Ciaukhef-unzvoaa | a famous hot spring place in Taiwan | 焦溪溫泉
Ekzekkheknie | Ezechiel (Catholic) | 厄則克耳; (則)
Kakhexng | celebration | 嘉慶
Kokkherngjit | Anniversary of the Republic; National Day | 國慶日
Lan'iangkhef | main river in ‘Gilaan' | 蘭陽溪
Lan'iangkhekhao | main river in ‘Gilaan' | 蘭陽溪口
Lixsoxng kheq | Chinese who have returned from the Philippines | 呂宋客
Mafkheg | mark (German currency) | 馬克
Mafkheksw zwgi | Marxism | 馬克斯主義
Mafkheksw | Marx | 馬克斯
O'kheklaan | Ukraine | 烏克蘭
Siangkhekhao | a place in Taiwan | 雙溪口
Taikheq | Take; Taiwanese style | 台客
Toaxharnkhef | a river in Taiwan | 大漢溪
Zanbunkhef | Taiwan's 4th longest river | 曾文溪
bagkheg | woodcut | 木雕; 木刻
bagkviarkhefng | eyeglasses frame; frame of eyeglasses | 目鏡框; 眼鏡框
begkhea | reveal or inspire; revelation | 默示; 默啟
begkhex | tacit understanding; tacit understanding; implicit agreement | 默契
bengkheg | great musical composition; masterpiece in music | 名曲
bixnkhefng | facial outline; facial appearance; facial contour; shape of the face | 面匡; 面龐; 臉龐; 面廓
bogkheg | wood engraving; woodcut | 木刻; 木雕
boxngsorngkheq | local rich bourgeois without any eduction or knowledge | 妄宋客; 鄉下遊豪
bukhef cy taam | groundless rumor | 無稽之談
bukhef | groundless; unfounded; baseless | 無稽
busii bukheg | every minute and every moment | 無時無刻
bwkheg | dance music; dance tune | 舞曲
bwkheq | dance hall customer | 舞客
bøefkheq | customer | 買客
bøexkheq | customer | 賣客
bøo khehkhix | is impolite | 無客氣
chiekheq | an assassin; assassin | 刺客
chimkheg | profound; serious; significant; deeply meaningful; profound significance; penetrating views or comments; deep impression | 深刻
chinkhea | something opened personally like a letter; confidential | 親啟; 親展
chiørkhef | joke; funny; comical | 笑詼; 笑料; 詼諧
chviafkheq | entertain; feast; treat; invite guests; give a party | 請客
chviaflangkheq | banquet | 請人客
chviuokheg | sing a Taiwanese song; to sing; sing songs | 唱曲; 唱小曲; 唱歌
chviuokoaf laxkheg | sing songs and become happy | 唱歌拉曲; 歡唱
ciamkheg | acrimonious | 尖刻
ciapkheq | receive lodgers or guests like a hotel; (said of prostitutes) receive patrons | 接客
cidkheg | a quarter of an hour | 一刻
cidkheq | an order, a course (food) | 一客
cidsii-cidkheg | for every single moment; every moment | 一時一刻
cidsikheg | a single moment | 一時刻
ciekhexng | offer congratulations | 誌慶
cienzaokheg | prelude | 前奏曲
ciongkhefng hoatløh | use leniency in meting out punishment | 從輕發落
ciq langkheq | (a whore) to accept guest | 接人客
cirnhengkheg | march; martial music | 進行曲
cirnhviukheq | Buddhist pilgrim | 進香客
citkheq | vacancies | 職缺
ciøfkheq | quite a few; very abundant; very numerous sometimes said somewhat ironically (Lit. few deficient) | 少缺; 多的是
ciøkheq | greeting to customer | 招客
e'ef-khehkheq | jostling and pushing each other out of the way; very crowded | 摩肩接踵; 擁擠
eqeh-khehkheq | crowded; pushed and squeezed together | 窄擠擠
gagkheg | composition; music | 樂曲
giamkheg | harsh; exacting | 嚴刻
ginkhexng | silver jubilee | 銀慶
giuo langkheq | solicit customers | 拉人客
goadkofng-kheg | the moonlight melody | 月光曲
goaxkheq | a stranger; visitor; foreign visitor; visitor | 外客; 女方的客人; 外來的客人
gvafkheq | kindness visitor; graceful guest; refined traveler | 雅客
habzaux-kheg | musical score for an ensemble | 合奏曲
hauxkhexng | anniversary celebrations of a school; school anniversary | 校慶
hiabzaokheg | concerto | 協奏曲
hiekheg | opera | 戲曲
hikheq | rare guest; visitor the host hasn't seen for a long time | 稀客
hiukhea | to rest | 休息
hiukheg | shock, depression of the vital process | 休克
hngkhex | buying; selling contract of a farm | 園契; 果園買賣契約
hoarnsiofngkheg | fantasia or fantasy | 幻想曲
hoexkhehseg | reception room | 會客室
hoexkheq | meet a guest; receive a visitor | 會客
hoexkheq-thviaf | reception room | 會客廳; 會客室
hofngkheq | visitor | 訪客
hunsofng-hykhexng | important occasions of a family | 婚喪喜慶
huokhea | postscript | 附啟
huosii-huokheg | on time to the minute | 赴時赴刻; 剛好趕上時刻
hviukheq | a pilgrim; pilgrim | 香客
