"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: kea

Symkeapo | Ministry of Audit | 審計部
angkeatøq | table which holds images of the gods in home or temple | 紅供桌; 尪架桌
angkukea | red rice cake with turtle shape | 紅龜粿
auxkeaciar | follower | 後繼者
bahkear | farm raised chicken | 肉雞仔
bukeapør | priceless treasure | 無價寶; 無價之寶
bøkeatat | valueless | 無價值
bøo keatat | valueless | 無價值
bøsym kea uxix | feign interest | 無心假有意
bøxkea | grind rice into pulp using stone mill to make rice cake | 磨粿
ciefn kea | fry steamed cakes | 煎糕
cinkea | true and false; actual situation; real fact; true and false; real and fake | 真假
ciongtioong keagi | take time to make careful deliberations | 從長計議
ekea | grind rice paste to make rice cakes | 挨粿
gaau-keakaux | like to assert one's right | 會計較
hakkeazngf | dowry | 蓄嫁粧
hietkiuu keasox | blood count | 血球計數
hiexn keazheg | offer a plan; strategy to win | 獻計策
hikea | false; unreal | 虛假
hoatkea | rick cake | 發粿
hoexkeakhøx | accountant | 會計課
hoexkeasw | an accountant | 會計師
hoxkeaciar | a successor | 後繼者
hukea | false; unreal | 虛假
hwnkea | pastry made in yam starch | 粉粿
iafkeafchiaf | illegal passenger transport | 野雞仔車
ipboxkea | rice cake for poor boys after cemetery ceremony | 挹墓粿
iuciaqkea | fried dough sticks | 油炸粿
iuzhangkea | rice cake with fried onions ingredients | 油蔥粿
kakeapho | household account book | 家計簿
kateeng-kea'oe | family planning | 家庭計劃
kea khaf | stepping stone | 跂跤
kea | counterfeit, forge, impersonate, pretend | 假
kea'aau | pass through the throat; be swallowed | 過喉; 吞下喉
kea'afng | marry a husband | 出嫁; 嫁翁
kea'ar | shelf; small frame; set of shelves | 架仔
kea'au | afterwords | 過後
kea'egsw | prospectus (of a business setup or factory) | 計劃書
kea'egtiofng | under consideration; in the works | 計劃中
kea'ek | plan; a scheme; a program; to plan; to devise | 計畫; 計劃
kea'ek-sengsarn | planned parenthood; production according to plan | 計劃生產
kea'ix | peace of mind | 過意
kea'mngg | cross the threshold | 過門
kea'oe | plan; a scheme; a program; to plan; to devise | 計畫; 計劃
kea'oeh | plan; project; plan on; program | 計畫; 計劃
kea'orng-khailaai | carry on the tradition so as to pave the way for future generations | 繼往開來
kea-binzuo | bogus democracy | 假民主
kea-kutlat | pretend to be industrious | 假骨力; 假裝勤勉
kea`ee | fake | 假的
keaafng | marry a husband | 嫁翁
keaafzafng | wig bundle | 髻仔鬃
keabak | price; quotations | 價目
keabin | mask, false front | 過面
keabirn | allergy | 過敏
keabiør | stepmother | 繼母
keabogpiør | price list, quotation list | 價目表 (單)
keaboo paixlo | scheme has been discovered | 計謀敗露
keaboo | stratagem; scheme; ploy; plan; a scheme; to plot | 計謀; 計課
keabør | stepmother | 後母; 繼母
keachiuo | pass from one man to another (money; things etc.); do something successfully | 過手; 得手
keacvii | term; price; price | 價錢
keafbak | night blindness, corn on the foot | 雞仔目
keafkviar | baby chicks | 雞仔囝
keaflo | street | 街仔路
keagi | negotiate; discuss; talk it over; deliberate | 計議
keagiap | succession | 繼業
keagiexn | enjoyable | 過癮
keahan | over-due; expired | 過期; 過限
keahea | the ritual of people walking over burning coals | 過火
keahek | plan; a scheme; a program; to plan; to devise | 計畫; 計劃
keaho | transfer | 過戶
keahu | stepfather | 繼父
keahun | outrageous | 過份
