"Hiexntai-buun" (MTL) Dictionary Search

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bwkiapphvix | motion pictures depicting the chivalry and prowess of ancient swordsmen | 武俠片
chviwkiap'axn | robbery case | 搶劫案
han liuu kiappoe | streaming with sweat | 汗流浹背
kiap | talkative | 喋; 多嘴
kiap'ar | a clamp, a clip | 夾仔; 鋏仔
kiap'axn | robbery case | 劫案; 搶劫案
kiap'hiaam | to cherish resentment | 夾嫌; 挾嫌
kiap'hiuu | warm lined coat | 夾襖; 裌裘; 襯裡式的外衣; 暖大衣
kiap'hoan | to hijack a criminal or a prisoner; criminal; culprit (of plunder pillage) | 劫犯; 搶劫的兇犯
kiap'hun | to nurse a grievance | 劫恨; 夾恨; 屈
kiap'hux zoxpiin | plunder the rich and help the poor (like Robin Hood) | 劫富助貧
kiap'hux-zoxpiin | rob the wealth to help the poor | 劫富助貧
kiap'uu | in the wake of a disaster; following a disaster | 劫餘
kiap'viaa | to hijack from a military barracks | 劫營
kiapchii | to hold someone under duress | 劫持
kiapciafm | a hairpin | 夾叉; 夾針
kiapgak | break into jail and rescue a prisoner | 劫獄
kiapgi | chivairous; chivalry | 俠義
kiapkag | an included angle | 夾壇; 夾角
kiapkheq | person dedicated to the cause of justice; fairness by fighting for the poor and oppressed | 俠客
kiapkhvii | a pincer | 鉗子
kiapkoafn | rifle a coffin | 劫棺
kiapkofng | to attack from both sides | 夾攻
kiapkvaf | break into jail and rescue a prisoner | 劫獄; 劫監
kiapky | airpiracy; hijacking; hijack a plane | 劫機
kiapliah | to plunder; to rob; to pillage | 劫掠
kiappafng | wedges; boards for supporting or pressing the sides of anything--as a fractured leg; plywood | 夾板
kiapparn | wedges; boards for supporting; pressing the sides of anything or for torturing; splint | 夾板
kiapsox | doom; bad luck; ill fortune; any fated time of terrible calamity | 劫數; 不可免的惡運
kiapsu | cavalier; practiced swordsman | 俠士
kiapsym | partition board, above and below | 夾心; 隔板
kiapsym-zexng | angina pectoris | 絞心症
kiaptaix | to smuggle, to bring secretly | 劫帶; 夾帶
kiaptoat | to plunder; to rob; to pillage | 劫奪
kiaptviar | sticks to the inside of the pan (as food when not stirred) | 結鍋; 黏鍋
kiaptø | to rob travelers on a road | 劫道
kiapzap | (v) mingle together; mix together; have two dissimilar substances mixed together | 夾雜
kiapzex | to coerce, to intimidate | 劫制
kiapzhuix | chattering needlessly and offensively | 劫嘴; 喋喋不休; 冒犯性地喋喋無休
pi kiapchii | be held as a hostage | 被劫持
samkiapparn | plywood | 三夾板; 三夾板,合板

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