"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khiefn

guphvixkhiefn | bull nose ring | 牛鼻圈
hofhu buu khiefnzuo | no laggard among the children of a brave or talented man (tiger father will not beget dog son) | 虎父無犬子
khiefn ciøqthaau | throw stone | 擲石頭; 投石頭
khiefn thaukhag | hit head with knuckles or rocks | 擲頭殼; 用食指與中指, 或石頭打頭部
khiefn | hinge; feather; cleat | 栓; 掔; 擲; 拋; 打
khiefn`khix | to fling away | 擲去
khiefncioxng | send generals (to battle) | 遣將
khiefnhoaan | send back (a person) | 遣還
khiefnhoarn | send back; send home | 遣返
khiefnhoee | send back (a person) | 遣回
khiefnkhie | canine tooth | 犬齒
khiefnmar cy løo | labor of a dog or a horse (literally) ─ one's own work; I have merely rendered you the services of a dog or of a horse (depreciatory phrase) | 犬馬之勞
khiefnphaix | send forward; dispatch; mission; assignment | 派遣; 遣派
khiefnsaehoe | CM: Cong. Miss. (Lazarists) | 遣使會
khiefnsaix | dispatch an envoy | 遣使
khiefnsaxn | dismiss; dispatch an envoy | 遣散
khiefnsaxng | repatriate; send back; send away; to escort | 遣送
khiefnzeg | denounced | 譴責
khienkhiefn`leq | throw them away | 丟丟咧; 掔掔咧
khukhiefn | to restrain; to feel not at home; restrained | 拘束; 拘牽
liongsym khiefnzeg | feel the pricks of conscience; have a guilty conscience | 良心譴責
liwafkhiefn | button; fastener | 鈕仔栓
mngkhiefn | gate knocker; metal ring on a door used as handle and knocker | 門環; 門圈; 門上把環
phikhiefn | shawl | 披肩; 披?
siawkhiefn'ar | puppy; conventional phrase for my son | 小犬仔
tegkhiefntui | naval task force | 特遣隊
toaxkhiefn | large; big; great; (round things) | 大的; (圓形的東西)

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