"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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Bykiaau | U.S.A. citizen living abroad; U.S. resident in a foreign country; U.S.A. expatriate | 美僑
Hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
Jidkiaau | Japanese residents in a foreign country | 日僑
ciaqtaxngkiaam | strong flavor; lustful | 吃重鹹; 重口味; 好色
ciøqkiaam | sodium hydroxide | 石鹹; 石鹼
cviuokiaam | pickled vegetables; pickled | 醬菜; 醬類; 醬鹹
goaxkiaau kuliuzexng | foreign resident certificate | 外僑居留證
goaxkiaau | foreign resident; alien resident; foreign residents | 外僑
hoakiaau | overseas Chinese | 華僑
kiaam køq siab | stingy; sordid | 鹹擱澀
kiaam | salty | 鹹; 鹼
kiaam-ah'nng | salted duck egg | 鹹鴨蛋
kiaam-lienhii | salty fish; salty silver carp | 鹹鮭魚; 鹹鰱魚
kiaam-pau'ar | salty bun | 鹹包仔
kiaam-sysie | very salty | 鹹死死; 鹹極了
kiaam-tibaq | salty pork meat | 鹹豬肉
kiaam-toktog | salty | 鹹篤篤
kiaang | strong; powerful; better than | 強
kiaau | disguise; one who lives abroad; bridge; inn; to sojourn | 喬; 鯤; 翹; 僑; 蕎; 橋
kiamkiaam | salty, somewhat bitter of words | 鹹鹹
lienkiaau | forsythia | 連翹
lyafkiaam | dried plum | 李仔鹹
naixkiaam | alkali proof; alkali-resistance | 耐鹹
sipsipkiamkiaam | damp and salty | 溼溼鹹鹹
soahkiaam | add a little salt or soy sauce | 煞鹹; 加鹹
sykiaam | dead salty | 死鹹
tamkiaam | taste it is salty or not | 嘗鹹
tauxkiaam | fermented bean curd | 豆鹹
taxngkiaam | care more about salty taste | 重鹹
tiokkiaau | bamboo bridge | 竹橋
tuxkiaam | pickle, soak in brine | 燉鹹; 醃菜
uiekiaam | afraid to eat salty food | 畏鹹
zhaepofkyn borng ka kiaam | make do; put up with | 菜脯根罔咬鹹; 姑且將就
zhankiaau | farmers who got rich by farmland price jump | 田僑

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