"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khøe

Løzuykhøef | muddy river; name of a river in Taiwan | 濁水溪
Siangkhøef | a city in Taipei County | 雙溪
Toaxkhøef | place in Tho'hngg-koan | 大溪
bøefkhøex | sales contract | 買契
chiørkhøef | a laughing stuff | 笑詼; 笑話; 笑稽
ciøfkhøeq | short of thing; rare | 少缺; 稀罕
høkhøef | a small stream | 河溪
hør-khøehaai | humorous; laughter-provoking. | 好詼諧; 幽默詼諧
irn khangkhøex | try to find a job (as a workman) | 找工作
kauxkhøef | hard to please, peevish | 厚刮; 脾氣乖戾
khangkhøeathaau | work | 工作頭; 工課頭
khangkhøeatviuu | workshop | 工作場
khangkhøex | work | 工作; 工課
khiarmkhøeq | defect; defectiveness | 欠缺
khøe'ar | stream; creek; brook | 溪仔; 小溪
khøea'iog | contract | 契約
khøea'iog-sw | written agreement, contract | 契約書
khøeahviaf | paramour of a married woman | 客兄; 契兄; 情夫
khøeakhaf | serve as a stepping-stone | 架腳; 墊腳
khøeakviar | formally adopted son | 客囝; 契囝; 乾兒子
khøechiuo | an elbow can't function normally | 痂手; 萎手; 瘸手
khøee | cripple | 瘸; 腳跛; 魁
khøef | creek; take advantage; flirt | 溪; 虧; 刮
khøegoo | husky; burly; tall and strong | 魁梧
khøeh | a ancient grain measure | 斛
khøeh'ar | small box | 盒仔; 篋仔; 篋子
khøehaai | dandyish, too particular, nuisance | 詼諧
khøehbak | close eyes | 閉目; 瞌目
khøehkhiaxm | be in want, want, need | 缺欠; 欠缺
khøehkhofng | eastern cuckoo | 鵑孔 [*]
khøehkhøeq | crowded, feel confined | 擠擠
khøekaw | gorge, canyon | 溪溝
khøekhaf | cripple | 腳跛; 腳無力支配行動; 瘸腳
khøelaau | river; current; stream | 溪流
khøepof | river flats | 溪埔; 河灘
khøepvy | creek bank | 溪邊
khøeq | lack; to be tired and to doze off | 缺; 瞌; 閉目
khøesvix | a fan | 葵扇; 扇子
khøesøea | satire; scrape | 諷刺; 刮洗
khøetng | scratch off | 刮斷
khøex | rack; frame | 架; 齧; 囓; 契
kudkhøef | humor, joke, funny, comical, humorous | 滑稽
køeakhøef | cross the stream | 過溪
liaukhøef | to wade across a river | 涉溪
libkhøex | to make a contract; sign a written contract | 立契
limsii khøea'iog | provisional contract | 臨時契約
pangkhøex | title deed for a house | 房契
parngkhøeq | close eyes | 閉眼; 放瞌; 闔眼
phaq-khøea'iog | make a contract | 打契約; 拍契約; 合約
pofkhøeq | fill a vacancy | 補缺
siøfkhøef | a brooklet | 小溪
siøkhøeq | be jammed together be pressed against one another | 相擠; 相𤲍
svakhøeq | be crowded together | 相擠; 相𤲍
søeakhøex | registered deed | 細契; 稅契
tamgo khangkhøex | impede the execution of a work | 耽誤工作
tangkhøe | bronze helmet | 銅盔
tefngkhøeq | bring up to full vacancy; opening (job; position) | 頂缺
tiefnkhøex | deed of mortage | 典契
tøexkhøex | land title deed | 地架; 地契
zhankhøex | paddy title, deed | 田契
zhuokhøex | lease agreement | 厝契; 房契
zoex-khangkhøex | do homework | 做工課
zoexkhøef | chief offender, ringleader in crime | 罪魁
øeakhøeq | crowded | 擠缺
øekhøeh | jostle, crowded | 矮擠
øekhøeq | jostle, crowded | 挨擠
øeqkhøeq | crowded | 狹擠

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