"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khex

Kakhexng | celebration | 嘉慶
begkhex | tacit understanding; tacit understanding; implicit agreement | 默契
ciekhexng | offer congratulations | 誌慶
ginkhexng | silver jubilee | 銀慶
hauxkhexng | anniversary celebrations of a school; school anniversary | 校慶
hngkhex | buying; selling contract of a farm | 園契; 果園買賣契約
hunsofng-hykhexng | important occasions of a family | 婚喪喜慶
hykhexng | festival; auspicious or happy occasions such as a wedding; birth or promotion | 喜慶
khangkhex | job; task; work | 工作
khex bahkud | gnaw on a bone | 啃骨頭; 啃肉骨
khex khaf | rest your feet | 架跤
khex | contract; agreement; bond; carve; compatible; harmonious in thought and aspirations; adopt; dedicate to; notch | 契; 囓; 啃
khexng | ancient percussion instrument made from stone or jade; good luck; blessings; happiness; to reward; congratulate | 磬; 慶
khexng'uo | slight rainfall at the appearance of a rainbow | 虹雨; (彩虹出現時的小雨)
khexngho | slight rain-fall at the appearance of a rainbow | 虹雨; (彩虹出現時的小雨)
khexngjiø | light shower under rainbow sky | 虹尿; 虹雨
khexngkiøo | rainbow bridge | 虹橋
khexngmoaa | sisal hemp | 瓊麻
khexngmoh | iris of eyes | 虹膜
kietkhexng | a happy event; an auspicious occasion; joyous or happy occasion | 吉慶
kokkhexng | the National Day (of a country); national celebrations | 國慶
pangkhex | house ownership certificate; title deeds for a house | 房契
phofthiefn tongkhexng | whole world joins in congratulation; celebration; rejoicing | 普天同慶
pienkhexng | stone chime | 石鐘; 編磬
se'engkhexngkiøo | | 西瀛虹橋
taixkhexng | great congratulations | 大慶
texkhex | title deed for land holdings | 地契
thoankhex | association, group | 團契
tiexnkhex | land lease; renting contract or agreement (between the tenant farmer and the landlord) | 佃契
tngkhexngkiøo | | 長虹橋
tongkhexng | celebrate together; universal celebration | 同慶
uikhexng | surplus of luck (such as comes to virtuous families)--blessings left to one's children | 餘慶
ynkhexng | a percussion instrument | 引器; 引罄; 打擊樂器
zhankhex | title deeds to rice paddy land; deed of sale for fields | 田契
zhuokhex | deed to a house | 厝契
zokhex | lease or rental agreement | 租契

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