hvorkheq | hospitality; happy to receive guests | 好客
hykhexng | festival; auspicious or happy occasions such as a wedding; birth or promotion | 喜慶
høeakheq | customers of goods | 貨客
høfkheq | good customers | 好客
høkhef | høkhef | 河溪
høkheg | milligrams | 毫克
høkheq | persons who spend money like water | 豪客
hør-khehzeeng | (adj) to enjoy having guests | 好客情; 好客
høxkheq engbuun | house is crowded with well wishers (on a happy occasion) | 賀客盈門
iernkheg | entertain guests at a banquet | 宴客
iernkheq | to give a banquet; to entertain quests with a banquet | 宴客
itkheg | a quarter of an hour | 一刻
itkheg-chienkym | One moment is worth a thousand pieces of gold.--Time is precious. (said of newlyweds during honey-moon) | 一刻千金
itsii-itkheg | immediately; in a short time | 一時一刻
iukheq | a tourist; tourists; travelers | 遊客
iuxkhea | reopened | 又啟
iuxkhefng | politically inclined to the right or conservative side | 右傾
iwkhefng | Right deviation, right-leaning | 右傾
iwkhefng-susiorng | Rightist idea | 右傾思想
iønakheg | cradle song; lullaby; nursery song | 搖籃曲
jiuu leeng kheg kofng | The soft will conquer the hard.--soft and subtle approach can disarm a man of hot temper; a soft answer turns away wrath | 柔能克剛
kang'okheq | itinerant trader | 江湖客
kankheg | gap | 間隙
kanzaokheg | intermezzo | 間奏曲
kauhiofngkheg | symphony | 交響曲
kauhiorng-kheg | symphonic music | 交響曲
kaukoankheq | customer | 交關客; 買客
kefngkhefciar | I have the honor to inform you (opening phrase in correspondence) | 敬啟者
kerngkhea | state with respect (a conventional phrase in correspondence) | 敬啟
kerngkhea`ciar | begin ─ (opening phrase in correspondence or a letter) | 敬啟者; 啟者
kerngkhefciar | begin ─ (opening phrase in correspondence or a letter) | 敬啟者; 啟者
khaikhea | open; unlock; unseal | 開啟
khangkhex | job; task; work | 工作
khaxmkhee | do not fit in or agree; do not get along well | 咳卡; 無和; 不對勁
khe'aau | have a fish bone stuck in the throat | 卡喉; 如鯁在喉
khe'ar | a brook | 溪仔; 小溪
khea | be opened by | 啟
khea'iog | contract; compact; conclude a contract | 契約
khea'ioksw | contracts | 契約書
kheabeeng | allied | 契盟; 締盟
kheabuo | adopted mother | 契母; 義母
kheabør | relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 乾媽; 契母
kheacymoe | sworn sisters; sometimes intimate friends form this relationship (Note: for sworn brothers only kiat-pai hia-ti is used; because khe-hia has another verbal association.) | 契姐妹; 結拜姐妹
kheafkvii | by the stream | 溪仔墘
kheahap | match together | 契合
kheahviaf | male lover of a married woman; adopted brother; male paramour | 情夫; 義兄; 契兄
kheaiog | contract, compact, conclude a contract | 契約
kheakud | chew bones | 囓骨; 啃骨頭
kheakux | written agreements | 契據
kheakviar | formally adopted child (see khe-bu) | 契囝; 乾兒女
kheamoe | adopted sister | 契妹; 乾妹妹
kheape | adopted father | 契父; 乾爹
khear | stream | 溪仔
kheasiøfmoe | adopted sister | 契小妹
kheasiøfti | adopted brother | 契小弟
kheasoex | tax on land-ownership registration | 契稅
kheatng | bite off | 咬斷
khebøea | end of stream | 溪尾
khechiuo | be a hindrance | 瘸手; 礙手
khee | deformed or paralyzed hands or feet | 瘸; 糾纏; 癱瘓
khee`teq | get stuck | 卡著; 卡住了
khee`tiøh | be caught (on a nail; in a tree); stumble over (a stone); be stuck | 卡著; 纏著; 哽著
khee`tør | to cause to trip | 卡倒; 絆倒
kheeng zaixkhox | take stock; inventory | 查庫存; 集財庫
kheeng zhaebøea | gather up the leavings after a meal | 吃光剩菜; 集菜尾
kheeng | exhausted; poor; investigate fully; gather up (leavings) | 窮; 收集; 集東西在一起
khef | class; a department of an office | 科; 溪
khef`nih bøo kharmkoax | Good for nothing. Useless lout! (Lit. The river has no cover ─ so it's easy for you to go throw yourself in.) | 溪裡無蓋蓋; (比喻人沒用可跳河死)
khef`nih | in the river | 溪裡
khefbeeng | open eyes | 啟明
khefbengchvy | the morning star, venus | 啟明星; 晨星
khefbengzhvef | morning star; Venus | 啟明星; 晨星
khefboong | enlighten; instruct the young; enlightenment | 啟蒙
khefchie | open the mouth to say something | 啟齒, 開口