keahuu | mandarin fish | 鱖魚
keahwn | count scores or points | 計分
keajim | succeed to an office | 繼任
keajit | the next day | 過日; 隔日; 翌日; 次日
keakaux | fuss about; haggle over; dispute; complain about trifles | 計較
keakeg | price, value | 價格
keakeq | price | 價格
keakhaf | price difference | 差價; 價差
keakhie | rebuild | 過起; 改建
keakhix | the past | 過去
keakhuix | pass away | 過氣
keakiong | grand total | 計共; 共計; 總共; 總計
keakoafn | pass | 過關
keakvia-kangzw | wages paid on piece work basis | 計件工資
kealaang | marry a husband | 嫁人; 出嫁
keali | filter | 過濾
kealiok | strategy | 計略
kealiong | overdose | 過量
kealit | spend time | 過日
kealoo | wrap the object you want around the incense burner | 過爐
keamiaa | false name, to falsely use another's name | 過名
keamngg | female married to her husban’ds family | 過門
keana'ar | kale | 芥藍仔
keanaa | Chinese kale | 芥藍
keanaafzhaix | Chinese kale, a wrinkled leaf cabbage like vegetable | 芥藍菜
keaneafzhaix | Chinese kale, a wrinkled leaf cabbage like vegetable | 芥藍菜
keanii | new year | 過年
keaoe | grand scheme | 計畫
keaorng | pass away | 過往
keapaang | adopt the sons of your brothers or relatives from the same clan as your heirs in the case that you have no kids | 過房
keaphoex | step wife | 繼配; 後妻
keapong | ceeding basic quantities or provisions | 過磅
kear | downtown; a small town with shops on both sides of the street | 街仔
keaseeng | to inherit; inherit; succeed to; inheritance | 繼承; 承襲
keaseg | form; structure; form; structure; general shape | 架式; 繼室
keasengjiin | heir, successor | 繼承人
keasex | supporting framework of or for things; arrogance; haughtiness | 架勢
keasiaux | price; value; thing's cost; price | 價數; 價格
keasid | fault | 過失
keasiern | scabies; the itch; ringworm | 疥癬
keasii | pass the proper time; out of season; outdated | 過時
keasii-kangzw | wages paid on a time basis; hourly wage | 計時工資
keasioghoan | continued offense | 繼續犯
keasiok | to continue; to persis; continuation | 繼續
keasipiør | chronometer | 計時表
keasngrchiøq | slide rule | 計算尺
keasngrkhix | calculating machine | 計算器
keasngrky | calculator | 計算機
keasngrsw | statement of accounts | 計算書
keasngx | compute; calculate | 計算
keasoaxn | compute; calculate | 計算
keasox | count | 計數; 價數; 價錢
keasuu | an adopted heir; inheritor; heir | 繼嗣
keasym | too bad | 過心
keasyn | pass away | 過身
keatangciao | migratory birds | 過冬鳥
keatat liensviaa | invaluable; priceless | 價值連城
keatat | value; worth | 價值
keatat-lun | axiology, theory of value | 價值論
keateeng | process | 過程
keathaau | wig | 過頭
keathengchiaf | taxi; meter taxi | 計程車; 出租車
keathengpiør | taxi meter | 計程表
keatiexnkhix | relay (electric) | 繼電器
keatix | plan; scheme | 計智; 計謀
keatngr-jit | the next day | 過轉日; 次日
keato | excessive | 過度
keau | one's own wife | 家後
keazhaf | price difference | 價差
keazheg | stratagem; tactics; plan; device; a scheme; a trick; a trap | 計策
keazhngf | sores from scabies | 疥瘡
keazhoa | marriage; matrimony in general; marry or be married | 嫁娶; 結婚; 婚嫁
keazhud | woman to be married a husband | 嫁出; 嫁出門
keazhuix | spread the word | 過喙
keazngf | a bride's dowry; marriage outfit given to a daughter; trousseau | 嫁妝; 嫁粧
keazuo | stepson | 繼子
kekbexngsexng ee keahek | revolutionary project | 革命性的計劃
khixkea | dried persimmons | 柿粿; 柿干
