"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Løkangkiok | Labor bureau | 勞工局
Serngbøfkwn kangzog-thoan'oaan | active Legion of Mary member (Catholic) | 聖母軍工作團員
Sorngkangtin | Formations of folk martial arts performan | 宋江陣
Toaxkangho | Odeo | 大江戶
bauh kangsu | contract to build public works or big projects | 貿工事; 承辦工事
bogkangchviuo | woodworking plant or shop | 木工廠
bogkangtviuu | woodworking plant or shop | 木工場
boxau kangzokciar | behind-the-scenes workers | 幕後工作者
bwlek kansiap | interfere by use of force | 武力干涉
bøkang | not the same; different | 無仝; 無同
bøkangge | nothing to do | 無事做; 無工藝
bøo kang | not alike, quite different | 無仝
bøo kangge | nothng to do | 無工藝
bøo-siøkang | different; distinctive; unlike | 無相仝; 無相同
chiam'ii kanggiap | textile industry | 纖維工業
chiwkangge | workmanship; craft; handicraft; handicraft | 手工藝
chiwkangge-phirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwkanggexphirn | handicraft articles | 手工藝品
chiwkanggiap | handicrafts industry; handicraft; manual trade | 手工業; 輕工業
ciwkanthat'ar | cork | 酒矸窒仔
ciøqiuu hoarhak kanggiap | petrochemical industry | 石油化學工業
cviaa-kankhor | very miserable, very painful | 很艱苦; 誠艱苦
cyn kanghw | very thoughtful; do something carefully | 很週到; 真工夫
cyn-kanlaan`ee | strenuous | 真艱難的
eng-kanghw | make effort | 用工夫
exkang`bøe | do you know how to do this work or not | 會工作與無會工作
gukang'ar | young bulls; young male cattle | 牛公仔; 小公牛
he-kanghw | to devote much time and energy to a task | 下工夫
hengchiaf sikanpiør | train schedule or timetable | 行車時間表
hoafnkankex | alienating measure | 反間計
hoafnkantiap | counter espionage | 反間諜
hoarhak kanggiap | chemical industry | 化學工業
hoarhak kangtheeng | chemical engineering | 化學工程
hoarhak-kanggiap | chemical industry | 化學工業
honggu kangsu | defense works; defense fortifications | 防禦工事
hongkhofng kangthenghak | aeronautic engineering | 航空工程學
hongzuie-kangtheeng | waterproof engineering | 防水工程
hør-kanghw | good work; good skill; good skill in martial arts | 好工夫
iaxkanpo | night school | 夜間部
kakanggiap | processing industry | 加工業
kakanghuix | cost of manufacturing | 加工費
kakangphirn | processed goods | 加工品
kan'afswn | grand grand kids; great-grandson | 曾仔孫
kan'ao | vomit but nothing comes out | 乾嘔; 想吐但吐無出來 [*]
kan'ar | vial; pyxis; bottle | 矸仔; 瓶子
kan'axn | rape crime | 姦案
kan'guii | difficult and dangerous | 艱危; 艱險
kan'iim | adultery | 姦淫
kan'og | treacherous; malicious | 奸惡
kan'u | to meddle with | 干預
kan'uo | meddle; intervene | 干與
kan'ux | ravish or defile (a woman) | 姦污
kana | only | 只有
kanali'a | a canary, a canary bird | 金絲雀
kanboo | treacherous plot | 奸謀
kanciab | indirectness; indirect(ly) | 間接
kanciapsøex | indirect taxes | 間接稅
kancid | stroma | 基質; 間質
kang | tease | 弄; 共; 仝; 同; 逗; 戲弄
kang'ar | worker; worker | 工仔; 工人
kang'iaux | outline; essential points | 綱要
kang'iuo | an office boy; office boy (girl); old-job man (woman) | 工友
kang'ix | be of the same mind | 同意
kang'oaan | laborer in a factory | 工員; 工人
kang'okheq | itinerant trader | 江湖客
kang'okhix | insincere; sly; sleazy; sneaky | 江湖氣
kang'oo cidtiafmkoad | It's easy; if you know how. (Lit. If you don't know how; the work is like a lake. If you know how; it's like a drop.) | 江湖一點訣
