"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khek

Ekzekkheknie | Ezechiel (Catholic) | 厄則克耳; (則)
Lan'iangkhekhao | main river in ‘Gilaan' | 蘭陽溪口
Mafkhekpysw | Maccabees (Protestant) | 瑪喀比書
Mafkheksw zwgi | Marxism | 馬克斯主義
Mafkheksw | Marx | 馬克斯
O'kheklaan | Ukraine | 烏克蘭
Siangkhekhao | a place in Taiwan | 雙溪口
khek'afng | Her tenacious fate will be too much for her husband | 剋夫
khek'hoef | carve flowers or ornaments (in wood etc.) | 刻花
khek'hog | overcome | 克復
khek'hok | through; cope with; get over; overcome; fetch through; conquer; subdue; overcome (difficulties) | 克服; 克復
khek'hu | bad luck women | 剋婦
khek'iok | master the passions | 克慾
khek'irn | prelude | 曲引; 前奏
khek'irn'ar | engraved seal | 刻印仔
khek'ix | do something with intensive attention (in order to achieve perfection or great success) | 刻意
khek'ixn | carve wood blocks for printing | 刻印
khekaw | mountain brook | 溪澗; 溪溝
khekbuo | incompatible with mom | 剋母
khekchvy | natural enemy | 剋星
khekciøh | stone engraving | 刻石
khekhaf | lame | 瘸跤
khekhafng | not get along well; be on bad terms; be at | 無和; 找麻煩; 卡孔; 挑剔
khekhao | mouth of river | 溪口
khekhee | to wedge in | 卡住; 無順溜
khekhør | investigate; look into | 稽考; 考究; 查考; 追究
khekji | engrave letters | 刻字
khekjit | set a time limit | 剋日; 剋期
khekkafng | carver | 刻工
khekkharm | cut notches | 刻坎; 刻成凹痕
khekkhiam | have capacity for industry and thrift | 克儉
khekkhiin-khekkhiam | diligent and frugal | 克勤克儉
khekkhor | endure hardship; overcome hardship; enduring; long-suffering; assiduity; pain; extremely laborious and economical | 刻苦; 克苦
khekkhuy | get the fag end; at a disadvantage; make (someone) suffer a loss cf. chiah-khui | 吃虧; 克虧
khekkie | unselfish; put down self; overcome self; self-denial | 克己
khekkie-hengsien | overcome self and do good | 克己行善
khekkie-thaixjiin | deny oneself and treat others with kindness | 克己待人
khekkii | engraved period | 刻期
khekkoafn | objective | 客觀
khekkof | eastern cuckoo | 杜鵑
khekkud | bone sculptures; carving on bones | 刻骨
khekkud-bengsym | permanently imprint (another's favor) on the mind; remember with gratitude constantly and forever | 刻骨銘心
khekkw | guest | 客居
kheklan | overcome difficulties | 克難
khekliarm | reduce; tighten; cut back (budget; etc) | 剋斂; 緊縮
khekog | valley; canyon; gorge | 溪谷
khekparn | engrave blocks for printing | 刻板
khekpe | incompatible with father | 剋父
khekphor | music scores | 曲譜
khekphvix | (vinyl) record; LP | 曲片; 唱片
khekpog | to exploit | 剝削
khekpok | (adj) unkind; stingy; treat harshly; cold hearted; unfeeling | 刻薄
khekpvoaa | (vinyl) record; LP; phonograph records); gramophone records) | 唱片; 曲盤
kheksaux | to cough | 咳嗽; ?嗽
kheksaux-iøh | cough-mixture | 咳嗽藥; ?嗽藥
kheksaux-thngg | cough-drop | 咳嗽糖; ?嗽糖
kheksefng | malignant star ─ a person who always bars another person from success; unbeatable rival; a jinx | 剋星
kheksie | grams of death | 剋死
kheksiong | carve a statue | 刻像
kheksuo | died in foreign place | 客死
kheksym | heartbreak | 剋心
khektek-tiesexng | defeat the enemy and win the battle | 克敵致勝
khektiau | descant; melody; songs; tunes | 曲調
khektøf | a graver; carving tool or chisel | 刻刀
khekzex | restraint; restrain; control; control (one's emotions; desires); exercise restraint | 克制
khekzhef | incompatible with wife | 剋妻
khekzhvef | malignant star ─ a person who always bars another person from success; unbeatable rival; a jinx | 剋星
khekzuo | incompatible with son | 剋子
khekøar | river fish | 溪哥仔; (溪魚)
phokkhekpaai | playing cards | 撲克牌
sisii-khekkheg | continuously; always | 時時刻刻
sisikhekkheg | always, constantly, continually | 時時刻刻
tiaukhekkhøf | sculpture | 雕刻科
tiexnkhix tiaukhekparn | glyphograph; electronically designed and produced printing plate | 電氣雕刻版
zokkhekciar | composer | 作曲者

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