"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

Search results for: khog

auxkhog | back of the head | 後酷; 後擴; 後腦殼; 額都突出
ciwkhog | pouring measure | 酒觳; 量酒器
exkhog | mandible (the lower jaw) | 下顎
giamkhog | cruel; unrelenting; strict and ruthless; cruel | 嚴酷
hiongkhog | thorax | 胸部; 胸廓
kankhog | to dry up, drain | 乾酷; 乾涸
khog | cry; weep; shed tears; to sob; to wail; to scream | 哭; 擴; 酷; 碰; 敲打木魚
khog'afthaau | miser | 吝嗇鬼; 鱷仔頭
khog'ar | mokugyo; wooden fish (percussion instrument) | 涸仔; 木魚
khoghii | alligator; crocodile | 鱷魚
khoghuu | crocodile | 鱷魚
khogkhogkiøx | tapping or knocking sound | 酷酷叫; 叫個無停
khogkhogpaix | bow low over and over | 酷酷拜; 拜個無停
khogkhogzoong | impetuous; rash | 酷酷奔; 亂撞; 忙碌奔波
khogkhok | without stop | 撞撞; 無停地
khogthaau | to knock the head; strike head; also implying bumbler | 碰頭; 敲頭; 撞頭
khogtiøh | hit | 硞著
khokkhog | one's forehead protruding (raised) | 凸凸; 擴擴; 凸凸的; 酷酷
khøkhog | mean; ungenerous | 苛刻; 苛酷
kiofngkhog | a cloister | 拱擴
lauxkhokkhog | extremely old | 老硞硞
lefngkhog | merciless; heartless; merciless; heartless; ruthless; cold blooded | 冷酷
liaukhog | vast and empty | 遼擴
lilikhokkhog | loose and untidy | 哩哩硞硞
lily-khokkhog | untidy | 哩哩刻刻
logkhogbea | horse | 碌硞馬
logkhogbefar | horse | 碌硞馬仔
lunkhog | scheme, general plan, design, contour, outline | 輪廓
puhiakhog | wooden scoop shell | 瓠桸觳
taf-khokkhog | dry out and harsh | 焦涸涸
takhog | dry | 焦涸
takhokkhog | very dry | 焦涸涸
teng-khokkhog | very hard and strong; so hard as to give a clear ringing sound when struck; stingy; stupid | 硬幫幫
texng-khokkhog | harsh | 釘硞硞
texngkhokkhog | hard | 𠕇硞硞
thaau khokkhog | having an unusually projecting forehead | 前額突出
thaukhog | big forehead | 頭酷
tiongkhog | exhort (a friend), give faithful counsel | 忠服; 忠告
tngzhang'afkhoghii | crocodile | 長蔥仔鱷魚
zabkhogiin | ten bucks | 十箍銀
zankhog | truculence; cruel; brutal; savage; inhuman | 殘酷
zengkhog | forehead | 前酷; 前額高突
zengkhog-auxkhog | protruding forehead and black of the head | 前酷後酷; 前額後額都突出
zhaekhog | kohlrabi | 菜擴
zhafmkhog | cruel and sadistic | 慘酷

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