"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khim

ikoafn-khimsiux | gentleman in appearance but beast in conduct; wolf in a sheep's skin | 衣冠禽獸
khim'ie | piano chair | 琴椅
khimbeng | imperial order; imperial emissary | 欽命
khimbo | envy; admire look up to | 欽慕
khimchiog | arrest; to capture | 擒捉
khimgiorng | look up to; admire and respect | 欽仰; 敬仰
khimhefng | chest muscle or breast (of birds; chicken; duck) | 襟胸; 禽之胸部
khimhek | arrest; to capture | 擒獲
khimhieen | chord; string | 琴絃
khimhoan | impunity | 欽犯
khimhok | adore; respect; reverence | 欽服
khimkexng | admire and respect | 欽敬; 敬仰
khimkien | key | 琴鍵
khimliah | catch ; arrest | 擒捉
khimnafsut | method (technique) of arrest | 擒拿術 (法)
khimnar | nabb; arrest; to capture | 擒拿
khimoaa | deceive | 欺瞞
khimofciq | emotion; mood | 奇檬子; 心情; 源自日語きもち(kimochi); 日語漢字為「氣持ち」
khimphoex | admire, respect, admiration | 欽佩
khimphor | score for lute; guitar; piano; other stringed instruments | 琴譜
khimpo | arrest; to capture | 擒捕
khimpoe | admiration; admire; think well of; respect; to agree with heartily; think highly of | 欽佩
khimpoex | admire, respect, admiration | 欽佩
khimsaix | ambassador | 欽使; 大使
khimseg | lute together with a horizontal musical instrument; married couple | 琴瑟
khimseg-cy-lok | pleasures of married life | 琴瑟之樂
khimseg-høbeeng | marital harmony; conjugal bliss | 琴瑟和鳴
khimseg-puttiaw | lutes are out of tune ─ discord between husband and wife | 琴瑟無調
khimseg-tiauhøo | lutes are in harmony ─ felicity of husband and wife | 琴瑟調和
khimsiux | fur and feather; animal; birds and beasts | 禽獸
khimsiux-putjuu | worse than beasts (said of those devoid of moral principles and sense of shame) worse than beasts; bestial | 禽獸無如
khimsux | gift from the throne | 欽賜
khimsviaf | tweedle | 琴聲
khimsvoax | instrument strings; strings of any musical instrument | 琴線
khimteng | granted; ordered; approved by His Majesty; compiled and published by imperial order (books); (books) complied or edited by the emperor | 欽定
khimzhat siefn khim'oong | If you want to capture a group of bandits; capture the ringleader first. ─ Stress what should be done first. First things first | 擒賊先擒王
khimzhef | imperial envoy; commissioner; ambassador | 欽差
khimzoong | adore (the supreme God) | 欽崇
kngrkhimkaf | pianist | 鋼琴家
thekhimchiuo | a violinist | 提琴手
tikao-khimsiux | pigs, dogs, and beasts; bestial person | 豬狗禽獸
tikawkhimsiux | birds and beasts, bestial person | 豬狗禽獸
tuiebixnkhim'ar | opposite lapel | 對面襟仔
tuiekhim'afsvaf | collars | 對襟仔衫
tuiekhim'ar | collars | 對襟仔
zuxkhim | conceited | 自負; 自矜

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