kang'oo | world; underground world; rivers and lakes; wandering; quack; vagrant; sophisticated and shrewd | 江湖
kang'viuu-taixtø | notorious bandit leader | 江洋大盜
kang`ee | the same one | 同的
kangai | involve (person), give trouble | 干礙; 牽涉
kangbok | outline; essential points | 綱目
kangbu | public works | 工務
kangbuo | male and female | 公母; 雌雄
kangbøftuix | in pairs (animals) | 雌雄配
kangbør | male and female (of animals) | 公母; 雌雄
kangchiarng | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kangchiorng | factory, mill, plant, manufactory, workshop | 工廠, 工場
kangchviu | an artisan, a skilled worker | 工匠
kangchviuo | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kangciorng | same kind | 同種
kangcvii | salary; wages; cost of labor | 工錢; 工資
kangge | stalwart; tough and determined; resolute; unwavering; gift of fortitude (Catholic) | 剛毅; 堅強有決斷
kangge-haghau | technological school | 工藝學校
kangge-hak | technology | 工藝學
kangge-kaoiok | technical education | 工藝教育
kangge-phirn | handicraft articles or object | 工藝品
kanggexphirn | industrial product; manufactured article | 工藝品
kanggiabhoax | industrialization; industrialized; industrialize | 工業化
kanggiabkaix | industrial potential (circles) | 工業界
kanggiabkhw | industrial zone | 工業區
kanggiap | industry | 工業
kanggiap-haghau | technical schools; industrial schools | 工業學校
kanggiap-hoarhak | industrial chemistry | 工業化學
kanggiap-ioxngkhu | equipment and tools used in industries | 工業用具
kanggiap-kaoiok | technical (industrial) education | 工業教育
kanggiap-kekbeng | Industrial Revolution | 工業革命
kanggiap-kokkaf | industrial nations of powers; developed countries | 工業國家
kanggiap-sitai | industrial age | 工業時代
kanggiap-textaix | industrial zone | 工業地帶
kanggiap-tochi | industrial cities | 工業都市
kanggoaan | cognate | 同源
kanghaang | same trade or business | 同行
kanghae | river and ocean | 江海
kanghag'vi | engineer dept.; college of engineering | 工學院
kanghak | engineer | 工學
kanghak-phoksu | Doctor of Engineering; D. Eng | 工學博士
kanghak-vi | engineering school, college of engineering | 工學院
kanghiofng | a fellow countryman | 同鄉
kanghoe | labor union | 工會
kanghoef | pollen flower | 雄花; 公花
kanghvoa | river shore | 江岸
kanghw | technical skill; do carefully; good workmanship; be thoughtful | 工夫; 功夫; 週到; 手藝; 仔細; 精細
kanghwn | work-point | 工分
kanghø | the same number, same bland | 同號
kanghøex | of the same age | 同貨
kanghøo | rivers | 江河
kangjiuu | rigid and soft | 剛柔
kangkaang | similar | 同同
kangkef | the same family | 同家
kangkefng | the same shop, same house | 同間
kangkex | labor cost | 工價
kangkhafng | same hole; same problem | 同孔; 同一個問題; 同一個洞
kangkhu | tools; implements | 工具
kangkhu-sviw | a toolbox | 工具箱
kangkhøf | engineering course; engineering department of a college | 工科
kangkie | law | 綱紀
kangkii | construction period | 工期
kangkioong | firm; tough | 剛強
kangku | tools; implements | 工具
kanglaam | entire area south of the Yangtze River | 江南
kanglaang | workman; labor; worker; laborer | 工人
kangleeng | working years | 工能
kangliaau | a shack used by workers; simple hut for workmen at a construction site; construction shack | 工寮
kangliau | material | 工料
kanglii | an edible red alga | 工藻; 江蘺
kangloong zaai cin | have use up one's literary talent or energy | 江郎才盡
