"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khiar

khiarm | sorry; bashful; ashamed; insufficient | 歉
khiarm'afn | unease; indisposed; be in poor health (a polite expression) | 欠安; 微恙
khiarm'eng | require or be in need of | 缺用; 欠用; 需要
khiarm'iong | require or be in need of | 缺用; 需要
khiarm'oaan | short of help | 欠員; 欠工作人員
khiarm'ui | lacking seats | 欠位
khiarmcvii | lacking of money | 缺錢
khiarmhang | still one thing to do; not finished | 欠項; 缺一樣 (東西)
khiarmhied | anemia | 貧血
khiarmho | crops lacking rain | 欠雨; 缺雨
khiarmhoat | shortage; lack; deficiency | 缺乏
khiarmhoeq | anemia | 欠血
khiarmhuiq | anemia | 欠血
khiarmkaf | not good; not satisfactory | 欠佳
khiarmkhasiaux | be short of help | 欠腳數; 缺人手
khiarmkheq | lacking | 欠缺
khiarmkhiaxm | somehow lack of | 欠欠; 缺缺
khiarmkhoad | defect; defectiveness | 欠缺
khiarmkhoarn | owe money; amount of money owed | 欠款
khiarmkhoeq | be in want; deficient | 欠缺
khiarmkhøeq | defect; defectiveness | 欠缺
khiarmkiao | have not paid (dues; tax) | 欠繳
khiarmlaang | short of help | 欠人; 需要人手
khiarmsek | be absent, absence | 欠席; 缺席
khiarmsiaux | indebted; owe an account; buy on credit | 欠數; 欠賬; 欠帳
khiarmsoex | tax arrears | 欠稅
khiarmsyn | overdue wages; back pay | 欠薪
khiarmtang | not enough weight | 欠重; 無足重量
khiarmthøx | defective | 欠妥
khiarmtiarm | short-coming; a lack | 缺點
khiarmzeeng | owe favors; favors not returned or repaid | 欠情; 欠人情
khiarmzex | indebted; owe a debt | 負債; 欠債
khiarngchiuo | a clever person, a sharp, strong-willed, overbearing | 能手; 精明的人
khiarngkhaf | terrible; formidable; serious; devastating; tough; capable; sharp; severe; fierce; unyielding (said of a woman); spirited; mannish | 能幹; 勥跤; 厲害; 精明
khiarngtao | a clever person, a sharp, strong-willed, overbearing | 能斗; 精明的人
kuxkhiarmsiaux | previous debt, loan before | 舊債
phauxkhiarm | regret; deplore; be ashamed | 抱歉
phøxkhiarm | be sorry; apologetic | 抱歉
siøkhiarmzex | to mutually owe a debt of gratitude (wife and husband) | 相欠債
tøxkhiarm | apologize | 道歉

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