"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khiaux

chitkhiaux | the seven apertures in the human head; seven apertures in human head; eyes; ears; nostrils; mouth | 七竅
gvofkhiaux | five sense organs (ears; eyes; lips; nose; heart) | 五竅
itkhiaux-putthofng | quite stupid; completely ignorant; find a way of doing anything | 一竅無通
khaikhiaux | open up one's mind; get set straight; begin to acquire understanding | 開竅
khiaokhiaux | hold up; bend | 翹翹
khiaux | outstanding; to raise; cock up; to rise (e.g.; one end of a seesaw) | 翹; 竅; 撅
khiaux`khylaai | rise (as the tail of a peacock or one end of a seesaw); stand erect | 翹起來
khofngkhakhiaux | the table lack of a leg; unable to stand firm | 抗腳翹; 桌椅缺一腳無穩
khoxngkhakhiaux | on somebody's head; furniture not sitting level; it totters | 鞏腳翹; 四腳朝天; 桌椅無穩
khuikhiaux | to open one's eyes to; (of a girl) to start getting sex-conscious; to reach puberty; start getting sex conscious; begin to acquire understanding | 開竅
kikhiaux | alertness; quick wits; ready responsiveness; skillful; tacts | 機智
lengkhiaux | wit; intelligence | 靈竅; 伶敏
piernkhiaux | adapt to circumstances | 變竅
sie-khiaokhiaux | dead and rigid | 死翹翹
zhuietuun khiaokhiaux | upper lip naturally turned up (angry) | 嘴唇翹翹的; (生氣的樣子)
zhwkhiaux | to manipulate things for selfish purpose, to take advantage of others | 取巧
zørkhiaux | play tricks | 做竅

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