Cikakøf | Chicago | 芝加哥
bagkakciafm | pointed tip of eye's corner | 目角尖
ciah-kaki | meals supplied by oneself | 食家己; 吃自己; 領乾薪水
ciaqkaki | lost job | 食家己
ciaxmjip kakerng | to be better gradually | 漸入佳境
cidkakgiin | a dime | 一角銀
ginkak'ar | coins | 銀角仔; 銅幣; 硬幣; 輔幣; 銅板
goxkak'heeng | pentagon | 五角形
gukak'hoef | sweet acacia | 牛角花
gunkak'ar | coins | 銀角仔
gvofkaktaixha | pentagon | 五角大廈
hietkak | throw away | 丟掉; 丟棄; 拋棄; 擲棄
hunkakkhix | protractor | 分度器; 分角器
høfkakaux | good family training; domestic discipline; good upbringing | 好家教
hør-kakaux | good family manner | 好家教
isit kakmoh | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
kafmkaklun | sensationalism (philosophy) | 感覺論
kak'ar | pieces of lumber that are square like 4x4's orx2's | 角仔; 方形口徑之木材
kak'hoax | become horny skin | 角化; 變成角質皮膚
kak'huun | soul | 覺魂
kak'id | eleven cents | 角一; 一角一分
kakaf-hoxho | every family and household | 家家戶戶
kakaf`leq | make summation | 加加咧; 鉸鉸咧
kakafng | process; extra work; manufacturing; to process | 加工
kakafng-phirn | finished material, processing, processed product | 加工品
kakafng-zhutkhawkhw | export processing zone | 加工出口區
kakanggiap | processing industry | 加工業
kakanghuix | cost of manufacturing | 加工費
kakangphirn | processed goods | 加工品
kakaux | family education; a tutor to the home; home discipline | 家教
kakchvie | rouse; disillusion; awakening | 覺醒
kakciafm | point of a corner or of a horn | 角占; 角尖
kakeapho | household account book | 家計簿
kakerng | family financial situation; domestic economy; financial condition of a family | 家境
kakex | family livelihood | 家計; 加價
kakgo | Original meaning ─ roused to a comprehension (of one's failing). Be prepared (ready) for; be resolved to do; make up one's mind to do; be resigned | 覺悟
kakgvo | Original meaning ─ roused to a comprehension (of one's failing). Be prepared (ready) for; be resolved to do; make up one's mind to do; be resigned | 覺悟
kakhiim | poultry; poultry; fowl | 家禽
kakhoafn | broaden | 加寬
kakhu | furniture | 傢具; 傢俱
kakhuxhaang | furniture store | 傢具行; 傢俱行
kaki | one's self alone | 家己; 自己
kakiarm | more or less | 加減
kakib | promote | 加級
kakii | wedding day; happy occasion | 佳期
kakioong | strengthen; reinforce; emphasis; enhance; strengthen; reinforce; invigorate | 加強
kakixlaang | family memebers | 家己人
kakkag | many corners, not round | 角角
kakkhie | cuspid; canine tooth | 角齒; 犬齒
kakkngx | angle steel | 角鑽; 角鋼
kakkor | a ritual instrument used when performing rituals | 角鼓
kaklek | wrestle; try the strength | 角力
kakløh | corner; angle; nook; location (within an area) | 角落
kakmoh | cornea | 角膜
kakmoh-isit | cornea transplantation | 角膜移植
kakmoqiam | inflammation of the cornea | 角膜炎
kakoafn | cap a boy as a symbol of his coming of age (at 20) | 加冠
kakoafn-cirnlok | may you rise to high rank | 加冠晉祿
kakoaxn | wife and children | 家眷
kakpvoax | fifteen cents; one dime and a half | 角半; 一角五分
kakseg | role; character; casting; occupation; a class; the classification of actors | 角色
kaksix | area; place; region | 角勢; 所在
kakthaau | head of gang; place; location; position | 角頭; 角落; 地方
kakthaau-ciøh | cornerstone | 角頭石; 房角石
kakthiq | angle iron, angle bar | 角鐵
kakthngg | cubic sugar | 方糖
kaktid | feel, sense | 覺得
kakto | angle; angle; measurement of an angle | 角度
