"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khit

gokhitefng | nail that looks like the mouth of a leech or u-shaped; has two heads | 蜈蜞釘; 水蛭釘
gukhit | hitching post to tie up cows | 牛杙; 繫牛之小木柱
gvokhitefng | ㄇ shape nail | 蜈蜞釘
iøboea khitliin | wag the tail and court favors--to fawn and be obsequious | 搖尾乞憐
kawsviaf khitciaqaau | terrible singing (Lit. a dog's voice and a beggar's throat) | 狗聲乞食喉; 唱歌音色難聽
khidkhit | gruel, thick | 粥糊
khit | stake; post; piles | 樁; 煡; 栓; 杙; 煮(漿糊); 札
khit'ho | pray for rain; Usually farmers pray to Thi-kong for rain in mourning clothes; the magistrate of that prefectures has to join the rite; also in mourning | 乞雨; 祈雨
khit'høea | start fire | 吸火; 戛火; 發火
khit'wn | beg a favor | 求恩
khitciah kvoar biøxkofng | A homeless beggar expelled the superior of the Buddhist temple in which he asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is asked for a night's lodging ─ usurp what is other's. The camel got his head into the tent | 乞丐趕廟公; 鳩佔鵲巢
khitciah | beggar; Lit. beg-for-food; beggar | 乞食; 乞丐
khitciaqkhiim | stringed instrument | 乞食琴
khitciaqkud | lazy man unwilling to work only eat all day long | 乞食骨; 只吃無肯工作的人
khitciaqliaau | beggar's hut | 乞丐寮
khitciaqmia | poor man like a beggar | 乞食命; 當乞丐的命運
khitciaqpøo | woman beggar | 乞食婆; 女乞丐
khitciaqsvy | born as a beggar | 乞食生; 乞食樣子
khitciaqthaau | head of a beggar band | 乞丐頭
khitciaqtiau | to sing a bad sounding song (Lit. the sound or song of a beggar) | 乞食調
khitciaqviaa | beggar's camp | 乞食營; 乞丐收容所
khitkar | beg for vacation | 乞假
khitkiuu | entreat; supplicate | 乞求; 乞求,求乞
khitkw | kind of blessing activity held during the festival | 乞龜
khitliin | to beg for mercy | 乞人
khittai | beg for merchant | 乞貸
khitthør | entreat the god for | 乞討; 祈求; 祈禱
khitzuie | custom of going to get water and washing the body of a person who has just died in the family | 乞水; (人死其家人到河邊求乞水來為死人淨身)
zhakhit | wooden post; tent peg | 柴樁; 柴杙; 木栓(樁)
zoex-khitciah | as a bagger | 做乞食
økhit | oyster breed on a stick | 蚵杙; 使蚵子繁殖用的竹條

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