"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Lamkegkhoaan | Antarctic Circle | 南極圈
Pakkegkhoaan | Arctic Circle | 北極圈
budkhoaan | right of ownership to things; articles or objects | 物權
chiwkhoaan | bracelet; bracelet | 手環; 手鐲
ciarmkhoaan | usurpation of power; ultravires | 僭權
cibkhoaan | centralization | 集權
ciofngkhoaan | take power | 掌權
citkhoaan | authority | 職權
gegkhoaan | jade bracelet | 玉環
ginkhoaan | silver bracelet; silver circle | 銀環
hangkhoaan | air traffic rights | 航權
hiet'ek-sunkhoaan | blood circulation | 血液循環
hixkhoaan | ear ring | 耳環
hoekhoaan | a wreath, a garland | 花環
hoeq ee sunkhoaan | blood circulation | 血的循環
hviukhoaan | incense coil | 香環
hvixkhoaan | earrings | 耳環
jinkhoaan | human right | 人權
kafm'erngkhoaan | induction coil | 感應圈
khakhoaan | beriberi; ornamental ring worn around the ankle | 腳環
khiekhoaan | abstain | 棄權
khoaan | fist; boxing; finger-guessing | 拳; 環; 鐶; 圈; 盤; 惓
khoankhoaan | links in a chain; multiple loops | 環環
kimkhoaan | golden ring; golden bracelet | 金環; 金手鐲
kiongkhoaan | power | 強權
kiuosefng-khoaan | life preserver | 救生員; 救生圈
kiuosengkhoaan | lifesaver; life belt (buoy); lifesaver | 救生圈
kngkhoaan | shutter of a camera; diaphragm; aperture | 光圈; 靈光
kofkhoaan | equity | 股權
lafngkhoaan | hold the power | 攏權
lagkhoaan | hold the power | 搦權
laixkhoaan | hub, nave (of wheel) | 內殿; 輪軸; 教堂中殿
lienkhoaan | chain; links; connected together; interlocked rings (like those of a chain) | 連環
lienkhoaan-to'oe | pictorial; story in series; comics; comic strip | 連環圖畫
linkhoaan | human rights | 人權
mngkhoaan | a knocker | 門環
pafnkhoaan | copy right | 版權
parkhoaan | hegemony | 霸權
phvixkhoaan | nose ring | 鼻環
pvoarkhoaan | semi-circle, semi-circular | 半環
pvykhoaan | wrist jewlry | 扁環; 扁手環
saxng hoekhoaan | send a wreath | 送花圈
serngzuxzwkhoaan | sexual autonomy | 性自主權
siangkhoaan | two rings | 雙環
siangsunkhoaan | round robin (in sports competition) | 雙循環
siuxkhoaan | authorize | 授權
soafnchiwkhoaan | contestant rights | 選手權
sofiwkhoaan | ownership | 所有權
sorngkhoaan | bereavement | 喪權
sunkhoaan hexthorng | circulatory system of the blood | 循環系統
sunkhoaan | circulation; circulate; rotate | 循環
svoarkhoaan | coil | 線圈
tangkhoaan | copper ring | 銅環
tegkhoaan | privilege | 特權
tiaokhoaan | gymnast rings | 吊環
toaxkhoaan | large circle | 大環
tukhoaan | stripped off the power | 除權
uikhoaan | authoritarian | 威權
vikhoaan | circle; traffic circle; circle; a ring | 圓環
zeakhoaan | debt | 債權
zerngkhoaan | regime | 政權
zoankhoaan | monopoly | 專權
zukhoaan | bead ring | 珠環
zwkhoaan | sovereignty | 主權
zwkhorngkhoaan | master control | 主控權
zwkiongkhoaan | the ring, a contraceptive device, an IUD | 子宮環

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