"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khiax

chimkhiaxm | to fall short of; to have a deficit; deficit; deficiency; in deep debt; embezzle | 侵欠; 虧欠
hakhiaxm | yawn | 呵欠
huihkhiaxm | anemia | 血缺; 貧血
huxkhiaxm | owe debts | 負欠
ixn laang khaq-zharm khiaxm laang | You have to keep your word. (Lit. To promise someone something is more serious than for someone to owe you a debt.) | 答應他人比欠他人更嚴重
khahkhiaxm | less | 較欠
khehkhiaxm | be in want; deficient | 欠缺
khiarmkhiaxm | somehow lack of | 欠欠; 缺缺
khiaxbaai | raise eyebrows | 無悅; 豎眉
khiaxbefsex | half squat | 徛馬勢
khiaxbefsix | half squat | 徛馬勢
khiaxchiw | autumn rainy season | 豎秋; 徛秋; 雨季; 秋季雨季
khiaxciah | eat upright | 豎吃
khiaxgøo | penguin | 豎鵝
khiaxhax | set up an altar in mourning | 豎孝; 喪祭; 祭奠
khiaxhofng | keep watch (during a clandestine activity); be on the lookout | 把風; 站崗; 豎風
khiaxjinpeeng | the ninth radical | 騎字爿; 人部; (部首)
khiaxkef | take up residence; residence; dwelling | 住家; 徛家; 住宅; 豎家
khiaxkhaf | stay at; stopover at | 住跤; 歇跤; 逗留
khiaxkhia | erected, standing | 站站
khiaxkhie | residence; inhabitation; dwell; dwell; reside; to deal with affairs; take part in society | 居住; 徛起; 豎起; 處事為人
khiaxkhiim | harp, harpsichord | 站琴; 豎琴; 大鍵琴
khiaxkhuxn | sleep while standing | 站睏; 站著打盹兒
khiaxkhuy | stand on the side | 站開
khiaxkii | place a flag | 豎旗
khiaxkoong | strong upright bar; fastened inside of a door | 豎槓; 豎閂
khiaxkor | have a share in a business | 認股; 立股份; 豎股
khiaxleeng | set up ancients symbol; deceased tablet | 豎靈; 徛靈; 立靈位; 燔祭
khiaxlym | saving water | 豎飲
khiaxm Bitafmirn | vitamin deficiency | 欠維他命
khiaxm cidee kui | do everything but kneel (said of very urgent entreaty) | 欠一個跪
khiaxm cidkhaf | short one hand (for some game or gambling) | 欠一人
khiaxm cidkui | do everything but kneel (said of very urgent entreaty) | 欠一跪
khiaxm kiafmtiarm | careless; wanting in method or decorum | 欠檢點
khiaxm zuyhwn | dehydrated | 缺水份
khiaxm | owe; owe (money); deficient; be missing | 欠; 缺少
khiaxm'eng | frugal; provident | 儉用
khiaxm'iog | frugal, saving, thrifty | 儉約; 節約
khiaxm'iong | be careful with one's spending; frugal; thrifty | 儉用
khiaxm`laang | owe people | 欠人; 負債
khiaxmciah | save money on food | 儉食; 省吃
khiaxmciah-liafmzheng | economize on clothing and food; live a frugal life | 儉吃儉穿
khiaxmcvii | save money | 儉錢
khiaxmiaa | sign (a signature); affix signature | 署名; 具名; 豎名
khiaxmkhiaam | economical, thrifty, money saving | 儉儉
khiaxmkhiam | economical, thrifty, money saving | 儉儉
khiaxmkhiam'ar eng | frugal | 儉儉仔用
khiaxmliarm | very sparing in what one uses | 節斂
khiaxmphog | plain, simple, frugal | 省樸; 儉樸
khiaxmtngg-nehto | frugal | 儉腸凹肚; 省吃儉用
khiaxmtngnehto | frugal | 儉腸凹肚
khiaxmzheng | save money on clothes | 儉穿; 穿得省儉
