Løkangkiok | Labor bureau | 勞工局
Serngbøfkwn kangzog-thoan'oaan | active Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍工作團員
Sorngkangtin | Formations of folk martial arts performan | 宋江陣
Toaxkangho | Odeo | 大江戶
bauh kangsu | contract to build public works or big projects | 貿工事; 承辦工事
bogkangchviuo | woodworking plant or shop | 木工廠
bogkangtviuu | woodworking plant or shop | 木工場
boxau kangzokciar | behind-the-scenes workers | 幕後工作者
bwlek kansiap | interfere by use of force | 武力干涉
bøkang | not the same; different | 無仝; 無同
bøkangge | nothing to do | 無事做; 無工藝
bøo kang | not alike, quite different | 無仝
bøo kangge | nothng to do | 無工藝
bøo-siøkang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無相仝; 無相同
chiam'ii kanggiap | textile industry | 纖維工業
chiwkangge | workmanship; craft; handicraft; handicraft | 手工藝
chiwkangge-phirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwkanggexphirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwkanggiap | handicrafts industry; handicraft; manual trade | 手工業; 輕工業
ciwkanthat'ar | cork | 酒矸窒仔
ciøqiuu hoarhak kanggiap | petrochemical industry | 石油化學工業
cviaa-kankhor | very miserable, very painful | 很艱苦; 誠艱苦
cyn kanghw | very thoughtful; do something carefully | 很週到; 真工夫
cyn-kanlaan`ee | strenuous | 真艱難的
eng-kanghw | make effort | 用工夫
exkang`bøe | do you know how to do this work or not | 會工作與無會工作
gukang'ar | young bulls; young male cattle | 牛公仔; 小公牛
he-kanghw | to devote much time and energy to a task | 下工夫
hengchiaf sikanpiør | train schedule or timetable | 行車時間表
hoafnkankex | alienating measure | 反間計
hoafnkantiap | counter espionage | 反間諜
hoarhak kanggiap | chemical industry | 化學工業
hoarhak kangtheeng | chemical engineering | 化學工程
hoarhak-kanggiap | chemical industry | 化學工業
honggu kangsu | defense works; defense fortifications | 防禦工事
hongkhofng kangthenghak | aeronautic engineering | 航空工程學
hongzuie-kangtheeng | waterproof engineering | 防水工程
hør-kanghw | good work; good skill; good skill in martial arts | 好工夫
iaxkanpo | night school | 夜間部
kakanggiap | processing industry | 加工業
kakanghuix | cost of manufacturing | 加工費
kakangphirn | processed goods | 加工品
kan'afswn | grand grand kids; great-grandson | 曾仔孫
kan'ao | vomit but nothing comes out | 乾嘔; 想吐但吐無出來 [*]
kan'ar | vial; pyxis; bottle | 矸仔; 瓶子
kan'axn | rape crime | 姦案
kan'guii | difficult and dangerous | 艱危; 艱險
kan'iim | adultery | 姦淫
kan'og | treacherous; malicious | 奸惡
kan'u | to meddle with | 干預
kan'uo | meddle; intervene | 干與
kan'ux | ravish or defile (a woman) | 姦污
kana | only | 只有
kanali'a | a canary, a canary bird | 金絲雀
kanboo | treacherous plot | 奸謀
kanciab | indirectness; indirect(ly) | 間接
kanciapsøex | indirect taxes | 間接稅
kancid | stroma | 基質; 間質
kang | tease | 弄; 共; 仝; 同; 逗; 戲弄
kang'ar | worker; worker | 工仔; 工人
kang'iaux | outline; essential points | 綱要
kang'iuo | an office boy; office boy (girl); old-job man (woman) | 工友
kang'ix | be of the same mind | 同意
kang'oaan | laborer in a factory | 工員; 工人
kang'okheq | itinerant trader | 江湖客
kang'okhix | insincere; sly; sleazy; sneaky | 江湖氣
kang'oo cidtiafmkoad | It's easy; if you know how. (Lit. If you don't know how; the work is like a lake. If you know how; it's like a drop.) | 江湖一點訣
kang'oo | world; underground world; rivers and lakes; wandering; quack; vagrant; sophisticated and shrewd | 江湖
kang'viuu-taixtø | notorious bandit leader | 江洋大盜
kang`ee | the same one | 同的
kangai | involve (person), give trouble | 干礙; 牽涉
kangbok | outline; essential points | 綱目
kangbu | public works | 工務
kangbuo | male and female | 公母; 雌雄
kangbøftuix | in pairs (animals) | 雌雄配
kangbør | male and female (of animals) | 公母; 雌雄