khefciar | begin ─ (opening phrase in correspondence or a letter) | 啟者; 敬啟者
khefexng-buun | a responsive reading | 啟應文
khefheeng | to start on journey | 啟行
khefhoad | enlighten; inspirer; suggest; open up men's intelligence; instruct | 啟發
khefhoad-seg | enlightenment format | 啟發式
khefhofng | open sealed envelope | 啟封
khefhut | examine and audit; inspect and audit | 稽核
khefieen | delay | 稽延
khefiong | start using; enable (as in enable a feature') | 啟用
khefkhie | open the mouth to say something | 啟齒; 開口
khefng | frame; light; lowly; unimportant; frivolous; reckless; underestimate | 框; 阬; 輕; 圈子
khefngteng | certainty; be sure to; affirmation; affirm; acknowledge | 肯定
khefngthak | study hard | 肯讀; 肯用功
khefngthviaf | willing to listen | 肯聽
khefngzøx | willing to do | 肯幹; 肯做
khefsi | apocalypse; inspire; reveal; reveal; unveil; make known | 啟示
khefsi-bunhak | apocalyptic | 啟示文學
khefsiuo | obeisance; kowtow (an expression of great respect) | 稽首
khefsixliok | Apocalypse; the Book of Revelation (Catholic) | 默示錄; 啟示錄
khefsu | (n) public information usually posted on a wall; an announcement; notice; notice; to announce; an announcement (in writing) | 啟事
kheftheeng | depart; start on a journey | 啟程
khefza'oaan | inspector; surveyor | 稽查員
khefzaf | audit; examine goods and collect duty | 稽查
khefzaux | to send memorial to emperor | 啟奏
khefzefng | audit; taxation; examine goods and collect duty | 稽征
khefzefng-zhux | tax office, revenue office | 稽征處; 稅捐處
kheg irn'ar | engrave a seal or a stamp | 刻印仔; 刻圖章
kheg pexbuo | One's nemesis (fate) brings misfortune to one's parents | 剋父母
kheg put'ioong oan | Not a moment is to be lost; most urgent | 刻無容緩
kheg ti | chisel on | 刻在
kheg | crooked; bent; twisted; winding; little known; obscure | 曲; 剋; 刻
kheh'ar | box | 篋仔
kheh'eh | narrow-minded; cramped | 擠窄; 心地狹小
kheh'ui | guest position | 客位
kheh'un | bus; passenger service; passenger transportation | 客運
khehbak | close eyes | 閉目
khehbiin | close eyes to sleep | 閉眠; 閉目睡著
khehchiaf | coach; bus; passenger car or train (as opposed to freight) | 客車
khehciao | magpie | 客鳥; 喜鵲
khehgoaan | customer source | 客源
khehguo | Hakka language | 客語
khehho | customers | 客戶
khehii | stream fish | 溪魚
khehkaf | hakka | 客家
khehkheq | close eyes (for a nap); not observably | 瞌瞌; 眼睛閉起來; 無長眼
khehkhiaxm | be in want; deficient | 欠缺
khehkhieoe | polite remarks | 客氣話
khehkhix | stand on scruples; formality; politeness; reserved | 客氣
khehkoafn | objective; objectivity; objective view | 客觀
khehkoafn-sexng | objectiveness | 客觀性
khehkoafn-zwgi | objectivism | 客觀主義
khehkoanlun | objectivism | 客觀論
khehkoanteg | objectively | 客觀德; 客觀的
khehkoarn | inn; small hotel; hotel (obsolete expression) | 客館
khehkvoaf | customer | 客倌; 顧客
khehkw-ixte | be a stranger in a foreign land | 客居異地
khehky | passenger plane; airliner | 客機
khehlaai-khehkhix | push back | 擠來擠去
khehluun | a passenger ship | 客輪
khehmoar | be full up (with passengers; spectators). Full house | 客滿
khehpaang | guest room | 客房
khehpng | meals sold at a fixed price per customer according to the quality of the dishes served | 客飯
khehsiofng | traveling merchant, foreign businessman | 客商
khehsiøf | make a crowd; crowded | 擠燒; 擁擠; 因擁擠而生熱
khehsuo | die abroad | 客死
khehthea | an object | 客體
khehthngg | make sugar from cane | 擠糖; 製糖; 榨甘蔗汁來製糖
khehthviaf | living room; reception room; a parlor | 客廳
khehthøx | ceremonious greeting or compliments in addressing one's guest | 客套
khehtiaxm | (n) inn; small hotel; hotel ─ (obsolete expression) | 客店; 客棧; 旅店
khehtiøh | sideswiped | 擠到
khehtngg | parlor | 客堂
khehtui | visiting team (in sports) | 客隊
khehut | inspection; to audit | 稽考; 稽核
khehvoa | river shore; embankment along a river | 溪岸
khehzaxn | inn; small hotel | 客棧; 小旅館; 旅店; 旅館
khehzhngf | a cabin of a ship or a plane | 客艙
khehzhoaxn | guest star; someone from the audience appears onstage for an impromptu performance; (an established actor or actress) having walk-on role; cameo role; guest-star | 客串
