"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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ciofngzok khinsi | racial discrimination | 種族歧視
cviaa-khinsafng | very confortable, fresh, relaxed, free | 很輕鬆; 誠輕鬆
khaq-khinlat | using less strength | 較輕力; 輕點力
khin'giin | aluminum | 輕銀
khin'guun | aluminum | 輕銀
khin'i | easily | 輕易
khin'vi | easily | 輕易
khin'ym | light tone | 輕音
khinbiern | diligent; hardworking; industrious | 勤勉
khinbu | be employed; work; serve; employment; service; service; a work; work for (as an office or company) | 勤務; 工作; 服務
khinbu-sikafn | business (office) hours; on duty | 勤務時間; 上班時間
khinbuxpefng | orderly | 勤務兵
khinbuxtiofng | business (office) hours; on duty | 勤務中
khinchiuo | careful and gentle in doing fine hand-work | 輕手
khinchixn | thing which weighs lighter than its appearance | 輕秤; 重量輕
khingiin | aluminum | 輕銀; 鋁
khinhak | study hard; diligent; study diligently | 勤學
khinheeng | light punishment | 輕刑
khinihneq | quinine | 奎寧
khinjiuu | tender | 輕柔
khinkhiam | diligence and frugality; diligent and economical | 勤儉
khinkhiangkiøx | sound of bowl and dish colliding | 輕鏗叫; 碗盤相碰聲
khinkhiekiuu | balloon | 輕氣球
khinkhiin | deligent, hard working, industrious | 勤勤; 勤勉
khinkhin'ar | gently; lightly | 輕輕仔
khinkhinsangsafng | easily | 輕輕鬆鬆
khinkhix | hydrogen | 輕氣; 氫氣
khinkhoaix | obligingly; readily induced to help or to do a favor; willing to help; nimble; sprightly; agile | 勤快
khinkhor | very diligent and laborious | 勤苦
khinkhoxngkiøx | sound of heavy things colliding | 鏗鏘叫; 重物碰撞聲
khinkhurn | earnest and assiduous | 勤懇
khinkhyn | lightness | 輕輕
khinkhyn-khongkhofng | sound of bowl and dish colliding | 輕輕空空; 碗盤相碰聲
khinkhyn-khoxngkhong | sound of a weight colliding | 輕輕誆誆; 重物碰撞聲
khinkhør | easy, light work | 輕許; 輕易
khinkimsiok | light metals | 輕金屬
khinkirn | diligent and careful | 勤謹
khinkizhexng | light machine gun | 輕機槍
khinkofng | konghu | 輕功
khinlai | few interest | 輕利; 利息輕
khinlat | lightly; soft power | 輕力
khinlioxngkib | lightweight (in boxing) | 輕量級
khinliuu | tender | 輕柔
khinløo | industry; hard-working; labor sedulously; to toil | 勤勞
khinniwsviuo | light for its size | 輕兩賞; 輕極了
khinpien | light | 輕便
khinpiet | despise, to look down on | 輕別; 輕視
khinpøh | frivolous and shallow (in manner); small and light (objects) | 輕薄
khinsafng | fresh; relaxed; free; relaxed; comfortable; easy (as a job or business) | 輕鬆
khinsaux | slight cough | 輕嗽; 輕度咳嗽
khinsi | disdain; esteem lightly; despise; look down upon | 輕視; 歧視; 看無起; 輕蔑
khinsiofng | lightly wounded; minor injuries; minor; slight injury | 輕傷
khinsixn | believe without consideration; believe readily | 輕信
khinsviaf | soft voice; neutral tone (in phonetics of Mandarin and many other Chinese dialects) | 輕聲
khinsviaf-seasoeq | quiet; gentle voice | 輕聲細語
khinsviaseasoeq | speak softly | 輕聲細說
khinsviasoeaseq | speak softly | 輕聲細說
khinsyn | light body | 輕身; 毫無掛慮; 身體輕
khintang | importance; light and heavy; important and unimportant; weight or importance (in general or in the abstract) | 輕重; 重量; 慾望
khinthak | deligent in study; study diligently | 勤讀
khinthvafthvar | light in weight | 輕極了
khinto | little degree | 輕度
khinzexng | benign disease | 輕症
khinzhaezw | chopped celery | 芹菜珠
khinzhaix | celery | 芹菜
khinzoe | venial sin | 輕罪
svoakhinzhaix | mountain celery | 山芹菜
taxngkhinthaau | imbalance; irrational or mentally deranged | 重輕頭
tiongkhin'aebiin | loyalty and love for the people | 忠勤愛民
zaikhintang | know the priorities | 知輕重
zay khintang | know the seriousness of a matter; knowing the affairs of another person; sympathetic | 知輕重; 善解人意; 了解事情的輕重
zay-khintang | know the seriousness of a matter; knowing the affairs of another person; sympathetic | 知輕重; 善解人意; 了解事情的輕重
zoankhinciorng | full attendance award | 全勤獎

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