"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Serngbøfkwn khuthoaan | Curia of the Legion of Mary (Catholic) | 聖母軍區團
ciwkhut'ar | dimple | 酒窩仔
kamsiu-khutjiok | willing to submit to humiliation | 甘受屈辱
khudkhut | stunted or scraggy (e.g. an ill-formed tree); bare (rocky hill) | 禿禿; 濯濯
khut'ar | small pool; puddle; hole in the ground; mud puddle | 窟仔; 洞; 池; 水窟
khut'ha | to suffer an insult; humiliation; or disgrace under someone | 屈下
khut'hok | to succumb; yield; or submit (to power; threat; etc); to give in; submission; surrender; acknowledge one's defeat | 屈服
khut'iøf | stoop | 屈腰; 蝦腰; 彎腰
khut'orng | to go forward with frustration and humiliation | 屈往
khutchiuo | railing | 屈手; 扶手
khutchiøq | curve ruler | 屈尺
khutcie | to bend the fingers | 屈指
khutcied | bending; refraction | 屈折; 曲折
khutcioong | to follow with frustration and humiliation; submission; submit to; yield to | 屈從
khutciu | to accept a job too humble for one's position or ability | 屈就
khutgiah | insufficient; lacking; deficiency; not enough; inadequate | 屈額; 凸額頭
khuthiong'iøh | anthelmintic; a drug or medicine for expelling intestinal worms | 驅蟲藥
khutii | drive out; get rid of; eliminate | 驅除
khutiogky | pursuit plane | 驅逐機
khutioglam | destroyer (naval) | 驅逐鑑; 驅逐艦
khutiok | get rid of; to drive out (bad customs; harmful insects; enemies etc.) | 驅逐
khutjiok | humiliation; disgrace; to suffer an insult; receive insults and be forced to submit to them; disgrace | 屈辱
khutke | abase oneself, humble oneself | 屈低; 自貶身分
khutkhaf | to bend the legs | 屈腳
khutkhiog | crooked; winding | 屈曲; 屈曲的
khutkie | to bend or humble oneself | 屈己
khutkioong | dour; obstinate; stubborn | 倔強
khutkiøo | arch bridge | 屈橋; 拱橋
khutkngf | refract light (physics) | 屈光
khutsiuo | to defend (a position; city; etc.) to the last man | 死守; 屈守
khutsyn | bow one's body, stoop down | 屈身; 折腰
khutsyn-karngsex | He humbled himself and came into the world | 屈身降世
khuttvar-sengciaw | confess under torture to a crime one hasn't committed | 屈打成招
khutui | a district contingent | 區隊
khutuu | to drive out; to get rid of; to eliminate | 驅除
khutviuo | a distric magistrate; headman of a ward | 區長
khutvoa | section | 區段
khutzheg | to fall; drop; or go down; on one's knees; to kneel down; kneel down | 屈膝
khutzheg-tiaupaix | kneel down and worship | 屈膝朝拜
khutzwn | condescension; take a humbler rank than one's station demands | 屈尊
khutzwn-karngsex | He humbled himself and came into the world | 屈尊降世
ko'khut | (of a person's disposition) eccentric; or idiosyncratic | 孤僻; 性情古怪
ko'khut-siaxng | unneighborly, unsociable | 孤僻樣
kokhut | without an heir, unsociable | 孤𣮈
kokhut-sexng | unneighborly, unsociable | 孤僻性
logkhutkaw | ditch | 鹿堀溝
simkvoakhut'ar | pit of the stomach; region between the ribs | 心肝骨仔
sinkhutea | bottom of the body | 身軀底
soefsengkhutharng | shower water bucket | 洗身軀桶
sykhut'afzuie | dead water | 死窟仔水
sykhut'ar | lifeless | 死氣仔
zuykhut'aflai | water cave | 水窟仔內
zuykhut'ar | small pool; puddle; hole in the ground; mud puddle | 水窟仔; 水窟
zuykhutthaau | water source | 水堀頭

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