"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kaxm

bengkaxm | clear example of history; a proof | 明鑑
cienchiaf cy kaxm | learn from the failure of one's predecessor | 前車之鑑
ciøhkaxm | learn a lesson from another person's experience | 借鏡; 借鑑
gvafkaxm | for your perusal (archaic) | 雅鑒
hudzuo hongkhfong-bwkaxm | nuclear aircraft carrier | 核子航空母艦
irnkaxm | a signet or seal filed with official agencies; used principally in liue of signature; imprint or impression of one's chop filed with agencies concerned (especially banks) for checking purpose | 印鑑
irnkaxm-zerngbeeng | certificate for a seal impression | 印鑑証明
kaxm | proctor | 監
kaxmkuq | crestfallen; dejected | 含痀; 垂頭喪氣狀
kunkaxm | conventional phrase used in formal letters addressed to a superior | 鈞鑒
lienkaxm | year yearbook; annual report | 年鑑
nikaxm | yearbook; annual report | 年鑑; 年鑒
phengkaxm | evaluation | 評鑑
pøfkaxm | valuable reference | 寶鑑
serngkaxm | sacred prison | 聖監
siarkaxm | dormitory inspector or matron; dormitory superintendent | 舍監
taikaxm | honorific; to form used after the name in the solution of a business letter; For your inspection ─ opening phrase in a letter; Dear Mr... | 台鑒
thaekaxm | eunuch | 太監
uxnsukaxm | transport ship | 運輸艦

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