"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khat

ahkhatøee | even foot; flat feet | 鴨腳蹄; 扁平足
hauxkhat'ar | soup ladle | 鱟𣁳仔
kekhataxng | jellied chicken feet gravy | 雞腳凍
khat'ar | scoop | 戛仔; 杓子
khataang | a lower leg; calf of the leg; leg from knee to ankle | 小腿; 跤胴; 腳脛; 腳筒
khatah | stand; footstool; foot pedal; foot mats; footstool; pedal | 腳踏; 跤踏; 腳凳; 踏板; (腳踏車縫紉機等); 階梯踏; 腳墊
khatangkud | bone of the lower leg; shin-bone | 腳脛骨
khatao | wooden bucket or tub for washing feet | 跤斗
khataqar | pedal | 跤踏仔
khataqchiaf | bicycle | 腳踏車; 跤踏車
khataqie | foot stool (especially matching to its own couch) | 腳踏椅; 腳凳
khataqkhaf | about the same time | 腳踏腳; 片刻之前
khataw | knee | 跤兜
khatbo | long for (e.g.; an absent friend); to miss very much | 渴念; 渴慕
khatbong | thirst after | 渴望
khatea boah'iuu | slip away | 腳底抹油; 溜走
khatea | sole of the foot | 腳掌; 腳底
khatee | hoof (of animals) | 腳蹄
khatexng | footstool | 腳凳
khathaau | knee; strength (of legs) | 膝蓋; 腳力; 腳頭
khatharng | wooden pail; container; water bucket; large basin used by women for a sponge bath | 腳桶; 跤桶; 洗腳盆; 水桶
khathau'uvoar | knee-cap | 腳頭予碗; 膝蓋骨
khathau'w | a knee, a lap | 腳頭凹; 跤頭趺; 膝蓋
khathauw | knee | 膝頭凹
khathuie | thigh | 腳腿; 跤腿; 大腿
khatiafm | footstool | 腳凳
khatkhad`leq | scoop up | 舀舀咧
khatkhor | compel or constrain oneself to go | 勉強; 渴苦
khatliam | long for (e.g.; an absent friend); to miss very much | 渴念; 渴慕
khatoea | soles of feet | 跤底
khatofjiin | calf (of the leg) | 小腿肉; 腳肚仁
khatofkud | fibula | 跤肚骨
khator | calf of the leg | 腳肚; 小腿肌
khatoxng | foot brake | 腳擋; 跤擋; 腳煞車
khatthoky | excavator | 挖土機
khatzhaix | scoop food out of a pan or a pot | 挹菜; 舀菜
khatøea | the sole of the foot | 腳底
khatøee | hoot | 腳蹄; 跤蹄; 腳掌,腳印
khatøf | calf of the leg | 跤刀
kikhix-khataqchiaf | motorcycle | 機器腳踏車
peqkhatee | flat feet | 白跤蹄
saykhat'ar | shit hole | 屎舀仔
siekhatoxteng | | 四跤杜定
svakhatuo | placed in a triangular form (three things; persons; places) | 三腳抵; 三角置放; 鼎立
svakhatviar | tripod | 三角鼎
svakhatw | placed in a triangular form (three things; persons; places) | 三腳抵; 三角置放; 鼎立
thokhataw | floor mat | 塗跤兜
thokhatea | floor | 塗跤底
tikhataxng | jellied pigs feet soup | 豬腳凍
tikhatear | pig football | 豬跤蹄仔
tikhatøee | pig's feet (raw or cooked) | 豬跤蹄
tiøkhatngrtee | stomp feet | 趒跤頓蹄
toaxkhataang | large calves | 大跤胴
tokhataw | underfoot | 塗跤兜
tuxnkhatuxnchiuo | clumzy | 鈍跤鈍手
tvikhatvichiuo | got in a way | 纏跤纏手
zaxm-khatøee | march on the spot (as in military drill) | 踐腳蹄; 蹔跤蹄; 踏腳
zhakhatharng | wooden bucket | 柴跤桶

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