khehzngf | a Hakka village | 客庄; 客家莊
khehzuun | commercial boat; passenger ship; liner | 客船
khehzø-isefng | visiting doctor | 客座醫生
khehzø-kaosiu | visiting professor | 客座教授
khek'afng | Her tenacious fate will be too much for her husband | 剋夫
khek'hoef | carve flowers or ornaments (in wood etc.) | 刻花
khek'hog | overcome | 克復
khek'hok | through; cope with; get over; overcome; fetch through; conquer; subdue; overcome (difficulties) | 克服; 克復
khek'hu | bad luck women | 剋婦
khek'iok | master the passions | 克慾
khek'irn | prelude | 曲引; 前奏
khek'irn'ar | engraved seal | 刻印仔
khek'ix | do something with intensive attention (in order to achieve perfection or great success) | 刻意
khek'ixn | carve wood blocks for printing | 刻印
khekaw | mountain brook | 溪澗; 溪溝
khekbuo | incompatible with mom | 剋母
khekchvy | natural enemy | 剋星
khekciøh | stone engraving | 刻石
khekhaf | lame | 瘸跤
khekhafng | not get along well; be on bad terms; be at | 無和; 找麻煩; 卡孔; 挑剔
khekhao | mouth of river | 溪口
khekhee | to wedge in | 卡住; 無順溜
khekhør | investigate; look into | 稽考; 考究; 查考; 追究
khekji | engrave letters | 刻字
khekjit | set a time limit | 剋日; 剋期
khekkafng | carver | 刻工
khekkharm | cut notches | 刻坎; 刻成凹痕
khekkhiam | have capacity for industry and thrift | 克儉
khekkhiin-khekkhiam | diligent and frugal | 克勤克儉
khekkhor | endure hardship; overcome hardship; enduring; long-suffering; assiduity; pain; extremely laborious and economical | 刻苦; 克苦
khekkhuy | get the fag end; at a disadvantage; make (someone) suffer a loss cf. chiah-khui | 吃虧; 克虧
khekkie | unselfish; put down self; overcome self; self-denial | 克己
khekkie-hengsien | overcome self and do good | 克己行善
khekkie-thaixjiin | deny oneself and treat others with kindness | 克己待人
khekkii | engraved period | 刻期
khekkoafn | objective | 客觀
khekkof | eastern cuckoo | 杜鵑
khekkud | bone sculptures; carving on bones | 刻骨
khekkud-bengsym | permanently imprint (another's favor) on the mind; remember with gratitude constantly and forever | 刻骨銘心
khekkw | guest | 客居
kheklan | overcome difficulties | 克難
khekliarm | reduce; tighten; cut back (budget; etc) | 剋斂; 緊縮
khekog | valley; canyon; gorge | 溪谷
khekparn | engrave blocks for printing | 刻板
khekpe | incompatible with father | 剋父
khekphor | music scores | 曲譜
khekphvix | (vinyl) record; LP | 曲片; 唱片
khekpog | to exploit | 剝削
khekpok | (adj) unkind; stingy; treat harshly; cold hearted; unfeeling | 刻薄
khekpvoaa | (vinyl) record; LP; phonograph records); gramophone records) | 唱片; 曲盤
kheksaux | to cough | 咳嗽; ?嗽
kheksaux-iøh | cough-mixture | 咳嗽藥; ?嗽藥
kheksaux-thngg | cough-drop | 咳嗽糖; ?嗽糖
kheksefng | malignant star ─ a person who always bars another person from success; unbeatable rival; a jinx | 剋星
kheksie | grams of death | 剋死
kheksiong | carve a statue | 刻像
kheksuo | died in foreign place | 客死
kheksym | heartbreak | 剋心
khektek-tiesexng | defeat the enemy and win the battle | 克敵致勝
khektiau | descant; melody; songs; tunes | 曲調
khektøf | a graver; carving tool or chisel | 刻刀
khekzex | restraint; restrain; control; control (one's emotions; desires); exercise restraint | 克制
khekzhef | incompatible with wife | 剋妻
khekzhvef | malignant star ─ a person who always bars another person from success; unbeatable rival; a jinx | 剋星
khekzuo | incompatible with son | 剋子
khekøar | river fish | 溪哥仔; (溪魚)
khelaau | stream | 溪流
kheliuu | stream; mountain stream | 溪流
khemoaa | fresh-water eel | 溪鰻; 淡水鰻
kheng | rainbow | 虹; 彩虹
kheng'ar | a crate | 筐仔; 桕仔
kheng'i | easy; facile; effortless; lightness; reckless | 輕易
kheng'iuu | light oil | 輕油
khengban | treat with disrespect | 輕慢; 輕蔑
khengbiet | slight; scornfulness; misprize; disdain | 輕蔑
khengbii | slight; unimportant; trifling; insignificant | 輕微
khengbo | admire; admiration | 傾慕
khengbuun-tioxngbuo | put the sword above the pen | 輕文重武
khengcyn | be strict in dealing with matters | 傾真; 窮真; 從嚴處事; 嚴密
khenggieen | lightly | 輕言
