"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Khofngzwkofng mxkvar siw laang ee kehmii-thiab | Confucius did not dare accept an invitation for the next day. Tomorrow is very uncertain | 孔子公無敢收隔夜帖; (不知未來如何)
cidkehefar | whole family | 一家伙仔
cidkehoefar | whole family | 一家伙仔
cidkehøea | one family | 一家火; 一家人
ciofngzok kehli | racial segregation; apartheid | 種族隔離
habkehciar | successful candidate | 合格者; 及格者
hengkehmoh | diaphragm | 胸膈膜; 橫隔膜
hikeh'ar | fish stall | 魚格仔; 魚攤子
hongkehtau | brown lima beam | 風格豆; 飯豆,; 賴馬豆
hvoaikeh | set oneself against; oppose; make a pair | 橫逆; 橫扴; 作對
hvoaikehmoh | the diaphragm | 橫隔膜
jinkehciar | man of (noble) character | 人格者
keh | oppose (esp. oppose or resist a superior) | 逆; 扴; 作對
keh'afsvaf | coat with cross strips; plain coat | 格子衫
keh'afzoar | ruled paper | 格子紙; 方格紙
keh'ar | stall or booth (especially a fixed one in a market) | 格仔; 攤位; 格子
keh'ar-zoar | paper with squares | 格仔紙; 方格紙
keh'impafng | acoustic tile; acoustic board | 隔音板
keh'ym | soundproof; sound insulation; soundproof | 隔音
kehchviuu iuo nie | There are ears on the other side of the wall. ─ It's difficult to keep a secret. The walls have ears | 隔牆有耳
kehea | property | 家伙
kehefng | chicken breasted | 雞胸
kehgai | estrangement; a barrier; a gap | 隔閡
kehgan | on the other side of the river; sea | 隔岸
kehhii | grouper (fish) | 石斑魚; 擬青石斑
kehiexn | a distinct chicken smell | 雞獻; 雞的味道
kehjiedparn | insulation board | 隔熱板
kehjit | every other day | 隔日; 隔天
kehkaix | common boundary; common border | 隔界; 界限; 交界; 劃界
kehkaw | spiny dogshark | 刺狗鯊; 棘鮫
kehkefng | a partition; separate room | 隔間
kehkhuy | to separate; isolate; insulate | 隔開
kehli | insulation; cut off; isolation; screen off; segregation | 隔離
kehli-pvexpaang | isolation ward | 隔離病房
kehlit | the next day | 隔日
kehmee | pass the night; left overnight (as food) | 過暝; 隔夜
kehmii | pass the night; left overnight (as food) | 過暝; 隔暝; 隔夜
kehmii-zhaix | left over | 隔夜菜
kehmoh | diaphragm; estrangement | 隔膜; 膈膜; 隔閡
kehmoqiam | diaphragmatitis; inflammation of the diaphragm | 隔膜炎
kehnaa | Chinese kale | 芥藍
kehnii | next year | 隔年
kehoad | household regulation | 家法
kehoea | family estate; property; possessions; family property | 家伙; 家財
kehofng | family reputation; reputation as a family | 門風; 家風 (家庭的聲望)
kehpag | half-brother, half-sister | 過腹; 隔腹; 同父異母
kehpiahkefng | next room; next door | 隔壁間; 隔壁房間
kehpiaq | neighbor; next door (house) | 隔壁
kehpiaq-zngf | neighboring village | 隔壁莊
kehseg | format; pattern or copy; proper rule or pattern (as for a document) | 格式
kehtai-uithoaan | atavism | 隔代遺傳
kehthvikngf zaykhie | next morning | 隔天早上; 隔天光早起
kehtiau | style | 格調
kehtng | blocked or obstructed; to separate; cut off | 隔斷
kehtngfjit | next day | 第二天; 隔轉日; 隔天; 翌日; 次日
kehtngfkafng | the next day | 隔轉工
kehtngflit | next day | 隔轉日
kehtngfnii | following year | 第二年; 隔轉年
kehtngr-jit | the next day | 隔轉日; 次日
kehtngr-lefpaix | following week | 隔轉禮拜; 第二個禮拜
kehtngr-zaykhie | following morning | 隔轉早起; 第二天早上
kehtoan | blocked or obstructed; to separate; cut off | 隔斷
kehudar | chicken testis | 雞核仔; 雞的睪丸
kehut | chicken testis | 雞核
kehzafkhie | next morning | 隔早起; 隔天早上
kehzoa | a divided line | 隔線
kehzoat | blocked or obstructed; separated; cut off; isolate | 隔絕
kehzoat-he | isolated system | 隔絕系
kehøea | family estate; property; possessions | 家產; 家伙; 家當; 財產
kehøex | aging | 加歲
kekehoxho | every household | 家家戶戶
khangkeh'ar | empty shelf (as of a bookcase); blank in a form | 空格仔
kibkehciar | successful candidate | 及格者
na'aau keh`tiøh | obstruction in the throat | 喉嚨梗住
okeh'ar | black snapper | 烏格仔
paxnkehoefar | play house; playing at house keeping | 辦家家酒
paxnkongkehoea | child's play | 扮公家伙
paxnkongkehoefar | child's play | 扮公家伙仔
phoarkehciao | magpie | 破格鳥
phoarkehzhuix | magpie beak | 破格喙
pwn kehoea | divide family possessions; apportion; divide the goods of a family; split the family and divide the property | 分財產
pwn-kehøea | divide the estate | 分家產
svakeh | opposite | 相逆
thiaokeh'ar | jump on squares | 跳格仔
toa-kehøea | big family | 大家伙
toaxkehoea | big family | 大家伙
tuiekeh | conflict of views; in direct opposition to one's wishes or plans | 作對; 違背
uikeh | oppose a superior, disobey | 違逆
zefngzok kehli | racial segregation; apartheid | 種族隔離
zhaekeh'ar | vegetable vendor's stall (at farmer's market or traditional outdoor market) | 菜攤仔; 菜架仔
zhawkeh'ar | grass wedge | 草鍥仔
zhuopvikehpiaq | neighbor | 厝邊隔壁
zvef kehoea | quarrel about dividing family property | 爭財產

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