kangchiarng | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kangchiorng | factory, mill, plant, manufactory, workshop | 工廠, 工場
kangchviu | an artisan, a skilled worker | 工匠
kangchviuo | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kangciorng | same kind | 同種
kangcvii | salary; wages; cost of labor | 工錢; 工資
kangge | stalwart; tough and determined; resolute; unwavering; gift of fortitude (Catholic) | 剛毅; 堅強有決斷
kangge-haghau | technological school | 工藝學校
kangge-hak | technology | 工藝學
kangge-kaoiok | technical education | 工藝教育
kangge-phirn | handicraft articles or object | 工藝品
kanggexphirn | industrial product; manufactured article | 工藝品
kanggiabhoax | industrialization; industrialized; industrialize | 工業化
kanggiabkaix | industrial potential (circles) | 工業界
kanggiabkhw | industrial zone | 工業區
kanggiap | industry | 工業
kanggiap-haghau | technical schools; industrial schools | 工業學校
kanggiap-hoarhak | industrial chemistry | 工業化學
kanggiap-ioxngkhu | equipment and tools used in industries | 工業用具
kanggiap-kaoiok | technical (industrial) education | 工業教育
kanggiap-kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 工業革命
kanggiap-kokkaf | industrial nations of powers; developed countries | 工業國家
kanggiap-sitai | industrial age | 工業時代
kanggiap-textaix | industrial zone | 工業地帶
kanggiap-tochi | industrial cities | 工業都市
kanggoaan | cognate | 同源
kanghaang | same trade or business | 同行
kanghae | river and ocean | 江海
kanghag'vi | engineer dept.; college of engineering | 工學院
kanghak | engineer | 工學
kanghak-phoksu | Doctor of Engineering; D. Eng | 工學博士
kanghak-vi | engineering school, college of engineering | 工學院
kanghiofng | a fellow countryman | 同鄉
kanghoe | labor union | 工會
kanghoef | pollen flower | 雄花; 公花
kanghvoa | river shore | 江岸
kanghw | technical skill; do carefully; good workmanship; be thoughtful | 工夫; 功夫; 週到; 手藝; 仔細; 精細
kanghwn | work-point | 工分
kanghø | the same number, same bland | 同號
kanghøex | of the same age | 同貨
kanghøo | rivers | 江河
kangjiuu | rigid and soft | 剛柔
kangkaang | similar | 同同
kangkef | the same family | 同家
kangkefng | the same shop, same house | 同間
kangkex | labor cost | 工價
kangkhafng | same hole; same problem | 同孔; 同一個問題; 同一個洞
kangkhu | tools; implements | 工具
kangkhu-sviw | a toolbox | 工具箱
kangkhøf | engineering course; engineering department of a college | 工科
kangkie | law | 綱紀
kangkii | construction period | 工期
kangkioong | firm; tough | 剛強
kangku | tools; implements | 工具
kanglaam | entire area south of the Yangtze River | 江南
kanglaang | workman; labor; worker; laborer | 工人
kangleeng | working years | 工能
kangliaau | a shack used by workers; simple hut for workmen at a construction site; construction shack | 工寮
kangliau | material | 工料
kanglii | an edible red alga | 工藻; 江蘺
kangloong zaai cin | have use up one's literary talent or energy | 江郎才盡
kangmngg | anus; asshole; fundament | 肛門
kangpaang | studio | 工房
kangpag | area north of the Yangtze River | 江北
kangpefng | engineer corps; engineering corps (in military); a sapper | 工兵
kangpo | Ministry of Industry | 工部
kangpurn | cost of production | 工本
kangpwnhuix | net cost of a product (cost of raw materials plus labor) | 工本費
kangsafn | the national territory; rivers and hills ─ the country; the land; the state; scenery | 江山
kangsafn-byjiin | throne and the beauty | 江山美人
kangsii | a working hour | 工時
kangsiofng | industry and trade | 工商
kangsiofng-giap | industry and commerce | 工商業
kangsiongkaix | industrial and business circles | 工商界
kangsiongkhøf | government bureau of industry and commerce | 工商科
kangsiongkhøx | government bureau of industry and commerce | 工商課
kangsu | work; engineering works; construction work | 工事; 工序
kangte | building site; site where engineering work is underway | 工地