khenghioxng | tendency; predisposition; aptness; inclined towards; tendency; trend; inclination | 傾向
khenghoef | epiphany | 曇花; 瓊花
khenghoo | frivolous | 輕浮
khenghud | neglect; to slight; ignore | 輕忽
khenghwn | complain about unfair treatment | 窮分; 計較; 歧視
khengjuu | intelligensie slaughter | 坑儒
khengkaf-toxngsarn | dissipate one's fortune | 傾家蕩產
khengkanggiap | light industry | 輕工業
khengkhag | envelope; framework; (n) outline; silhouette | 輪廓
khengkheeng`leq | tidy up, put in order (room) | 傾傾咧; 集集咧
khengkhefng | my dear | 卿卿
khengkhiao | agile; skillful; delicate | 輕巧
khengkhiekiuu | gas balloon | 輕氣球
khengkhix | hydrogen | 輕氣; 氫氣
khengkhoaix | agility; springiness; volatility | 輕快
khengkhofng | empty | 傾空
khengkimsiok | light metals | 輕金屬
khengkog | cause the downfall of a city or an entire country | 傾國
khengkuo | heedless (reckless) undertaking; rash action | 輕舉
khengkuo-boxngtong | heedless (reckless) undertaking; commit a rash act | 輕舉妄動
khengkyn-sngrniuo | be calculating and unwilling to make the smallest sacrifice; esp. in monetary matters | 斤斤計較; 窮斤算兩
khenglioxngkib | lightweight (in boxing) | 輕量級
khengloong | empty pocket | 傾囊
khengmoh | iris of eyes | 傾膜
khengphiaw | buoyant | 輕飄
khengphuu | flippant; frivolous; playful | 輕浮
khengphuun | overturn a bowl | 傾盆
khengpien | (adj) lightweight and portable; handy; convenient | 輕便
khengpien-chiaf | push-car on a narrow track | 輕便車; 手推車
khengpiet | despise, disdain, contempt | 輕別; 輕視
khengpiexnchiaf | narrow-gauge hand-car | 輕便車
khengpok | take liberty with a girl; get fresh; fickle; flippant; disdain; contempt; frivolity; levity; frivolity; insincere; fickle | 輕薄
khengsefng | risk one's life; regard life lightly; commit suicide | 輕生
khengsi | slight over; mis prize; make slight of; look down on; esteem lightly; despise; neglect; ignore | 輕視
khengsiaa | tilt; stant; fall away; declension; slant; slope; inclination | 傾斜
khengsiaux | to square an account; to clear an account; to liquidate an account; adjust (examine) accounts (at night; as a businessman or a housewife) | 清數; 結帳; 窮帳
khengsiaw | to dump (goods; products); dumping | 傾銷
khengsixn | believe whatever one is told; believe without consideration | 輕信
khengsud | careless(ly); thoughtless(ly); imprudent(ly) | 輕率
khengsviaa-khengkog | exceptionally beautiful woman for whose sake a city is ruined or a country lost | 傾城傾國
khengsviaf-seasoeq | speak softly; talk in a soft voice | 輕聲細語
khengsym | to fall in love | 傾心
khengsyn | light body | 輕身
khengtaan | hydrogen bomb | 氫彈
khengtek | underestimate the enemy | 輕敵
khengthiaw | skittish | 輕佻
khengthox | pour forth; pour out | 傾吐
khengthviaf | listen carefully; be all ears | 傾聽
khengtvoaa | hydrogen bomb | 氫彈
khengtør | pouring; empty out; dump; dump out | 傾倒
khengzofng | with light equipment | 輕裝
khengzux | pour into; inject into | 傾注
khepof | dry land by the edge of a river ─ (originally part of the river) | 溪埔
khepvy | the sides of stream; river side | 溪邊
kheq kamciax | press sugar-cane | 搾甘蔗
kheq | be crowded; push (jostle) one another; to press (oil; sugar) | 擠; 客; 搾
kherng ciaqkhor | willing to endure hardship | 肯吃苦
kherng iar mxkherng | Are you (Is he) willing or not? | 肯無肯
kherng | be willing to; consent to; to permit | 肯; 頃
kherngciog | felicitate; congratulate | 祝賀; 慶祝
kherngciog-hoe | a celebration party | 慶祝會
kherngciok'hoe | celebration; party | 慶祝會
kherngheng | rejoice | 慶幸
khernghø | congratulate; congratulatory wishes | 慶賀
kherngkofng | to celebrate a victory or a success | 慶功
kherngkong'iexn | dinner party in celebration of triumph; victory party | 慶功宴
kherngsenghoe | birthday party | 慶生會
kherngsiu | to celebrate birthday; offer birthday greetings | 慶壽
kherngtiaux | occasions for celebration (wedding; etc.) and condolences (funeral); congratulations on happy occasions and condolences over bereavements | 慶弔
kherngtiern | commemoration; national festivities and celebration ceremonies | 慶典
khesoapof | sandy bed of a stream | 溪沙埔地