kangmngg | anus; asshole; fundament | 肛門
kangpaang | studio | 工房
kangpag | area north of the Yangtze River | 江北
kangpefng | engineer corps; engineering corps (in military); a sapper | 工兵
kangpo | Ministry of Industry | 工部
kangpurn | cost of production | 工本
kangpwnhuix | net cost of a product (cost of raw materials plus labor) | 工本費
kangsafn | the national territory; rivers and hills ─ the country; the land; the state; scenery | 江山
kangsafn-byjiin | throne and the beauty | 江山美人
kangsii | a working hour | 工時
kangsiofng | industry and trade | 工商
kangsiofng-giap | industry and commerce | 工商業
kangsiongkaix | industrial and business circles | 工商界
kangsiongkhøf | government bureau of industry and commerce | 工商科
kangsiongkhøx | government bureau of industry and commerce | 工商課
kangsu | work; engineering works; construction work | 工事; 工序
kangte | building site; site where engineering work is underway | 工地
kangteeng | engineering; an engineering project; a construction work | 工程
kangtenghak | engineering | 工程學
kangtengsw | civil engineer | 工程師
kangthaau | foreman; overseer; contractor on any particular job; an overseer | 工頭
kangtheeng | engineering; an engineering project; a construction work | 工程
kangtheeng-leghak | practical dynamics | 工程力學
kangthengsw | engineer | 工程師
kangthengtui | public works corps | 工程隊
kangthengzhux | department of engineering; the engineering department of a huge building project | 工程處
kangthogsefng | self-supporting student | 工讀生
kangthok | work on a job in order to finance one's study or education | 工讀
kangthuun | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 江豚
kangtiaau | labor strike or sabotage | 工潮
kangtoe | construction area | 工地
kangtviaa | construction, engineering | 工埕; 工程
kangtviuu | factory; mill; plant; manufactory; workshop | 工廠; 工場
kangty | finless-backed porpoise (animal) | 江豚; 江豬
kangtøe | construction site | 工地
kangzeeng | amount or condition of work | 工情; 工作情況
kangzog | work; occupation; a task; a job; toil; to work; job; work; task | 工作
kangzog-hauxlut | labor efficiency | 工作效率
kangzog-hok | working clothes | 工作服
kangzog-jin'oaan | workers; workers assigned to do a specific task of job | 工作人員
kangzog-liong | an amount of work | 工作量
kangzog-sikafn | hours of labor; the hours on duty | 工作時間
kangzog-toaxtui | team or group of persons dispatched for a special task | 工作大隊
kangzog-zexng | an identity card | 工作證
kangzok | consanguinity; same family, same sort | 同族; 仝族
kangzok'hoad | manual training | 工作法
kangzok'hok | working clothes | 工作服
kangzokjit | working-day | 工作日
kangzokseg | a workshop; a labor-room; studio; workroom | 工作室
kangzoktaai | a workbench | 工作台
kangzoktui | political workforce | 工作隊
kangzokzof | a working team | 工作組
kangzw | wages; salary; cost of labor | 工資
kangzw-zex | a wage system | 工資制
kanhad-sexng | intermittent nature | 間豁性; 間歇性
kanhan | drought; dry weather | 乾旱
kanhatjiet | intermittent fever | 間豁熱; 間歇熱
kanhiarm | crafty and wicked; treacherous; crafty; traitorous; treacherous | 奸險; 陰險
kanhioong | a very capable but crafty person; traitorous warrior | 奸雄
kanhiw | give up; let it go; forget it; let matter drop; give up; bring to an end | 干休; 甘休; 罷休
kanhoan | transgress, offend intentionally, transgression, offence | 奸犯; 觸犯
