jymbextiaau | cannot endure it | 忍無住
jymchiøx | repress laughter | 忍笑
jymciar | ninja | 忍者
jymjiok | to endure disgrace; insults and humiliations; bear disgrace and insult while discharging one's duties conscientiously | 忍辱
jymjiok-huxtiong | suffer disgrace and insults in order to accomplish a task | 忍辱負重
jymjiong | to forbear, forbearance | 忍讓
jymkhix | to swallow insult and humiliation; to restrain one's temper; restrain one's anger | 忍氣
jymkhix-kiuzaai | control one's anger so as to get wealth | 忍氣求財
jymkhix-thunsviaf | restrain one's temper and say nothing; keep quiet and swallow the insults | 忍氣吞聲
jymkhuix | to bear one's breath | 忍氣
jymky | to suffer hunger | 忍飢
jymnai | bear patiently; to endure; to exercise restraint; tolerant; patience | 忍耐
jymputzu | cannot endure it | 忍無住
jymsexng | forcibly restrain one's temper | 忍性
jymsiu thorngkhor | endure suffering patiently | 忍受痛苦
jymsiu | to endure; to bear; to suffer; endure patiently | 忍受
jymsym | merciless; hardhearted; unfeeling; pitiless; mercilessly; hard-hearted; ruthless | 忍心
jymthoxng | to bear pain | 忍痛
jymthviax | bear pain patiently | 忍痛
jymzu | to restrain by will power | 忍住
kamsym jymsiu | willing to endure | 甘心忍受
moachiokjyar | sparrow | 麻雀子仔
ojyafzhaix | black cabbage | 烏子仔菜
ojysarng | older man | 歐吉桑; 對不特定年長男性的稱呼; 源自日語おじさん(ojisan); 日語漢字為「小父さん」
phengjymhoad | culinary art; cookery; recipe | 烹飪法
phengjympafn | cooking class | 烹飪班
put'jymsym | could not bear to, to be soft-hearted to | 無忍心
putjymsym | could not bear to, to be soft-hearted to | 無忍心
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
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If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
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Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]