khiaxmzhuix | moderate in eating | 省吃; 儉嘴
khiaxng | staving; be good (clever) at | 棒; 勥; 強; 能幹; 能力強; 精明; 善於
khiaxngg | turn yellow, wither (plants) | 徛黃
khiaxniuu | placing a column | 立樑; 豎樑
khiaxoar | stand closer | 豎倚
khiaxoexpefng | guards; male standing infront of female dooms waiting | 徛衛兵
khiaxpaai | set up a head-stone (at a grave); put up a notice board | 豎牌; 立牌; 立牌子
khiaxphiøx | standing ticket | 徛票
khiaxpiin | screen; standing screen (as at doorway) | 豎屏; 徛屏; 屏風
khiaxpy | set up a stone monument with an inscription | 立碑; 豎碑
khiaxsiarm | stay away | 站開; 豎閃
khiaxsietheeng | stand upside down | 豎死挺; 倒立
khiaxsiu | to prepare coffin when one is still alive; prepare a coffin for oneself during life | 豎壽; 未逝前先備好的棺木
khiaxsiuu | tread water; tread water | 徛泅; 立泳; 踩水; 豎泅
khiaxsngx | about; around; approximately | 徛算; 約莫; 豎算
khiaxsym | spin in one place as a top, stand motionless | 站心
khiaxtengkøf | setup bamboo lantern for lunar July ceremony | 徛燈篙
khiaxteq khuxn | sleep standing up | 站著睡; 豎睡
khiaxthaau | first place | 徛頭
khiaxtheeng | stand erect | 站挺; 倒立; 豎直
khiaxthengtheeng | stand up straight | 徛騰騰
khiaxthiau | place a column | 豎柱; 立柱子
khiaxtiaau | stand still | 站住; 豎條
khiaxtit | stand erect | 站挺; 豎直
khiaxtuu | shelf | 立櫥; 立櫃; 豎櫥
khiaxuii | place a mast | 豎桅
khiaxzaang | ripe on the tree; secure | 豎叢; 妥當; 在樹上熟的果子
khiaxzai | stand firmly | 站穩; 豎在
khiaxzefng | grandfather clock | 立鐘; 豎鐘
khiaxzhear | marked with x as a rejection sign | 徛叉仔
khiaxzhux | reside; be a resident (of) | 徛厝; 住家; 豎厝
khiaxzoa | vertical line | 豎行; 直行列
khiaxzvea'oong | person who likes sophism | 強辯者; 豎諍王
khiaxzøee | standing in rows | 豎齊; 排整齊
khiukhiuu-khiaxmkhiam | hard working and thrifty during one's life | 虯虯儉儉; 勤苦節儉
khoatkhiaxm | defect; shortcoming | 缺欠
khoehkhiaxm | be in want; deficient | 缺少; 需要; 缺欠
khuikhiaxm | deficit; deficiency; insufficiency; failing; lacking; under obligation; have deficit; be in arrears | 虧欠
khøehkhiaxm | be in want, want, need | 缺欠; 欠缺
kietkhiaxm | to owe after settlement of accounts; to remain or continue in debt | 結欠
ko'khiaxzhux | solitary house; isolated dwelling | 孤徛厝; 獨門獨戶
phvae-khiaxkhie | stumped; hard to come by | 歹豎起; 難住
phøxkhiaxm | be sorry, apologetic | 抱歉
pofkhiaxm | to make up for the loss | 補欠
pvypvykhiaxkhia | flat and niche | 扁扁徛徛
sefngciah khiaxm'iong | frugal and thrifty; practice austerity in every respect | 省吃儉用
siakhiaxm | be in debt for goods bought on credit | 賒欠
siangkhiaxjiin | the 60th radical | 狼心人 [*]
siøkhiaxm | owe | 相欠
tengkhiaxw | heliotrope | 燈徛杇; 天芥菜
thoakhiaxm | to delay in paying a debt; to to fall in arrears; to delay too long in paying a debt | 拖欠
toafnkhiaxm | short of | 短欠

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