kanhog | to dry up, drain | 乾幅; 乾涸
kanhu | paramour; adulteress | 姦婦
kanhw | adulterer | 姦夫
kanjiao | disturb; interfere; harass; (of radio broadcasts) to jam; jamming | 干擾; 干撓
kankan'ar | barely; only; merely; only (this and nothing more); in vain; for nothing | 干干仔; 無端的; 白白的
kankeq | spacing; distance; interval | 間隔
kankex | cunning trick; wicked scheme | 奸計; 艱計; (生計); 艱難
kankheg | gap | 間隙
kankhiao | trickery; deceitful; cunningly wicked; foxy | 奸巧; 奸滑
kankhofzexkoax | very painful and sad | 艱苦罪過
kankhog | to dry up, drain | 乾酷; 乾涸
kankhor | arduous; difficult; hard; hardships; suffering; misery; difficult; troublesome; irksome | 艱苦; 痛苦; 困難
kankhor-pixsioong | have experienced all sorts of hardships | 艱苦備嘗
kankhor-zexkoax | unwilling | 艱苦濟掛; 心無甘情不願
kankiet | stingy; miserly | 簡結; 艱難; 無人情味; 吝嗇
kankii | dry season | 乾期
kankoaq | Tonkin kudzu vine | 葛藤; 乾葛
kankof | dry and die | 乾沽
kankuie | crafty; cunning; sly; deceitful; cunning; sly | 奸鬼; 奸詭; 奸詐; 刁滑; 奸險; 狡猾; 奸詐的
kankuix | dry season; drought | 乾季
kankvy | magnetic compass | 干經; 羅盤
kankøf siongkiexn | declare war on each other | 干戈相見
kankøf | shields and weapons ─ warfare; armed conflict | 干戈
kankør | dried fruits | 乾果
kanlaan | difficulty; rough; hardships; suffering; privation; distress | 艱難
kanlaan-khurnkhor | grave difficulties or hardships | 艱難困苦
kanlea | monetary gift | 干禮; 現金 (送紅包時用)
kanlerng | guiding principle | 綱領
kanliao | interference | 干擾
kanlieen | associated with; involve | 干連; 牽連
kanlok | gyro rotor; top (a child's toy) | 陀羅; 乾酪; 干樂; 陀螺
kannaf | but; yet | 只是; 干焦; 只有
kannaf-kiuu | Rugby football | 橄欖球
kannafkiuu | football; American foot-ball (because the ball is shaped like a olive) | 橄仔球; 橄欖球
kannar | Chinese olive | 橄欖
kannar-kiuu | Rugby football | 橄欖球
kanngg | clear in speaking | 加圇
kanniuu | dry food; dry provisions; canned or packed food ready to serve | 乾糧; 乾娘
kanpefng | dry ice | 乾冰
kanphii | mesothelium | 間皮
kanpoef | cheers; drink a toast | 乾盃; 乾杯
kanpoex | scallop; opening-closing ligament of a bi-valve shell-fish (highly prized as delicacy) | 干貝
kansad | kill a woman after sexually molesting her | 姦殺
kansea | dry cleaning | 乾洗
kansex | spy (from the enemy side); stool pigeon | 奸細
kansiaa | crafty and evil; treacherous; corrupt; wicked | 奸邪
kansiap | interfere; come between; intervention; meddling; put in a word | 干涉
kansiin | a treacherous official; disloyal and cunning minister; traitorous minister (follower); a traitor; crafty | 奸臣; 老奸
kansin'afchiøx | treacherous smile | 奸臣仔笑
kansiofng | profiteer; unethical merchant; dishonest traders | 奸商
kansoex | spy | 奸細
kansviaa | defenders; protectors; champions | 干城
kansøex | a spy, a traitor | 奸細
kansørkhix | desiccator; a drying agent or machine | 乾燥器
kansørseg | drying room | 乾燥室
kansørzef | desiccative; something that thoroughly dries something out; preservative | 乾燥劑
kansøx | dry | 乾燥
kansøx-zef | dryer, drier | 乾燥劑
kantaf | only; merely | 干乾; 干焦; 只有; 只
kanthad | bottle stopper, cork | 瓶塞
kanthii | an edible green seaweed | 乾苔; 綠海藻
kantiap | spy | 間諜
kantiexntii | dry cell battery | 乾電池
kantoan | intermittent, period of interruption | 間斷
kantorng | traitorous clique or party | 奸黨
kantvaf | only; alone; no other than; nothing but | 只有; 干焦; 干單
