"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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aekhaux bøo bagsae | find it hard to bring up a matter | 欲哭無目屎; 有口難言
aekhaux | tend to weep; cranky child; given to crying | 愛哭
aikhaux | to be moan, to be wail | 哀哭
boeq khaux bøo bagsae | You want to cry but there are no tears. There's just no way out | 欲哭無目屎
chitcied pehkhaux | big discounts in bargain sales; make allowance for inaccuracy; exaggeration in a statement or report | 七折八扣
chitcied-pøehkhaux | various deductions; big discounts | 七折八扣
chitkhaux pehtii | various discounts; deductions; run up a heavy list of deductions and countercharges, making out that there is very little, if anything, to be paid | 七扣八除
chitkhaux-pøehtuu | not much left after various deductions | 七扣八除
chiwkhaux | handcuffs; handcuffs | 手銬; 手拷
ciet'khaux | discount; cut rate; allowance | 折扣
cietkhaux | discount; cut rate; allowance; discount in price; discount rate | 折扣
hoekhaux | discount; commission for agent; kick back | 回扣
kefkhaux | pretend crying | 假哭
khakhaux | fetters | 腳鐐
khau'ar | a planer tool; a carpenter's plane; peeler | 刨仔; 剾仔; 削皮器; 刨子
khauar | lot; lots; straws | 籤仔
khauh | startled; taken by surprise | 愕
khauhofng | dryness caused by the wind; be exposed to wind | 風刮; 刮風; 晾風
khaukhaw`leq | scratch, peel | 刮刮咧
khaukhvoar | to deduct money | 削款
khaukiuu | (in tennis) to smash | 削球
khauphoee | scrape off the skin with a scraper | 刨皮; 刮皮; 剝皮
khauphøee | peeling | 刨皮; 刮皮; 剝皮
khauq | ungenerous | 礉; 苛刻
khauqkhauqciah | always eating something | 愕愕吃; 無停地吃
khauqkhauqkorng | constantly talking | 愕愕說; 說個無停
khauqkhauqliam | complain continually | 愕愕念; 嘀咕個無停
khauqkhauqpui | bark without stopping | 愕愕吠; 吠個無停
khauqkhauqzuxn | shudder or shiver | 愕愕顫; 抖個無停
khausaw | sneer at; taunt | 刨梢; 嘲諷
khausea | jeer at; laugh at; make fun of | 刨洗; 諷刺
khausiaq | planning; scrape; jeer at; laugh at; make fun of | 刨削; 刮削; 諷刺
khausøea | taunt; ridicule; sneer at | 刨洗; 剾洗; 奚落; 諷刺
khautviar | scrape a pot | 削鼎; 刮鼎底的煙灰
khautøar | vegetable peeler | 刨刀仔; 削皮刀
khautøf | planing knife; peeler; carpenter's plane | 刨刀; 剾刀; 刨子; 刮刀
khautøliefn | wood-shavings | 刨刀屑; 刨刀萎
khaux | cry; weep; shed tears; to sob; to wail; to scream | 哭
khauzax | swindle; extort or blackmail | 敲詐
khauzhao | pull out weeds; weed out by the roots | 削草; 薅草; 拔草
khauzhar | criticize; find fault with | 刮吵; 計較
khuisviakhaux | cry with a loud voice | 開聲哭
liamkhauar | draw lots | 拈鬮仔
liaukhaux | fetters; manacles | 鐐銬
liukhau'ar | draw lots | 抽鬮仔
liwkhaux | button | 鈕釦
niaw khaux niawchie kea uxsym | pretend to be sad (Lit. The cat cries over the death of a rat.) | 貓哭耗子假慈悲。
oaqkhaux | running knot, slipknot | 活銬; 活釦
phaq-cietkhaux | to give a discount | 拍折扣
sie bølaang khaux | May you die with none to lament for you! | 死了沒人哭
siøkhausea | jeer at eachother | 相剾洗; 諷刺; 刨洗
svatusiekhaux | deductions | 三除四扣
svatuu-siekhaux | to continually cut back | 三除四扣; 扣來扣去
sykhaux | dead crying | 死哭
thihkhaux | iron fetter | 鐵鐐; 鐵鋸
thikhaux | to cry; to weep and wail; to lament with sobs and cries | 啼哭
thiq-chiwkhaux | iron handcuffs | 鐵手銬
thithikhaokhaux | crying | 啼啼哭哭
titikhaokhaux | to continually cut back | 又扣又除
toaxkhaux | cry it loud | 大哭
zakhaux | seize | 查扣
zhakhaux | seize | 查扣
zhuiekhau-zhuiekhao | be unable to recall something very familiar | 嘴口嘴口; 好像知道而說無出來
zhuo-aekhaux | bawl; to cry | 取愛哭; 最可取
zøx-khauar | prepare straws for drawing | 作刮仔

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