kiamkea | salty rice cake | 鹹粿
kinkinkeakaux | haggle over every ounce; be calculating | 斤斤計較
kinkyn-keakaux | haggle over every ounce; be calculating | 斤斤計較
koeakeahak | accounting | 會計學
koeakeahoad | the accounts law | 會計法
koeakeanito | fiscal year | 會計年度
kofkeatvoaf | written estimate | 估價單
kuxthea keaoe | practical plans | 具體計劃
kvi'afkea | salty rice cake | 鹼仔粿
laxngkea | pretending a false thing | 弄假
liuxkea | steam the hardened rice cake | 餾粿
niaw khaux niawchie kea uxsym | pretend to be sad (Lit. The cat cries over the death of a rat.) | 貓哭耗子假慈悲。
othngkea | brown sugar pastry | 烏糖粿
oxkea | cakes made of rice and taro | 芋粿
paai-kea'ar | a street vendor | 攤販仔
paxnkeazngf | dowry | 辦嫁粧
pengkyn keasoaxn | general average; on the average | 平均計算
phiørbin keakeg | face value (of a stock) | 票面價格
piefn`kealaai | turn over | 扳過來
pu keafkviar | sit on eggs; incubate | 孵小雞
pvoasvoakeaniar | long journey | 盤山過嶺
siaolienkear | young people | 少年家仔
siekeasaf | borrow or get something from many sources | 到處借, 到處拿
siekeasøo | fooling around everywhere | 四界趖
sietkeaciar | designer | 設計者
sietkeasw | designer | 設計師
sietkeatoo | blueprint | 設計圖
sietkeazøx | designed as | 設計做
sikeakør | passion fruit | 百香果; 時計果; 四季果
siøkeazhoa | married | 相嫁娶
siøphahkear | street fighter | 相拍雞仔
suykeaflaxnglaau | float up | 水雞仔弄鐃
svakea'ar | shirt frame | 衫架仔
swiong keatat | utility; value | 使用價值
tekkeafchiaf | taxi sharing service that are legalized | 竹雞仔車
tekkear | woodcock, guinea hen | 竹雞仔
texkeasøex | assessment tax | 地價稅
thaukaxkear | fidelity | 偷咬雞仔
thofkeafsviaa | free-range chicken city | 土雞仔城
thofkear | free-range chicken | 土雞仔
thofngkeahagkaf | statistician | 統計學家
thofngkeahak | statistics (as a science) | 統計學
thofngkeapiør | statistical table; chart; graph | 統計表
thofngkeazhutlaai | statiscally | 統計出來
thongpvoaa kea'oe | draw up a complete scheme; overall plan | 全盤計劃
tiexnzuo keasngrky | electronic computer | 電子計算機
tikongkeaterng | pig rack to | 豬公架頂
tiofngzuo keasengkoaan | right of inheritance (of the eldest son); primogeniture | 長子繼承權
toaxkear | big family | 大家仔
tochi kea'oe | urban development plan; urban renewal plan | 都市計劃
tuhuihkea | pork blood cake | 豬血粿
tvikea | sweet rice cake | 甜粿
tøexkeasøex | land tax | 地價稅
u keatat | valuable | 有價值
u-keatat | valuable | 有價值
voafkea | half price, fifty per cent discount | 碗粿
voafkøkea | salty rice pudding | 碗糕粿
zawkeafsiefn | warlock | 走街仔仙; 江湖術士
zhaekea'ar | vegetable rack | 菜架仔
zhaethaukea | rice carrot cake | 菜頭粿
zhaothaukear | bald chicken implying a person who is depressed | 臭頭雞仔
zhawafkea | Taiwanese style herbal cake | 草仔粿
zhef kea | steamed rice cake | 炊粿
zhehkea'ar | bookcase | 冊架仔
zhoaan keazngf | prepare marriage outfit given to a daughter | 準備嫁妝
zhwkhakkea | Taiwanese glutinous rice cake | 鼠麴粿
zhøfkhakkea | Taiwanese herbal cake | 草麴粿
zoanpvoaa keaoe | overall program or plan | 全盤計劃
zukea'ar | bookshelf | 書架仔
zukeaaflai | inside bookshelf | 書架仔內
zuycirmkea | konjac | 水浸粿
zuykeafsiuu | breaststroke; frog stroke | 水雞仔泅
zuykear | frog | 水雞仔
zwkeaseg | auditing department, accounting department | 主計室
zwkeazhux | chief accounting office | 主計處
zøxkea | building cost, manufacturing cost | 造假

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