kantvagiexn | unsatisfied craving for (gambling; wine; tobacco) | 干單癮; 過乾癮
kanzaokheg | intermezzo | 間奏曲
kanzax | crafty; treacherous; deceitful | 奸詐
kanzeeng | fair; circumstances of adultery; the details of an amorous affair | 姦情
kanzeng | clean; entirely; all gone | 乾淨
kanzexng | interfere in politics | 干政; 見證
kanzhat | scoundrel; traitor | 奸賊
kanzheg | treacherous policy | 奸策
kanzhuix | straight-forward, downright | 干碎; 乾脆
kateeng-kanggiap | domestic (cottage) industries | 家庭工業
kawkang'iøf | hulk (a handsome strong well-developed man) | 狗公腰; 健壯公狗之腰; 形容健美男人
kaxngkang | similar | 仝仝
keakvia-kangzw | wages paid on piece work basis | 計件工資
keasii-kangzw | wages paid on a time basis; hourly wage | 計時工資
khengkanggiap | light industry | 輕工業
khuxn kannafphag | sleep with one's face downward | 俯著睡; 睡矸仔仆
khvoaru-ciaqbøo kantvaf giexn | dreaming impossible dreams (Lit. You see it; but can't have; you just yearn for it.) | 看有吃無只有癮
kiernsied kangtheeng | construction work | 建設工程
kierntiog-kangtheeng | construction work | 建築工程
kihaai-kangtheeng | mechanical engineering | 機械工程
kikan | fixed period of time | 期間
koarnthaau-kangchviuo | cannery | 罐頭工廠
kongkhøx sikanpiør | class schedule | 功課時間表
kviaa-kang'oo | be an adventurer, be a gypsy, be a traveling quack | 行江湖; 走江湖; 走江湖者
kviakang'oo | wander from place to place among the common people | 走江湖
kviakang'oo`ee | traveling quack | 走江湖的
langkang'oo | artificial lake | 人工湖
lankanpvy | fence side | 欄干邊
lau-kang'oo | sophisticated old traveller | 老江湖
limsikang'ar | temporary workers | 臨時工仔
lixkankex | trick of sowing dissention and thus defeating the foe; alienate one person from another; intrigue for causing a rupture | 離間計
lokang'viaa | slave-labor camp | 奴工營
lykangkhøf | department of natural sciences and engineering (college) | 理工科
nngxkang'ar | two days | 兩工仔
nngxkanglai | within two days | 兩工內
nngxsvakang'ar | two to three days | 兩三工仔
okan'ar | black buttle | 烏矸仔
pahchiøq kanthaau | the highest achievement (Lit. top of a hundred-foot pole) | 百尺竿頭
pan'un-kanglaang | porter, docker | 搬運工人
paukangzex | piece work system | 包工制
paxng y kanhiw | to give up; bring to an end; not to look for revenge or to get even | 放他干休
pekzheg kanthiøo | at the top of a hundred foot pole ─ at the highest point | 百尺竿頭
pengkangchviuo | arsenal | 兵工廠
phafngcid kangchviuo | textile factory | 紡織工廠
phaq-kanlok | to play a whipping top | 打陀螺
phvae-kanghw | bad workmanship | 歹工夫
put'kan'u | not to intervene | 無干預; 不干預
put'kansiap | nonintervention, noninterference | 無干涉; 不干涉
pviekangge | articraft | 變工藝
pvoarkangbøfar | hermaphrodite (slang) | 半公母仔; 陰陽人
pvoarkantiofng | of very doubtful fidelity | 騎牆派; 兩面討好
pølee kan'ar | glass bottle | 玻璃矸仔
seakanlaang | human | 世間人
seakansiong | the world | 世間上
seakansu | world affairs | 世間事
seakantai | world | 世間代
siaxhoe kangzog | social work | 社會工作
sikangtiofng | under construction; building | 施工中
sikanlai | in time | 時間內
sikanpiør | time table; schedule | 時間表
sikansexng | timeliness | 時間性
sikantiarm | point in time | 時間點
siøfkang'ar | an unimportant laborer | 小工仔
siøkang | alike; the same; similar | 相仝; 相同
svakang | do together, help each other, mutually helping | 相共; 相弄
taikanglaixhae | | 台江內海