kangteeng | engineering; an engineering project; a construction work | 工程
kangtenghak | engineering | 工程學
kangtengsw | civil engineer | 工程師
kangthaau | foreman; overseer; contractor on any particular job; an overseer | 工頭
kangtheeng | engineering; an engineering project; a construction work | 工程
kangtheeng-leghak | practical dynamics | 工程力學
kangthengsw | engineer | 工程師
kangthengtui | public works corps | 工程隊
kangthengzhux | department of engineering; the engineering department of a huge building project | 工程處
kangthogsefng | self-supporting student | 工讀生
kangthok | work on a job in order to finance one's study or education | 工讀
kangthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 江豚
kangtiaau | labor strike or sabotage | 工潮
kangtoe | construction area | 工地
kangtviaa | construction, engineering | 工埕; 工程
kangtviuu | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kangty | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 江豚; 江豬
kangtøe | construction site | 工地
kangzeeng | amount or condition of work | 工情; 工作情況
kangzog | work; occupation; a task; a job; toil; to work; job; work; task | 工作
kangzog-hauxlut | labor efficiency | 工作效率
kangzog-hok | working clothes | 工作服
kangzog-jin'oaan | workers; workers assigned to do a specific task of job | 工作人員
kangzog-liong | an amount of work | 工作量
kangzog-sikafn | hours of labor; the hours on duty | 工作時間
kangzog-toaxtui | team or group of persons dispatched for a special task | 工作大隊
kangzog-zexng | an identity card | 工作證
kangzok | consanguinity; same family, same sort | 同族; 仝族
kangzok'hoad | manual training | 工作法
kangzok'hok | working clothes | 工作服
kangzokjit | working-day | 工作日
kangzokseg | a workshop; a labor-room; studio; workroom | 工作室
kangzoktaai | a workbench | 工作台
kangzoktui | political workforce | 工作隊
kangzokzof | a working team | 工作組
kangzw | wages; salary; cost of labor | 工資
kangzw-zex | a wage system | 工資制
kanhad-sexng | intermittent nature | 間豁性; 間歇性
kanhan | drought; dry weather | 乾旱
kanhatjiet | intermittent fever | 間豁熱; 間歇熱
kanhiarm | crafty and wicked; treacherous; crafty; traitorous; treacherous | 奸險; 陰險
kanhioong | a very capable but crafty person; traitorous warrior | 奸雄
kanhiw | give up; let it go; forget it; let matter drop; give up; bring to an end | 干休; 甘休; 罷休
kanhoan | transgress, offend intentionally, transgression, offence | 奸犯; 觸犯
kanhog | to dry up, drain | 乾幅; 乾涸
kanhu | paramour; adulteress | 姦婦
kanhw | adulterer | 姦夫
kanjiao | disturb; interfere; harass; (of radio broadcasts) to jam; jamming | 干擾; 干撓
kankan'ar | barely; only; merely; only (this and nothing more); in vain; for nothing | 干干仔; 無端的; 白白的
kankeq | spacing; distance; interval | 間隔
kankex | cunning trick; wicked scheme | 奸計; 艱計; (生計); 艱難
kankheg | gap | 間隙
kankhiao | trickery; deceitful; cunningly wicked; foxy | 奸巧; 奸滑
kankhofzexkoax | very painful and sad | 艱苦罪過
kankhog | to dry up, drain | 乾酷; 乾涸
kankhor | arduous; difficult; hard; hardships; suffering; misery; difficult; troublesome; irksome | 艱苦; 痛苦; 困難
kankhor-pixsioong | have experienced all sorts of hardships | 艱苦備嘗
kankhor-zexkoax | unwilling | 艱苦濟掛; 心無甘情不願
kankiet | stingy; miserly | 簡結; 艱難; 無人情味; 吝嗇
kankii | dry season | 乾期
kankoaq | Tonkin kudzu vine | 葛藤; 乾葛
kankof | dry and die | 乾沽
kankuie | crafty; cunning; sly; deceitful; cunning; sly | 奸鬼; 奸詭; 奸詐; 刁滑; 奸險; 狡猾; 奸詐的
kankuix | dry season; drought | 乾季
kankvy | magnetic compass | 干經; 羅盤
kankøf siongkiexn | declare war on each other | 干戈相見
kankøf | shields and weapons ─ warfare; armed conflict | 干戈
kankør | dried fruits | 乾果
kanlaan | difficulty; rough; hardships; suffering; privation; distress | 艱難
