"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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hoxsiong khoan'ioong | forbearing toward one another | 互相寬容
jidkhoansit | annular eclipse of the sun | 日環蝕
khoan'afsi | to do it slowly | 構構來
khoan'an | allow further delay, give some more time | 寬延; 寬限
khoan'eg | right arising from ownership | 權益
khoan'ieen | to postpone | 寬延
khoan'ii | relaxed; not tense | 寬弛
khoan'ioong | to forgive; to excuse; lenient; tolerant; tolerance; liberality | 寬容
khoan'iu | forgive | 寬宥
khoan'iuu seakaix | take a round-the-world tour; circle the globe | 環遊世界
khoan'oan | to extend a time limit and slow it down or even put it off | 寬緩
khoan'uie | to comfort, consolation | 寬慰
khoan'uix | to comfort | 寬慰
khoan'y | loosen clothing, remove one's coat (to relax) | 寬衣
khoanbiern sernggoan | dispense from a vow (Catholic) | 寬免聖愿
khoanbiern | to exempt (from a tax; penalty; etc.); forgiven; forgive generously; give a dispensation; to exempt (from a tax; penalty) | 寬免
khoanciaxm | to draw circles and occupy | 圈占
khoancied | segment | 環節
khoanhae | along the coast; within the encircling seas | 環海
khoanhan | to extend a time limit; a moratorium; allow further delay (for work or payment) | 寬限
khoanho | lenient; generous; kind | 寬厚
khoanhoaai | to open mind | 寬懷
khoanhoong | open-hearted; broad-minded; magnanimous; benignant | 寬宏
khoanhoong-taixliong | magnanimous; open-hearted; broad-minded | 寬宏大量
khoanjiaau | surround | 環繞
khoanjiao | revolve round; to circle; to move round; surround | 環繞
khoanjiin | kindness; clemency; generosity | 寬仁
khoanju | well-to-do; well-off; plenty | 寬裕
khoankerng | surrounding; environment; circumstance | 環境
khoankhoaan | links in a chain; multiple loops | 環環
khoankhoaq | spacious; expanse; wide; roomy; wide | 寬闊
khoankii | to extend a time limit; a moratorium | 寬限; 寬期
khoankiuu | global; worldwide; throughout the world; universal | 環球
khoankiuu-lyheeng | travel around the world | 環球旅行
khoankorng | vast; broad; spacious; extensive; wide | 寬廣
khoankud | a hip bone; an innominate bone | 髖骨
khoanlai | within the circle | 圈內
khoanlek | power, authority | 權力
khoanliong | (reach) an understanding | 寬諒; 原諒; 諒解
khoanpex | spacious | 寬蔽
khoanpiin | broadband | 寬頻
khoanpør | environment | 環保
khoanpør-buxntøee | Environmental Protection Issue | 環保問題
khoansex | powers and influence | 權勢
khoansiax | forgive; pardon | 寬赦
khoansoarn | to select with a circle; to select; cast a vote by stamping a small circle above the candidate's name. Usually all the candidates names are listed on the ballot together with their pictures | 圈選
khoansu | to excuse, to pardon, to forgive | 寬恕
khoansux | pardon; condonation; forgive; to pardon; forgiveness | 寬恕
khoansym | to feel at rest; to set one's mind at ease; to feel free from anxiety | 寬心
khoantai | generous; lenient; magnanimous; generosity; magnanimity; roomy; wide; lenient; generous; liberal | 寬大
khoantai-busw | forgiving; tolerant; open-hearted | 寬大無私
khoanthai | treat generously | 寬待
khoanthøx | trap; snare; a framed affair; snare or noose | 圈套
khoantiang | scepter of authority | 權杖
khoantiarm | to mark (a passage) with circles and dots | 圈點
khoanto | width | 寬度
khoantoa | leniency | 寬大
khoantor | a roundabout | 環島
khoantøee | donation question | 捐題
khoantør | go around an island (by boat or car) | 環島
khoantør-lyheeng | make a tour of the island | 環島旅行
kiuu khoanbiern | ask for a dispensation (Catholic) | 求寬免
lienkhoankex | plan that affects two or more objects successively; a coup within a coup | 連環計
lienkhoantoo | comic books | 連環圖
løh khoanthøx | be trapped or swindled | 落圈套
sek'exng khoankerng | adapt oneself to the environment | 適應環境
seng'oaqkhoanlai | in the life circle | 生活圈內
siangsunkhoanzex | round robin | 雙循環制
siaxhoe khoankerng | social environment | 社會環境
sied khoanthøx | set a snare | 設圈套
sunkhoankii | cycle | 循環期
sunkhoansaix | round robin; league tournament | 循環賽
suxn'exng khoankerng | adapt with one's environment | 順應環境
tansunkhoanzex | single robin (in sports) as distinct from round robin | 單循環制

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