taosvakang | assist one another; give a hand | 鬥相共; 幫忙
taux-siøkang | match | 鬥相仝; 鬥相同
texha kangzog | underground activities; cloak-and-dagger operations | 地下工作
texng kanlok | to spin a (toy) top | 玩陀螺
thihkangchviuo | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thihkangtviuu | ironworks; ironmongery | 鐵工廠; 鐵工場
thiq-kangchviuo | iron handcuffs | 鐵工廠
thiq-kangtviuu | steel mill | 鐵工廠
thofbok kangtheeng | civil engineering; construction projects | 土木工程
thofbok kangthengsw | civil engineer | 土木工程師
tiaux kanglaang | call for workers in an emergency; ask a man to work for us though he has sufficient employment elsewhere | 召工人; 調工人
tiexnky kangtheeng | electrical engineering | 電機工程
tiongkanciar | intermediary | 中間者
tiongkanphaix | middle-of-the roaders; neutral faction; the fence straddlers; fence sitters | 中間派
tioxngkanggiap | heavy industry | 重工業
tngkang'ar | farm laborer hired for a long time | 長工仔
toaxkangsafn | big rivers and mountains- implay a country | 大江山
tuo-kangcvii | deduct so much from wages; e.g.; to make up for a debt | 抵工錢
zawkang'oo | wander from place to place among the common people; to live in seclusion | 走江湖
zeathngg kangchviuo | sugar refinery | 製糖工廠; 糖廠
zengbit kanggiap | precision manufacture | 精密工業
zengzex kangchviuo | refinery | 精製工廠
zhakangsvef | coarse and awkward looking (as a large boned person) | 柴工生; 高大而遲鈍
zhakangtviuu | firewood workshop | 柴工場
zhøfkan'ar | olive | 橄欖仔
zhøfkannafheeng | oliver shape | 草橄欖形
zhøfkannar | oliver | 草橄欖
zoeakang'ar | as a worker | 做工仔
zoeakanglaang | worker | 做工人
zoex-kangge | make artifacts | 做工藝
zorng kanghoe | federation of labor unions | 總工會
zorng kangthengsw | chief engineer | 總工程師
zuyli-kangtheeng | hydraulic engineering | 水利工程
zøex-kangge | keep busy, killing time, occupy oneself | 做工藝
zørkang'aflaang | worker | 做工仔人
zørkang'ar | worker | 做工仔
zørkangge | occupy oneself, keep busy (to pass the time on the train or when retired) | 做工藝
zørkanglaang | workers | 做工人
zøx-kangge | keep busy, killing time, occupy oneself | 做工藝; 消遣
øh kanghw | learn an art, practice a technique | 學工夫; 學藝

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Searching is case sensitive, except when you select English as an input.
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Buttons: Partial, Exact, Front, and Back:
Checking Exact will only show the specific term "zab". e.g. "zabor and "apzab" When input type is non-MTL, exact match is forced.
Checking Front with the search term "zab" will show all the vocabularies start with with "zab" such as "zabor".

The following example will get all the words start with a


Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".

If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "bof.ng").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or back match.

Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]

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"Hiexntai-buun" to

Unlike the above form, this form allows you specify number of spelling error.
Select '1' will show you those words with one spelling error.
For wildcard matching, use regular expression described in the above form with '0' spelling error.

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