khesvix | fan; a fan (made of palm-leaf) | 葵扇
kheteq | involved, obstructed, entangled | 卡住, 纏住
khethaau | upper reaches of a river | 上游; 溪頭
khetiøh | be caught (on a nail, in a tree), stumble over (a stone), be stuck | 卡著, 纏著, 絆著, 哽著
khetøea | river bed; bottom of a river | 溪底
khex bahkud | gnaw on a bone | 啃骨頭; 啃肉骨
khex khaf | rest your feet | 架跤
khex | contract; agreement; bond; carve; compatible; harmonious in thought and aspirations; adopt; dedicate to; notch | 契; 囓; 啃
khexng | ancient percussion instrument made from stone or jade; good luck; blessings; happiness; to reward; congratulate | 磬; 慶
khexng'uo | slight rainfall at the appearance of a rainbow | 虹雨; (彩虹出現時的小雨)
khexngho | slight rain-fall at the appearance of a rainbow | 虹雨; (彩虹出現時的小雨)
khexngjiø | light shower under rainbow sky | 虹尿; 虹雨
khexngkiøo | rainbow bridge | 虹橋
khexngmoaa | sisal hemp | 瓊麻
khexngmoh | iris of eyes | 虹膜
khezaf | investigate | 稽查
khezuie | stream water; water from a mountain stream | 溪水
khiarmkheq | lacking | 欠缺
khiøhkheq | greeting to customers for business | 拾客; 招徠客人
khuikhakhefng | bowlegged | 內彎腿; O型腿; 開腳框
khuikhefng | joints opening and gaping in a piece of furniture; joints of a frame come loose | 開框; (接合物)
kiapkheq | person dedicated to the cause of justice; fairness by fighting for the poor and oppressed | 俠客
kiarmkheq | a swordsman; a fencing master | 劍客
kiaukheq | a son-in law | 嬌客; 僑民
kietkhexng | a happy event; an auspicious occasion; joyous or happy occasion | 吉慶
kimkheg | golden song | 金曲
kiørkheh'ar | person who canvases (solicit) | 叫客仔; 招攬客人的人
kiørkheq | canvass (customer) for business | 叫客; 招攬客人
koa'ar-kheg | a song; to tune; a ballad | 歌仔曲
koakheg | popular song | 歌謠; 歌曲; (曲)
koankofng-kheq | tourist, visitor, sight-seer | 觀光客
koeakerng-lykheq | transit visitor | 過境旅客
kofngchiørkhef | tell a joke | 講笑詼
kokbu-khefng | Secretary of State | 國務卿
kokbuxkhefng | Secretary of State (of the U.S. Federal Government) | 國務卿
kokkhexng | the National Day (of a country); national celebrations | 國慶
kongkheg | one gram; gm; gram | 公克; 攻克; 攻剋
kongkherng | hectare | 公頃
kongsiorng-kheg | rhapsody | 狂想曲
korkheq | clients; customers; patrons | 顧客
kudkhef | ludicrous; funny; comical; ridiculous | 滑稽
kuiekheq | honored or distinguished guests; esteemed customer; honored guest | 貴客
kviafkhefng | picture frame, mirror frame | 鏡框
kviarkhefng | picture frame; frame of a mirror | 鏡框
kyciog-khengtiong | play decisive role | 舉足輕重
kynkhea | written respectfully by...; humbly yours | 謹啟
køeakheq | a traveler; passenger | 過客
laau langkheq | detain or ask one to stay on as a guest; to lodge or receive strangers | 留客
lagkakheeng | a hexagon | 六角行
laixkhef | internal medicine | 內科
langkhehkefng | guest room; bed-room for guests | 人客間
langkhehkeng'ar | guest room | 人客間仔
langkhehkvoaf | guest | 人客官
langkhehlahhvoq | guest? | 人客啦乎
langkhehlaq | guest | 人客啦
langkhehpaang | guest room; bed-room for guests | 人客房
langkheq | guest; visitor; customer; passenger; customer; passenger on a train or boat | 人客; 客人
langkheq-thviaf | living-room, sitting room | 人客廳
langlaikhehkhix | guest come and go | 人來客去
lauxkorkheq | old customers | 老顧客
liaau khear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
libkheg | at once; straightway; directly; immediately; upon sight; out of hand; on the instant; without delay; very soon; quickly | 立刻
lieen khefng mau bie | young and pretty | 年輕貌美
liefnkhefng | rim of a wheel | 輪錢; 輪框; 敲; 車輪鐵櫃
liogkhefng | the Six ministers | 六卿
liogliim-kheq | men of the greenwood ─ brigands | 綠林客
liukheq | to detain a guest; to ask a guest to stay | 留客
longzhunkheg | rural music | 農村曲
loxkheg | hourglass or water clock; a short interval of time | 漏刻
loxngkheg | distort | 弄曲
lwkheq | traveler; tourist | 旅客
lykheq | passenger; traveler | 旅客
løzuykhepvy | the longest river in Taiwan | 濁水溪邊
mafsaekheg | mosic | 馬賽克
mngkhefng | door frame; door case | 門框
