"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Ciaukhoef | a city in Yilan County | 礁溪
Pengkhoef | a city in Taipei County | 平溪
Tohkhoef | a city in Hualien County | 卓溪
boefkhoex | sales contract, agreement of sale | 買契
chit'afkhoef | drug store cowboy; girl watcher; stagedoor Johnny; gigolo | 七仔花; 喜歡玩弄女人的人
chiørkhoef | joke; jest; jocularity; comical; a comic or comedian; Nonsense! | 笑詼; 喜劇的; 滑稽
ciab y ee khoeq | fill the vacancy left by him; succeed him | 接他的缺
ciapkhoeq | succeed in office | 接缺
citkhoeq | vacancies | 職缺
ciøfkhoeq | quite a few; very abundant; very numerous sometimes said somewhat ironically (Lit. few deficient) | 少缺; 多的是
hoakhoef | the most popular courtesan; a famous prostitute | 花魁; 名妓
høkhoef | høkhef | 河溪
kauxkhoehaai | troublesome | 毛病多; 厚詼頦
khangkhoeq | vacancy | 空缺
khangkhoex | job; task; work | 工作
khiarmkhoeq | be in want; deficient | 欠缺
khoe'uie | tall and strong | 魁徫
khoeabuo | foster mother | 契母
khoeachiuo | rest one's elbow on | 擱手
khoeafkvii | river bank | 溪仔墘
khoeahviaf | married woman’s lover | 契兄
khoeaiog | contract | 契約
khoeakhaf | rest the leg (on a chair; footstool; table) | 擱腿
khoeakviar | adopted son | 契囝
khoeape | relationship somewhat like that of godparents When a child is born under bad luck or has the fate of being given as an adopted child; according to fortune-tellers; his parents ask someone to be formally the adoptive parents of the child. Then the kh | 乾爹; 契父
khoear | stream | 溪仔
khoechiuo | deformed or paralyzed arms (hands) | 瘸手; 手癱瘓
khoee | deformed or paralyzed hands or feet | 瘸; 癱瘓
khoef | river; stream; rivulet (bigger than kau) | 溪
khoegoo | tlaa and robust; husky | 魁梧
khoeh | pull out; take family along | 挈
khoehaai | look for problems; active | 毛病多; 動作多
khoehkhiaxm | be in want; deficient | 缺少; 需要; 缺欠
khoehoaai | funny | 詼頦
khoehok | restore, recover, recovery | 恢復
khoekaw | stream | 溪溝
khoekhaf | deformed or paralyzed foot (leg) | 瘸腿
khoekhaf-phoarsviux | maimed; greatly deformed | 瘸腳瘸手; 殘障
khoekhoee | action un-nimble | 瘸瘸; 動作無靈活
khoekøar | stream fish in Taiwan | 溪哥仔
khoelaau | stream | 溪流
khoepof | river bank | 溪埔
khoeq | be crowded; push (jostle) one another; to press (oil; sugar); lack | 擠; 搾; 缺
khoesiefn | blandishment; tease someone | 詼仙; 用花言巧語來佔人便宜
khoesiuo | first on the list of successful candidates in the former civil service examination; leader; chief; head | 魁首
khoesoea | satirize; ridicule; mock | 稽洗; 含沙射影; 譏諷
khoesvix | fan; a fan (made of palm-leaf) | 扇子; 葵扇
khoex khaf | rest your feet | 架跤
khoex thaukhag | rest the head (on a pillow; table; edge) | 擱頭殼
khoex | rest on; to lay a long object against a support; lay a long object down on two supporting points | 靠; 放
khoezuie | stream | 溪水
kngrkhoef | steel helmet | 鋼盔
kofngchiørkhoef | tell a joke | 講笑詼
kuipakhoea | belly full of anger/fire | 閤腹火; 暴怒
liaau khoear | wade across stream | 蹽溪仔
phahchiørkhoef | joking | 拍笑詼
phvaykhoeq | poorly paid job; a lack | 歹缺; 無好的缺; (工作)
por y ee khoeq | fill up the vacancy left by him | 補他的缺
svaoesvakhoeq | squeeze each other | 相挨相擠
tangkhoef | bronze helmet | 銅盔
terng y ee khoeq | succeed to the place he left vacant | 頂他的缺
thaukhoef | safety helmet | 頭盔
thienborng khoekhoef | The net of Heaven stretches everywhere (its meshes are large; but nothing escapes) ─ Nobody escapes the judgment of Heaven The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow; but they grind exceedingly fine | 天網恢恢
thøfkhoeahviaf | wife who has an affair | 討契兄
tiekhoef | put on a helmet | 智盔; 戴盔
zhankhoex | farm deed | 田契
zhuokhoex | house contract | 厝契
zoafkhoesvix | paper fan | 紙詼扇
zoar-khoesvix | paper fan | 紙詼扇
zoexkhoef | main figure of a criminal gang; chief offender; ringleader | 罪魁
zokhoex | make it not effective | 作廢

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