kaktoxngliong | angular momentum | 角動量
kaku | furniture | 傢具; 家具; 傢俱
kakux | great sentence; good writing | 佳句
kakuxhaang | furniture store | 傢具行; 傢俱行
kakuy | family rules | 家規
kakw | home | 家居
kakzhad | detect; awake; keep an eye on; understand; become aware of; discover; realize | 覺察
kakzhvea | awake from; be disillusioned | 覺醒
kefngkaksexng | vigilance; alertness; watchfulness | 警覺性
kekak'afchiaf | baby walker | 雞鵤仔車
kekak'ar | small cock | 雞角仔; 小公雞
khiøhkak | utterly useless (child, utility) | 抾捔; 不中用; 沒出息; 拾捔
kiet'hap-kakto | bond angle | 結合角度
kiexnkied-kakto | bond angle | 鍵結角度
koekak'afchiaf | toy for toddler to learn how to walk | 雞鵤仔車
kox-kaki | egotistical, selfish | 顧自己; 只顧自己
kukak'hoef | name of poisonous snake (viper) | 龜殼花; (毒蛇名)
lagkak'heeng | hexagon; hexagonal | 六角形
lagkakheeng | a hexagon | 六角行
laixkakkiuu | inside (ball); an insider (baseball) | 內角球
liaxm hietkak | pinch off and throw away | 捏掉
logkak'hii | trigger fish | 漉角魚; 曳絲單棘魨
logkakjioong | oung antlers; the budding antlers of the deer; soft core of the young antlers of the deer (used for tonic) | 鹿角茸
memekakkag | essential details | 鋩鋩角角
paxng-hietkak | discard | 丟擲棄
pehkak'heeng | octagonal (figure) | 八角形
phuiehietkak | spit | 呸㧒捔
phuix-hietkak | spit it out | 吐擲棄
puttiputkaktiofng | unconsciously | 無知不覺中
pviax-hietkak | clear out useless things; to throw away; to cast off | 拼擲棄; 倒掉; 丟掉
siekak'heeng | quadrangular | 四角形
siekakbø | 4 corners hat | 四角帽
siekaktøq | 4 corners table | 四角桌
sienkakciar | person of foresight; person of vision | 仙覺者
siesiekakkag | neat and tidy | 四四角角
siesykakkag | 4 corners- imply tidly and near | 四四角角
sitkakzhad | unconscious | 失覺察
six-kakthaau | four corners | 四角頭; 四個角
sokkakoax | plastic cover | 塑膠蓋
sokkakorng | P.V.C. pipe | 塑膠管
svakak'ar | triangule | 三角仔
svakak'heeng | triangle | 三角形
svakakchiøq | triangule ruler | 三角尺
svakakkefng | triangule shoulder | 三角肩
svakakkhox | women's panties | 三角褲
svakaklagkefng | on person who has good shape | 三角六肩
svakakpafng | plywood | 三角板
svakakthafng | corner house | 三角窗
tarnhietkak | throw away | 擲㧒捔
tarnhviekak | throw away | 擲挕捔
tefngkag svakak'heeng | equiangular triangle | 等角三角形
tefngpvy svakak'heeng | equilateral triangle | 等邊三角形
thiaokakoafn | the person who wears lucky mask during festival | 跳加冠
thiaq-hietkak | tear up and throw away | 拆丟掉; 撕掉
thngx-hietkak | take off one's clothes and threw away | 脫丟棄
thokakzhux | house made of soil blocks | 塗墼厝
tidkag svakak'heeng | right angled triangle | 直角三角形
tiekaktiøh | awakening | 致覺著
togkakchiahkaw | single horn red dragon | 獨角赤蛟
togkakguu | single horn cow | 獨角牛
tuiekaksvoax | diagonal (line) | 對角線
tøkak'heeng | polygon | 多角形
tøkak'hoax | diversification | 多角化
tørhietkak | pour out; throw away | 倒擲角
viukaktauar | type of bean smaller than green bean | 羊角豆仔
zhamkakoex | participated | 參加過
zhekkakkhix | a goniometer | 測角器
zhoaq hietkak | pull out and throw away like gray hair or ends of threads | 拔掉; 扯掉
zhuokakciao | sparrow | 厝角鳥
zhuokakciaw'ar | sparrow | 厝角鳥仔
zhuokakciawar | sparrow | 厝角鳥仔
zhuokakthaau | house corerns | 厝角頭
zhøfkakkoea | Taiwanese herbal cake | 草麴粿
zngrgukakciafm | stubborn | 鑽牛角尖
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