muy'sikheg | every moment | 每時刻
mxkherng | unwilling; reluctant; refuse; uncompromising | 毋肯; 不肯,不願意
nakhefng | basket frame | 籃框
oafnkheq | persons coming from a distant place; visitor or guest from a distant place | 遠客
oafnlaai ee langkheq | visitors from afar | 遠來之客
oanbwkheg | waltz | 圓舞曲
okkheq | louzy customers | 兇客
oxnglaikhef | | 旺萊溪
paekheq | greetings to customers | 拜客
pafnkheg | to engrave, to carve | 板刻; 版刻
pakkheq | guests from the north | 北客
pangkheq | a tenant; a lodger; tenant (of a house); guest (at a hotel) | 房客
pangkhex | house ownership certificate; title deeds for a house | 房契
parngkhehkheq | closed eyes? | 放瞌瞌
patciafngkhef | Bazhang River which is in Taiwan | 八掌溪
peqkheng | Taiwan sapium | 白樁; 白無花果
pexthaukheg | hite-headed owl | 白頭鵠
phiaukheq | customer of prostitute; patron of brothel; frequenter of brothels; whoremonger | 嫖客
phienkheg | compose | 編曲
phiernkheg | half a tick; awhile; for a moment; little while; brief space of time | 片刻
phofthiefn tongkhexng | whole world joins in congratulation; celebration; rejoicing | 普天同慶
phokkheg | poker | 撲克
phokkheg-paai | playing card, poker card | 撲克牌
phokkhekpaai | playing cards | 撲克牌
phokkheq | blog | 博客
phurnkhakhefng | run hurriedly | 噴腳框; 急逃
phurnkhefng | run hurriedly | 急跑
phvarkheng | Taiwan sapium | 冇臼; 無花果
phvaykheq | bad customer | 歹客
phvaylangkheq | bad customer | 歹人客
phvoa langkheq | entertain guests | 陪客
piawsi khernghø | express one's congratulations | 表示慶賀
piebuun siaxkheq | close the door to visitors; to refuse visitors; to lead a retiring life | 閉門謝客
pienkheg | compose a song | 編曲
pienkhexng | stone chime | 石鐘; 編磬
piexntongkheh'ar | bento box | 便當篋仔
pinkheg | guest | 賓客
pinkheq | company; guest; guests and visitors | 賓客
pixtiong ciuxkhefng | take the easier way out; choose the easier of two alternatives; dwell on the minor points but avoid touching the core of a matter | 避重就輕
piøkheq | hired escort for traveling merchants (in former times) (obsolete) | 鏢客
pngxkheh'ar | lunch box | 飯篋仔
poee langkheq | sit with guests; keep visitors company | 陪客
poekheq | a guest invited to help entertain the guest of honor at a dinner party; guests invited to keep the guest of honor company; receive guests; keep guests company; entertain visitors | 陪客
pofthaukhefng | back of an axe | 斧頭框
pudkhef | Buddhism | 佛家
put'khehkhix | impolite, You are welcome | 無客氣; 不客氣
putkheg | immediately | 無刻
putkherng | won't | 無肯
putsog cy-kheq | uninvited guest; unwelcome visit | 無速之客
putsog-cikheq | uninvited guest, unexpected guest | 不速之客
pviafkheh'ar | Taiwanese crepe | 餅篋仔
pvoarkheg | half of a quarter | 半刻
samkhetorng | Ku Klux Klan | 三K黨
sarngkheq | escort a visitor on his way out; to speed a parting guest | 送客
saxng langkheq | see a guest off | 送客人
se'engkhexngkiøo | | 西瀛虹橋
sengkheq | passenger | 乘客
sexngkheq | fare; passenger | 乘客
siaxkheq | refuse to see visitor; decline to see visitors | 謝客
sikheg | moment; time; hour | 時刻
simjiin khefsu | notice in a missing person column | 尋人啟事
sinkheq | divine comedy | 新曲; 新來的人
siongkheg | mutually destructive | 相剋
siongkheq | frequent guest; a frequenter | 常客
siorngkhefng | mount; frame (for picture) | 像框
sioxngkhefng | picture frame | 相框
sisii-khekkheg | continuously; always | 時時刻刻
sisikhekkheg | always, constantly, continually | 時時刻刻
siwkherng | promise; permit | 首肯
siø'esiøkheq | squeeze each other | 相挨相擠
siøfkiarmkheq | little swordsman | 小劍客
siøkheg | mutually destructive | 相剋
soahkherng | How come! | 怎肯
soatkheq | a spokesman, lobbyist | 說客
soeakheq | lobbyist | 說客
soeakoafn khefzengzhux | tax office | 稅捐稽徵處
sunzengkheg | pure love songs | 純情曲
suxkheg | overture | 序曲
svapo-kheg | trilogy | 三部曲
svoakhefng | Taiwan sapium (tree) | 山框; 山桕
tag'sikheg | every moment | 每時刻; 逐時刻
taikhea | term used after the name of the addressee on an envelope | 台啟
taixkhexng | great congratulations | 大慶
takkhee | hinder; block; impede; bar obstruction; obstacle; hindrance | 阻礙
