"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khaw

befkhawthiq | tin; tin plate | 馬口鐵
cidkhawkhix | in one breath; without stop; breath; justification; face | 一口氣
cidkhawkhuix | in one breath, at a stretch, at a sitting | 一口氣
cidkhawzaux | one household, said in speaking of the number of households in a village or town | 一戶
cirnkhawsoex | import duty | 入口稅; 進口稅
cirnzhutkhawsiofng | import export business | 進出口商
cviarkhaw tørsiaq | sarcasm and mockery | 冷嘲熱諷; 正刮左削
cviarkhaw-tørsiaq | sarcasm and mockery | 正刮倒削; 諷刺
hamkhawsngx | calculate mentally; (hold the account in one's mouth) | 含口算; 心算
haykhawkhviw | ocean accent | 海口腔
hiexnkhaw | scraped; planed; pounded; hit or pulled up | 現刮; 現拔的
hoagieen khawgie | flowery speeches; honeyed words | 花言巧語
hoagieen-khawguo | sweet words; blandishments; luring speech; blarney | 花言巧語
hoarn khawkefng | retract one's deposition | 反口供
hoefkhaw | parents in their old age moving from home to home of their children so that their children can support them | 火削; 輪流侍養父母 [*]
hofkhaw | tiger's mouth, dangerous place | 虎口
hoxkhawmiaa | official name | 戶口名
hoxkhawpho | resident registered document | 戶口簿
hoxkhawzhaupurn | household registration transcript | 戶口抄本
hør-khawzaai | good oratorical ability | 好口才
ienpitkhaw | pencil sharpener | 鉛筆剾
itkhawkhix | one breath | 一口氣
itkhawkhuix | in one breath, at a stretch,at a sitting | 一口氣
jibkhawsoex | import duty | 入口稅, 進口稅
jibkhawsøex | import duty | 入口稅; 進口稅
jinkhawhak | demography | 人口學
kakafng-zhutkhawkhw | export processing zone | 加工出口區
kamgieen-khawguo | sweet talk | 甘言巧語
khaukhaw`leq | scratch, peel | 刮刮咧
khaw phe'ar | pull up darnell from rice fields | 拔稗仔
khaw phee | peel off the skin | 剾皮
khaw phoee | peel off the skin | 剾皮
khaw zhao | pull the grass | 薅草
khaw | peel; plane; shave. to tack (ship); to turn (vehicle). tease (by giving lofty title to ordinary person); skein; hank | 削; 扣; 絞; 闔; 刮; 剾; 鬮; 拔; 薅; 束
khaw'iefn | oropharynx | 口咽
khaw'ym | accent | 口音
khawbi | taste | 口味
khawbiau | ingenious; skillful; clever | 巧妙
khawbin | outside of the door | 口面; 外面
khawboat | spittle, saliva | 口沫
khawburn | tone of speech | 口吻
khawchiuo | skilled hands, skill | 巧手; 熟練的手
khawchix | an oral examination | 口試
khawek | interpret; translate orally | 口譯
khawgie | spoken language | 口語
khawgieen | deceiving words; sweet talk; artful words | 巧言
khawgieen-lexngseg | sweet words and insinuating manners (which are seldom associated with virtue) | 巧言令色
khawgu | to meet by chance | 巧碰; 巧遇
khawguo | spoken language; colloquial | 口語
khawhap | coincidence | 巧合
khawhog | luck in finding good things to eat | 口福
khawhok simhok | to win people's heart; with sincerity and willingly; concede defeat; to admit somebody's superiority | 口服心服
khawhok | oral | 口服
khawhoong | lipstick | 口紅
khawhu | clever woman | 巧婦
khawhvoa | a port | 口岸
khawhø | slogan | 口號
khawiog | make an appointment orally; oral appointment | 口約
khawkag | hassel; quarrel; altercate; altercation; quarrel; dispute; corners of a mouth | 口角
khawkaux | teaching by mouth | 口教
khawkefng | verbal evidence or confession; deposition | 口供; 口徑
khawkex | clever strategy; clever trick; ingenious scheme; very clever device; capital plan | 巧計
khawkexng | diameter of the mouth of things; caliber of guns | 口徑
khawkhiim | harmonica | 口琴
khawkhix | tone; one's way of talking | 口氣