kanlaan-khurnkhor | grave difficulties or hardships | 艱難困苦
kanlea | monetary gift | 干禮; 現金 (送紅包時用)
kanlerng | guiding principle | 綱領
kanliao | interference | 干擾
kanlieen | associated with; involve | 干連; 牽連
kanlok | gyro rotor; top (a child's toy) | 陀羅; 乾酪; 干樂; 陀螺
kannaf | but; yet | 只是; 干焦; 只有
kannaf-kiuu | Rugby football | 橄欖球
kannafkiuu | football; American foot-ball (because the ball is shaped like a olive) | 橄仔球; 橄欖球
kannar | Chinese olive | 橄欖
kannar-kiuu | Rugby football | 橄欖球
kanngg | clear in speaking | 加圇
kanniuu | dry food; dry provisions; canned or packed food ready to serve | 乾糧; 乾娘
kanpefng | dry ice | 乾冰
kanphii | mesothelium | 間皮
kanpoef | cheers; drink a toast | 乾盃; 乾杯
kanpoex | scallop; opening-closing ligament of a bi-valve shell-fish (highly prized as delicacy) | 干貝
kansad | kill a woman after sexually molesting her | 姦殺
kansea | dry cleaning | 乾洗
kansex | spy (from the enemy side); stool pigeon | 奸細
kansiaa | crafty and evil; treacherous; corrupt; wicked | 奸邪
kansiap | interfere; come between; intervention; meddling; put in a word | 干涉
kansiin | a treacherous official; disloyal and cunning minister; traitorous minister (follower); a traitor; crafty | 奸臣; 老奸
kansin'afchiøx | treacherous smile | 奸臣仔笑
kansiofng | profiteer; unethical merchant; dishonest traders | 奸商
kansoex | spy | 奸細
kansviaa | defenders; protectors; champions | 干城
kansøex | a spy, a traitor | 奸細
kansørkhix | desiccator; a drying agent or machine | 乾燥器
kansørseg | drying room | 乾燥室
kansørzef | desiccative; something that thoroughly dries something out; preservative | 乾燥劑
kansøx | dry | 乾燥
kansøx-zef | dryer, drier | 乾燥劑
kantaf | only; merely | 干乾; 干焦; 只有; 只
kanthad | bottle stopper, cork | 瓶塞
kanthii | an edible green seaweed | 乾苔; 綠海藻
kantiap | spy | 間諜
kantiexntii | dry cell battery | 乾電池
kantoan | intermittent, period of interruption | 間斷
kantorng | traitorous clique or party | 奸黨
kantvaf | only; alone; no other than; nothing but | 只有; 干焦; 干單
kantvagiexn | unsatisfied craving for (gambling; wine; tobacco) | 干單癮; 過乾癮
kanzaokheg | intermezzo | 間奏曲
kanzax | crafty; treacherous; deceitful | 奸詐
kanzeeng | fair; circumstances of adultery; the details of an amorous affair | 姦情
kanzeng | clean; entirely; all gone | 乾淨
kanzexng | interfere in politics | 干政; 見證
kanzhat | scoundrel; traitor | 奸賊
kanzheg | treacherous policy | 奸策
kanzhuix | straight-forward, downright | 干碎; 乾脆
kateeng-kanggiap | domestic (cottage) industries | 家庭工業
kawkang'iøf | hulk (a handsome strong well-developed man) | 狗公腰; 健壯公狗之腰; 形容健美男人
kaxngkang | similar | 仝仝
keakvia-kangzw | wages paid on piece work basis | 計件工資
keasii-kangzw | wages paid on a time basis; hourly wage | 計時工資
khengkanggiap | light industry | 輕工業
khuxn kannafphag | sleep with one's face downward | 俯著睡; 睡矸仔仆
khvoaru-ciaqbøo kantvaf giexn | dreaming impossible dreams (Lit. You see it; but can't have; you just yearn for it.) | 看有吃無只有癮
kiernsied kangtheeng | construction work | 建設工程
kierntiog-kangtheeng | construction work | 建築工程
kihaai-kangtheeng | mechanical engineering | 機械工程
kikan | fixed period of time | 期間
koarnthaau-kangchviuo | cannery | 罐頭工廠
kongkhøx sikanpiør | class schedule | 功課時間表
kviaa-kang'oo | be an adventurer, be a gypsy, be a traveling quack | 行江湖; 走江湖; 走江湖者
kviakang'oo | wander from place to place among the common people | 走江湖
kviakang'oo`ee | traveling quack | 走江湖的
langkang'oo | artificial lake | 人工湖
lankanpvy | fence side | 欄干邊
lau-kang'oo | sophisticated old traveller | 老江湖
limsikang'ar | temporary workers | 臨時工仔
lixkankex | trick of sowing dissention and thus defeating the foe; alienate one person from another; intrigue for causing a rupture | 離間計
