joaxhør | how good | 多好; 偌好
joaxkirn | how fast, how quick | 多快; 偌緊
joaxkuo | how long | 多久
joaxniq | so ~ | 多麼; 偌爾
joaxniqar | so ~ | 若呢仔; 多麼地
joaxtoa | how big, how large | 多大; 偌大
joaxzoe | how many, how much | 多少
joaxzøe | how many; how much | 多少; 偌濟; 偌多
joe | keen, sharp | 銳
joee | rub with the hand (as rubbing the eyes or washing a handkerchief); crush by hand or by turning the foot (as when killing a worm or breaking up something into small pieces) | 揉
joee-hof søex | break up into small pieces with the palms; fingers or the sole of the foot | 揉乎細
joehuie | destroy; smash to pieces; wreck | 摧毀; 揉毀
joesie | crush to death (as a worm) by hand or by rotating foot on the ground | 揉死
joesvaf | wash clothes by rubbing; scrub clothes | 揉衫; 搓衣服
joexcix | keenness, zeal | 銳志; 熱心
joexix | determined | 銳意
joexkag | acute angle | 銳角
joexkhix | dauntless courage | 銳氣
joexli | acute, keen sharp, pointed | 銳利
joexthviax | sharp pain | 銳疼; 刺痛
joextix | wise | 銳智; 睿智
kviajoah | afraid of heat | 驚熱
kvoajoah | chills and fever; malaria | 寒熱
naixjoah | heat-resisting; heat-proof | 耐熱
parngjoah | summer break | 放熱; 暑假
pixjoah | avoid heat | 避熱
siøjoah | be warm | 暖和; 燒熱; 溫暖
thngrjoah | make it warm | 燙熱
tngfjoah | suddenly become hot | 轉熱
tngjoah | when the hot weather | 當熱
toaxjoah | sultry, sultriness | 大熱
uiejoah | feel of heat | 畏熱
utjoah | sultry and oppressive (weather); muggy | 悶熱; 鬱熱

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