khawkhviw | accent; tone of speech | 腔音; 腔調; 口腔; 口音
khawkiofng | verbal evidence or confession; deposition | 口供
khawkoad | magic formula; a set of practical methods put in words for easy memory | 口訣
khawky | oral stunts (i.e. the ability to imitate various sounds with the mouth) | 口技
khawlaixiam | stomatitis; canker sores) | 口內炎; 口腔炎
khawleng | military; password; verbal instruction; (word of) command | 口令
khawlioong | provisions | 口量; 口糧
khawniuu | grain rations; food ration | 口糧
khawpeh | lines in a play; soliloquy; the art of talking while or as if alone | 口白; 台詞; 獨白
khawpien | plausible argument; ingenious argument | 巧辯
khawpy | opinion; public praise | 口碑
khawsiaux | a whistle | 口哨
khawsied | an altercation, an argument | 口吵
khawsiet | quarrels; bickering; squabbles | 口舌
khawsiu | teach orally | 口授
khawsixn | verbal message | 口信
khawsoad-bupiin | Oral agreement cannot serve as evidence. Oral promise is not binding | 口說無憑
khawsof-pviar | a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcakes | 口酥餅
khawsopviar | a kind of crisp biscuit; shortcakes | 口酥餅
khawsut | oral statement; dictation | 口述
khawte'ek | foot and mouth disease | 口蹄疫
khawthaau | oral; verbal; oral communication; verbally | 口頭
khawthaau-gie | colloquial language, cant, empty words, meaningless phrases | 口頭語
khawthaau-guo | colloquial language; cant; empty words; meaningless phrases; pet phrase; regularly used expression | 口頭語
khawthaugie | expression which one uses regularly or constantly | 口頭語
khawthoaan | oral; tradition; oral teaching; report; hearsay | 口傳
khawym | provincial accent; dialect | 口音; 腔調
khawzaai | eloquence; the ability of speaking with fluency and eloquence; speech craft | 口才
khawzaux | family; household | 口灶; 戶
khawzax | Artful; deceiving | 巧詐
khawzhaux | halitosis; bad breath | 口臭
khawzoad | clumsy | 巧拙
khawzuie | saliva, slaver, slanderous quarrel | 口水
khawzø | account | 口座; 帳戶
laux khawkefng | trap a suspect into admitting his guilt | 套口供
liamkhaw | draw lots | 拈鬮; 抽籤
liukhaw | draw lots | 抽籤
liux khawkefng | trap a suspect into admitting his guilt | 套口供
liw hofkhaw | draw lots on who will pay how much money | 溜虎口; 捉大頭
lunhefkhaw | taking care of old parents by term | 輪火鬮
lunhoefkhaw | take turn to cook | 輪伙鬮
lunkhaw | take turns to draw lots; take turns | 輪削; 輪鬮; 照輪流; 抽籤輪流; 抓闖輪流
mngkhawtviaa | front courtyard | 門口埕; 前庭
purnkhawthaang | pin worms | 糞口蟲
simhok-khawhok | admit somebody's superiority with sincerity | 心服口服
soafkhawzef | mouth wash | 漱口劑
taang-khawzaux | share same stove; family | 同口灶
tagkekhaw'ar | every household | 逐家口仔
thiukhaw | draw lots | 拈鬮; 抽鬮; 抽籤
thuikhaw | to consider, polish writings | 推敲
thøx khawkefng | collusion among witnesses or suspects for false confessions; trap suspect into admitting guilt | 套口供
tørkhaw cviarsiaq | speak ironically; satire; criticize in a satirical way | 倒剾正削; 諷刺
tørkhaw | to satirize; satire | 反刨; 諷刺
zabkekhawar | whole family | 十家口仔
zefng cidkhawkhix | strive for vindication; struggle for honor or success to prove one's worth | 爭一口氣
zhuiekhawzhuiekhao | be unable to recall something very familiar | 好像知道而說不出來
zhutkhawsengciofng | quick thinking, and excellent eloquence | 出口成章
zhutkhawsiofng | exporters | 出口商
zhutkhawsøex | export duty | 出口稅
zuykhaw | irrigate in turn | 水刮; 輪流灌溉

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