"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khiaw

atkhiaw | bend | 壓價; 使曲
awkhiaw | bent; curved; bend crooked | 拗曲; 折彎,折曲; 彎曲
bø'oafn bøkhiaw | truthful and straightforward | 無彎無曲; 坦白率直
chiwkhiaw | elbow; manus; elbow | 手肘; 手曲
khakhiaw | knee | 跤曲; 膝蓋
khiaukhiaw | rather crooked | 扭曲; 扭曲,彎曲
khiaw | crooked; bent | 曲; 翹
khiaw`khix | dead | 死去; 翹去
khiawbiau | ingenious; skillful; clever | 巧妙
khiawchiaux | smile | 巧笑
khiawkhiao | smart | 巧巧; 聰明靈巧
khiawkhix | clever | 聰明; 巧氣
khiawkud | nimble; shrewd | 巧骨; 敏捷
khiawlo | elaborate | 巧路; 工夫; 別緻; 新巧; 精巧
khiawpien | specious argument | 巧辯
khiawsiin | very real and life-like | 巧神; 聰慧相
khiawzax | artful; deceiving | 巧詐
khikhiaw | to (deliberately) make things difficult for others | 刁難; 敧曲
koankhiaw | stilts | 高蹺
liongkud oankhiaw | curvature of the spine | 脊椎骨彎曲
oan'oafn khiaukhiaw | something is very crooked (a person is) deceitful | 彎彎曲曲
oankhiaw | crooked; convoluted; devious; be curved | 彎曲
oankhiaw`ee | crooked | 彎曲的
oorkefkhiaw | Taiwanese taro pastry | 芋粿曲
oxkefkhiaw | Taiwanese taro pastry | 芋粿曲
oxkhiaw | Taiwanese taro pastry | 芋曲
oxkoefkhiaw | Taiwanese taro pastry | 芋粿曲
oxkøea-khiaw | taro cake | 芋粿曲; 加太白粉製的芋糕
pengkhiaw | ice sledge | 冰橇
sekkhiaw | custard apple | 釋迦; 釋迦果; (水果)
svazatkhiaw | winding; crooked; curved | 三節曲; 彎彎曲曲
svazatlagkhiaw | three sections with 6 melodies | 三節六曲
sykhiaukhiaw | dead | 死曲曲
taqkhakhiaw | walking on stilts | 踏跤蹺
taqkhiaw | walk on stilts | 踏蹺; 踩高蹺
taxkhiaw | walk on stilts | 踏蹺
ud hof khiaw | bend something to a certain angle | 使彎曲
utkhiaw | to bend | 鬱曲; 彎曲

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