"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Zoanciukhviw | a Taiwanese accent | 泉州腔
bøkhvii bøkhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗無吸; 無著力處; 無可依據; 無牽連
bøo khvikhip | unable to hold on to (like a big; round slippery thing); no collateral; to have no family; relatives; property on which a creditor can have a hold as security | 無鉗吸; 無可依據; 無牽連
haykhawkhviw | ocean accent | 海口腔
hefkhvii | fire tongs | 火鉗
hoefkhvii | fire tongs | 火鉗
høefkhvii | fire irons | 火鉗
khawkhviw | accent; tone of speech | 腔音; 腔調; 口腔; 口音
khvi'ar | mountain valley | 澗仔; 鉗仔; 山谷; 鉗子
khviaf | light; easy; gentle; soft; reckless; unimportant; frivolous; small in number; unstressed; neutral; soft | 輕
khvii | hang on; cling; pester | 纏; 拑; 緊纏無放; 鉗
khvii`teq | on the heels of; close behind; immediately following | 擒得; 緊跟著
khvikaw | gully; vale | 溪谷; 坑溝; 澗溝; 峽谷
khvikef | to take care of family; hardship in raising family | 顧家; 辛苦治家; 纏家
khvikhaxm | cliff | 山崖; 坑崁; 澗崖; 懸崖
khvikhiam | to be frugal; to practice austerity; to economize | 節儉; 纏儉
khvikhip | no handhold | 纏及; 依靠; 可抓之物
khvikhoo | to be frugal; to practice austerity; to economize | 依附; 節儉
khvikhor-liabzeg | to work sedulously in defiance of hardship and to stockpile as much as he (or she) can | 纏苦捏積; 費盡苦心攢錢
khvikoafn | mourning family with coffin | 纏棺; 出殯時孝男孝女捉緊棺木
khvikox | strong enough to prop up or support | 撐持; 纏顧
khvitiaau | to succeed in capturing | 擒住; 纏住
khviu | restrain the appetite from what is not agreeable | 禁; 噤; 禁食; 忌口
khviukhao tang | accent very heavy | 腔調重; 腔口重
khviukhao | dialect | 腔調; 腔口
khviutiau | accent | 腔調
khviuxsviux | cherish; treasure | 愛惜; 腔相
khviuxzhuix | restrain the appetite from what is not agreeable | 禁碎; 禁食
khviw | regional accent, dialect | 腔; 腔音
kiapkhvii | a pincer | 鉗子
kviukhvii | diligent, tireless | 薑纏; 勤勞
oexkhviw | accent | 話腔; 口音; 腔調
saikhviacvii | private or hidden money of the couples | 私奇錢
tefngkhviw lih`khuy | cleft palate | 上顎裂
teng'afkhvii | nail pliers | 釘仔鉗
thihkhvii | iron pincers | 鐵鉗
thofkhviw | local dialect, patois | 土腔
zawkhviw | out of tune | 走腔

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