tankheg | to impeach, impeachment | 彈劾
taxmzuykhef | Tamsui creek | 淡水溪
tekheq | lover of tea | 茶客
texkhex | title deed for land holdings | 地契
thafng'afkhefng | window frame | 窗仔框
thafnkheg | military tank | 坦克
thaixkheq putciutøx | treat a visitor improperly | 待客無周到
thaixkheq | receive guests; entertain guests | 待客
thang'afkhefng | window frame | 窗仔間; 窗仔框; 窗框
thang'afmngkhefng | window frames | 窗戶仔框
thautngfkheq | marriage custom; bride's formal visit to her parents for the first time after getting married and leaving home | 新歸寧
thautoxkheq | smuggler | 偷渡客
theeng cidkheg | wait a moment | 停一刻
thienkhea | apocalypse | 天啟
thoankhex | association, group | 團契
thøfkheahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
thøfkhehhviaf | wife who has an affair | 討客兄
thør khehhviaf | woman seeks a paramour | 討客兄; 紅杏出牆
thør-khehhviaf | seek a paramour, look for a man | 討客兄; 找情夫; 紅杏出牆
tiaokheq | visitors who come to console; one who attends a funeral service as a friend of the deceased or of the bereaved family | 弔客
tiaukheaf | sculptor; engraver; carver | 雕刻家
tiaukheg | carve; engrave; sculpt; sculpture; incise | 雕刻
tiaukhekkhøf | sculpture | 雕刻科
tiexnkhex | land lease; renting contract or agreement (between the tenant farmer and the landlord) | 佃契
tiexnkhix tiaukhekparn | glyphograph; electronically designed and produced printing plate | 電氣雕刻版
tiongkherng | to the point; cogency; in point; relevance | 中肯
tioxnglaam khengluo | honoring men and despising women | 重男輕女
tiørkheq | angler | 釣客
tngkhexngkiøo | | 長虹橋
toaxciaqkheq | big eater | 大食客
tongkhexng | celebrate together; universal celebration | 同慶
toxbuun siaxkheq | shut out visitors; refuse to see callers | 杜門謝客
tvoakheg | single song | 單曲
tøkhefng | back of a knife | 刀背; 刀銎
uikhexng | surplus of luck (such as comes to virtuous families)--blessings left to one's children | 餘慶
ynkheq | guide customers | 引客
ynkhexng | a percussion instrument | 引器; 引罄; 打擊樂器
zaekhea | start over | 再啟
zaekheq | a car with passenger; carry passengers | 載客
zaokheg | play melody | 奏曲
zawzuykheq | smuggler | 走水客
zek'herngkheg | impromptu | 即興曲
zekkheg | immediately; at once; promptly | 即刻; 即時
zerngkheq | politician | 政客
zhaa kheg`ee | wood carving; carved of wood | 柴刻的; 木彫的
zhahkheg | insert music; musical interlude or episode | 插曲
zhakheg | woodcut | 柴瓢; 柴刻
zhankhex | title deeds to rice paddy land; deed of sale for fields | 田契
zhehkhefng | book frame | 冊框; 冊筐
zhuokhex | deed to a house | 厝契
zhutkheng | when there is a rainbow | 出虹; 現虹
zhutkheq | girl get married | 嫁出
zhwkheg | now; this moment | 此刻
zhwsii-zhwkheg | at this time | 此時此刻
zoafkheh'ar | paper box | 紙篋仔
zoeakheq | be a guest | 做客
zokheg | suite (music) | 組曲
zokhex | lease or rental agreement | 租契
zokkheg | compose music; composition of musical pieces | 作曲
zokkheg-kaf | composer | 作曲家
zokkhekciar | composer | 作曲者
zoxlie kokbuxkhefng | Undersecretary of State | 助理國務卿
zunkheq miatvoaf | ship's passenger list | 船客名單
zunkheq | passengers on a boat; passengers (shipboard) | 船客
zuo-kheq | the master and guests | 主客
zwkheq | primary guest; host and guest | 主客
zwkorkheq | main customer | 主顧客
zøeakheq | be a guest, return home as a guest, marry off a daughter | 做客
zøfkheeng | left leaning | 左傾
zøfkhefng | left leaning | 左傾
zøfkhefng-hunzuo | the Leftiests | 左傾份子; 左傾分子
zørkheq | be a guest | 作客; 做客
zøx-langkheq | be a guest | 作人客
zøxsioxngkheq | guest of honor | 座上客
øekheq | jostle, crowded | 矮擠
økheg | suite (music) | 苛刻
The following example will get all the words start with a
Checking Back button will show all the vocabularies that end with "zab" such as "apzab".
If you are unsure of any letter, put a . (period) in place of it (eg. "").
If you want to get either "r" and "f" in a word, you may put down [fr]. (eg. "bo[fr]ng").
You may also use spelling match position for exact match, or front match, or center match or
back match.
Less popular words/phrases are marked with [*]