lokang'viaa | slave-labor camp | 奴工營
lykangkhøf | department of natural sciences and engineering (college) | 理工科
nngxkang'ar | two days | 兩工仔
nngxkanglai | within two days | 兩工內
nngxsvakang'ar | two to three days | 兩三工仔
okan'ar | black buttle | 烏矸仔
pahchiøq kanthaau | the highest achievement (Lit. top of a hundred-foot pole) | 百尺竿頭
pan'un-kanglaang | porter, docker | 搬運工人
paukangzex | piece work system | 包工制
paxng y kanhiw | to give up; bring to an end; not to look for revenge or to get even | 放他干休
pekzheg kanthiøo | at the top of a hundred foot pole ─ at the highest point | 百尺竿頭
pengkangchviuo | arsenal | 兵工廠
phafngcid kangchviuo | textile factory | 紡織工廠
phaq-kanlok | to play a whipping top | 打陀螺
phvae-kanghw | bad workmanship | 歹工夫
put'kan'u | not to intervene | 無干預; 不干預
put'kansiap | nonintervention, noninterference | 無干涉; 不干涉
pviekangge | articraft | 變工藝
pvoarkangbøfar | hermaphrodite (slang) | 半公母仔; 陰陽人
pvoarkantiofng | of very doubtful fidelity | 騎牆派; 兩面討好
pølee kan'ar | glass bottle | 玻璃矸仔
seakanlaang | human | 世間人
seakansiong | the world | 世間上
seakansu | world affairs | 世間事
seakantai | world | 世間代
siaxhoe kangzog | social work | 社會工作
sikangtiofng | under construction; building | 施工中
sikanlai | in time | 時間內
sikanpiør | time table; schedule | 時間表
sikansexng | timeliness | 時間性
sikantiarm | point in time | 時間點
siøfkang'ar | an unimportant laborer | 小工仔
siøkang | alike; the same; similar | 相仝; 相同
svakang | do together, help each other, mutually helping | 相共; 相弄
taikanglaixhae | | 台江內海
taosvakang | assist one another; give a hand | 鬥相共; 幫忙
taux-siøkang | match | 鬥相仝; 鬥相同
texha kangzog | underground activities; cloak-and-dagger operations | 地下工作
texng kanlok | to spin a (toy) top | 玩陀螺
thihkangchviuo | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thihkangtviuu | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thiq-kangchviuo | iron handcuffs | 鐵工廠
thiq-kangtviuu | steel mill | 鐵工廠
thofbok kangtheeng | civil engineering; construction projects | 土木工程
thofbok kangthengsw | civil engineer | 土木工程師
tiaux kanglaang | call for workers in an emergency; ask a man to work for us though he has sufficient employment elsewhere | 召工人; 調工人
tiexnky kangtheeng | electrical engineering | 電機工程
tiongkanciar | intermediary | 中間者
tiongkanphaix | middle-of-the roaders; neutral faction; the fence straddlers; fence sitters | 中間派
tioxngkanggiap | heavy industry | 重工業
tngkang'ar | farm laborer hired for a long time | 長工仔
toaxkangsafn | big rivers and mountains- implay a country | 大江山
tuo-kangcvii | deduct so much from wages; e.g.; to make up for a debt | 抵工錢
zawkang'oo | wander from place to place among the common people; to live in seclusion | 走江湖
zeathngg kangchviuo | sugar refinery | 製糖工廠; 糖廠
zengbit kanggiap | precision manufacture | 精密工業
zengzex kangchviuo | refinery | 精製工廠
zhakangsvef | coarse and awkward looking (as a large boned person) | 柴工生; 高大而遲鈍
zhakangtviuu | firewood workshop | 柴工場
zhøfkan'ar | olive | 橄欖仔
zhøfkannafheeng | oliver shape | 草橄欖形
zhøfkannar | oliver | 草橄欖
zoeakang'ar | as a worker | 做工仔
zoeakanglaang | worker | 做工人
zoex-kangge | make artifacts | 做工藝
zorng kanghoe | federation of labor unions | 總工會
zorng kangthengsw | chief engineer | 總工程師
zuyli-kangtheeng | hydraulic engineering | 水利工程
zøex-kangge | keep busy, killing time, occupy oneself | 做工藝
zørkang'aflaang | worker | 做工仔人
zørkang'ar | worker | 做工仔
zørkangge | occupy oneself, keep busy (to pass the time on the train or when retired) | 做工藝
zørkanglaang | workers | 做工人
zøx-kangge | keep busy, killing time, occupy oneself | 做工藝; 消遣
øh kanghw | learn an art, practice a technique | 學工夫; 學藝
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]